Agate - Crazy Lace Agate Yellow Brown Orange Custom Size Round Smooth Stretch (8mm) Natural Gemstone Crystal Energy Bead Bracelet

Regular price $13.69

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Handmade by GypsyGemsJewelryBox

Wear the power of earth elements
Layer on colorful energy with this genuine premium stone bead bracelet. 


 C R A Z Y   L A C E   A G A T E

“The Laughter Stone”

self-confidence, mental agility, laughter, joy

focus, stability, grounding, support, encouragement,

organization, creativity, focus, inner stability, decisiveness,

happiness, authority, intellect, beliefs, independence,

rejuvenating, new beginnings, solar plexus, fire element


  • Known also as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Crazy Lace Agate is an attractive gemstone, characterized by its twisting and turning yellows, browns and oranges. 
  • It reminds people to help each other. It absorbs negative energy, cleanses and aligns the chakras and aura.
  • It aids in quick thinking, promotes organizational abilities and in seeing projects through. It stimulates the imagination, transforming ideas into action.


 U S E S

Crazy Lace Agate helps to increase one's energy and encourages concentration, so that one can stay on task and complete goals. This stone's help with focus makes it a great stone for those with ADHD. It is said this stone promotes inner stability, composure and maturity and its warm protective properties encourage security and self-confidence.

Crazy Lace Agate’s warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy.  It also promotes marital fidelity.



W E A R   O R   C A R R Y

Crazy Lace Agate is a balancing and protecting stone, believed to ward off the "evil eye," bringing joy. Crazy Lace Agate absorbs emotional pain, especially when worn as jewelry. 



 A T   W O R K

Crazy Lace Agate promotes fun and laughter. In the workplace, it unites people usually restricted to their own areas without direct communication.

E M O T I O N A L   E N E R G Y

Crazy Lace Agate’s energy is circular and flowing. It helps overcome depression and despair, elevating thoughts and attitudes. It is uplifting and increases self-esteem. It is also helpful with emotional disharmony that prevents the  acceptance of love.

Crazy Lace Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one’s own truth. Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.


M E N T A L   E N E R G Y

A stone of support and encouragement, Crazy Lace Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, analytical abilities. it elevates thought and promotes optimism.

Its graceful design, in random lacy patterns, creates a circular flow of energy that is stimulating for the mind and attitude. It promotes mental agility, liveliness, variety, and encourages flexibility in thinking and action.  Crazy Lace Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.


P H Y S I C A L   E N E R G Y

Crazy Lace Agate is believed to stimulate the digestive system and relieve gastritis. It is beneficial for the eyes, hollow organs such as the stomach, uterus, intestines. It assist in healing skin disorders and itching due to insect bites.

Crazy Lace Agate improves tissue metabolism, elasticity of blood vessel walls and is said to prevent varicose veins. It is also helpful with emotional disharmony that prevents acceptance of love. Agate may also reduce the symptoms of epilepsy, and for some people, guards against sleepwalking.


S P I R I T U A L   E N E R G Y

 Associated with the web of fate, Crazy Lace Agate is useful when ghost hunting or visiting very old places to prevent sudden fears or negative vibes by allowing you to see past worlds and spirits.  Agate raises awareness and links into the collective consciousness of the oneness of life. It encourages contemplation of one’s life experiences that lead to spiritual growth and inner stability.  Crazy Lace Agate stabilizes the aura, eliminating and transforming negative energies. Its cleansing effect is powerful on all levels.


C H A K R A    E N E R G Y   C E N T E R  

The human body is comprised of multiple intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies. Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as chakras.



T H E   S O L A R   P L E X U S   C H A K R A

Y E L L O W  &   G O L D 

Yellow stimulates (3rd chakra) The Solar Plexus Chakra, (Manipura), which means "gems" or "city of jewels" and is located four finger-breadths above the navel, just below the rib cage.  It’s symbolized by ten petals with a circle containing a downward-pointing triangle. 

The Solar Plexus Chakra represents Self-esteem, Pleasure, Willpower, Personal Responsibility, Power, Intellect, Clarity, Beliefs, Independence. Have you ever felt as though you could conquer the world? Like there’s a fiery ball of passion and power surging through you? That's the Solar Plexus Chakra in action!

