Aquamarine - Caribbean Sea Blue Custom Size Round Smooth Stretch (8mm) Natural Gemstone Crystal Energy Bead Bracelet

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Handmade by GypsyGemsJewelryBox

Wear the power of earth elements.

Layer on colorful energy with this genuine premium stone bead bracelet. 



MARCH Birthstone 

calming, soothing, cleansing

inspires truth, trust & letting go, healing,

creativity, motivation, vocalization, clear & heartfelt

 communication, clears emotional trauma, empowerment,

mediation, guardian angel, awakening,

throat chakra, water element 


  • In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection.
  • Aquamarine builds a bridge between the throat and heart chakras giving the user the ability to speak their truth from the heart.
  • These stones can cool tempers, ease conflicts, and bring an end