The Solar Plexus Chakra spreads the fire element throughout your body which brings energy, warmth, and light. This is also the energy center of digestion. The Solar Plexus Chakra energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions from a place of inner wisdom. It is also the key to unlocking our personal power, building a strong sense of self and the ability to manifest our desires. Intellect, ego, willpower, and aggression are also common qualities of the Solar Plexus Chakra. The love and happiness that we feel in our hearts actually originate in the Third Chakra and rise from there to the Heart Chakra.


 The Solar Plexus Chakra, is a bright, rejuvenating, joyful sunny color of yellow. It directs our personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance our physical body. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy distribution center in our body.  It is one of the most powerful energy tools that aids in manifestation. When in complete alignment with the creative Life Force; your projected desired outcomes will be attracted back to you, like a powerful magnet.


C O L O R   E N E R G Y

Yellow symbolizes energy, intellect, and the connection you have with the fire and the sun. It can cheer, infuse with hope, clarify and elevate mental activity. It also creates a sense of stability and nurturing.

Yellow helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras. It is excellent for balancing yin-yang, and for raising kundalini energy.

Yellow is often used to help children with dyslexia improve their focus. It represents youth, new beginnings, and re-birth.

Yellow has a medium to high vibration and is associated with happiness, optimism, clarity, knowledge and intellect. It can brighten up a space promoting a sense of cheerfulness and warmth.

Yellow brings the power to solidity new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light. It adds clarity, waking things up and adding zest, optimism, and meaning to your life and relationships.


O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of alignment, you will experience insecurity, self-doubt, anger, aggression and a lack of direction in life. Fear will be present in many forms, fear of displeasing or disappointing others or fear of subordinating your life and pleasures to the will of others. When it is out of equilibrium, you will have a low tolerance to infection, food or might suffer from hormone disorders. Because this chakra is located near the abdomen, it affects many internal organs.


When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as various physical and emotional issues:

  • Low Self-Esteem & Weak willpower
  • Increased Fear & Control Issues
  • Fear of Disappointment
  • Self-victimizing mentality
  • Lack of Ambition and Purpose
  • Manipulative Tendencies & Misuse of Power
  • Anger & Aggression
  • Frequent infections & Fatigue
  • Overeating & Excessive Weight Gain
  • Digestive System Disorders
  • Gastrointestinal issues & Diabetes
  • Heartburn & Indigestion
  • Irritable bowel syndrome & Ulcers
  • Issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon 

In the physical body, the Solar Plexus Chakra corresponds with the Liver, Pancreas, Stomach, Digestive System, Large Intestine, Adrenal Gland, Lungs


R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

When this energy center is open and balanced, you feel confident, empowered, and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way

You will begin to experience positive changes in your life such as:

  • Manifestation, Wealth & Prosperity
  • Empowered action towards Goals and Dreams
  • Hope & Self Confidence, Self Worth
  • Focus & Logic
  • Clarity & Awareness
  • Organization & Efficient
  • Energetic & Enthusiastic
  • Decisiveness & Persuasion
  • Good Digestion & Healthy Metabolism
  • Inner Strength & Resilience
  • Ability to make Decisions with ease & Trust in yourself
  • Willingness to take Risks & Step out of your Comfort Zone
  • Control over Emotions


H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

A healthy and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra is essential for success in various areas of our life, including health, relationships, and spirituality.

Here are some techniques to unblock and heal your Solar Plexus Chakra. 

  • Wear Yellow White, Yellow or Gold Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, such as Rutile Quartz Crystal, Yellow Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Topaz,
  • Regular Meditation and the use of Yellow, Yellow White or Gold metallic crystals.
  • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
  • Nature & SUN Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
  • Dance or go Jogging
  • Chanting the Solar Plexus Chakra mantra: ‘RAM’.
  • Sound Frequency: 528 H
  • Practice specific Solar Plexus Chakra yoga poses; Bow Pose, Reverse Plank Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Classic Forward Bend
  • Visualization & Intention Your energy follows your intention.
  • Journaling & Self Pampering
  • Essential Oils / Incense: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Rosewood, Rosemary, Rose Myrrh
  • Herbs: Milk, Thistle, Ginger, Turmeric, Dandelion, Lemon Balm, Calendula, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Spearmint, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Fennel, Cinnamon, Clove, and Cardamom.
  • Healing Foods: Yellow, Warming or Energizing Foods: Squash, Pumpkings, Corn, Oats, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Yellow Pears, Lentils, Golden Apples, Yellow & Orange Peppers, Spelt, Rice, Bananas, Pineapple, Papaya, Dandelions, Sunflowers, Lovage, Sunchokes


W H E N    B A L A N C E D

When the Solar Plexus Chakra center is open and balanced it promotes your emotional well-being, you feel confident, self-motivated, and have a sense of purpose  You have the willpower to interpret the world through your own thoughts and emotions, without fear of going against others' beliefs.
Being aligned strengthens your immune system, prevents allergies, and allows for efficient nutrient absorption.  It ignites our inner fire, the light of consciousness that motivates us to strive towards success and good health



Crazy Lace Agate provides a wide variety of crystal formations conducive for meditative focus. The intricate movements within the crystal encourage a calm, relaxing state and open the mind to higher thought and inner truths.


F E N G   S H U I

Crazy Lace Agate utilizes the element of Metal Energy, associated with intelligence, healing, and creativity. It is the energy of togetherness and crystallization – of ideas, concepts, and groups. This energy promotes unity and the crystallization of ideas. It helps us to remain sharp and resilient, even in the face of adversity caused by others. Metal energy enhances concentration, focus and determination in both our homes and our daily lives.
Place in the North and Northwest areas of a home or space. Its powerful crystallization energy can greatly strengthen our efforts and resolve.




C L E A N S I N G   &   C H A R G I N G :

Cleanse = Eliminates Stagnant Energy.

Charging = Crystals need to be Charged in order to Replenish their Energy, just like a battery! 

Crystals & Gemstones function similarly to batteries, emitting positive energy at a specific frequency into our bodies, resulting sometimes in a tingling sensation. Crystals absorb and convert negative energy, but they have to use their own energy to create a protective shield, which is necessary for deflecting or repelling negativity. When we use a crystal, it will eventually run out of energy and need to be recharged, just like a battery. In its depleted state, the crystal may have also absorbed negative energy, necessitating cleansing and then recharging it.



Cleanse by running under Spring water, using Sage Smoke, Intention or place on a bowl of Earth mixed with light salt. Sunlight and Moonlight can be used as well. Always follow your intuition.

 C H A R G E

Charge by placing on or near Selenite, Quartz Crystal or Smokey Quartz. You can also charge by placing your crystals in Sunlight for 1 - 3 hours or Overnight during a Full Moon - place your crystals on a table by a window or on a windowsill.



Programming your Crystals & Gemstones involves setting your intentions and infusing the Crystal with your desired energy. To program your Crystal, find a quiet space, hold the Crystal in your hand, and visualize your intentions. Focus on the qualities you wish to enhance or the goals you want to manifest. Feel the Crystal’s energy merging with your purposes, and state your affirmations or intentions aloud. The vibrational energy emitted by spoken words holds great power, as do our thoughts, our crystals are tools that amplify and direct our desires and wishes.


Pair it with other genuine stone bead bracelets to create your own unique vibe.

Personalize it!

    Provide a personalized fit by specifying your exact size and any desired details in the message box at checkout (e.g. loose fit, change or add Silver/Copper/Gold/Wood, NO spacer bead, etc.). Our skilled artisans can create any style or size to ensure a perfect FIT and LOOK!

After finding your correct bead bracelet size according to the instructions in photos, select your wrist size using the scroll bar. If you need a size not listed, put it in message box when ordering.

Small 6”-7” inch
Medium 7”-8” inch
Large 8”-9” inch
X Large 9” - 9.5” inch 

  • Customized to fit any wrist, even children
  • Main Stones: Crazy Lace Agate
  • Color: yellows, browns, oranges, white
  • Bead size: 8mm  (Regular size beads)
  • Metal: None
  • Beads are strung on Strong, Sturdy Stretch Elastic
  • Product type: jewelry, natural gemstone bead stretch bracelet
  • Gender: All, Unisex, Male, Female 
  • Age: All, teen, adult, child
  • Infused with Pure Positive Energy
  • Includes Gift Bag + gift box 
  • Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted and is also SOLD in our store
  • Do not wear your Gemstone Jewelry in the Shower, Working Out or to Bed.  Keep stones away from chemicals. Treat your Gemstone jewelry with the utmost care for longevity.
  • 100% Product Quality Guarantee, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 
  • Each Bead is unique and no two are alike... all of our Handmade Bracelets are Beautiful as we pick from the Best, Highest Quality, and Prettiest Beads!

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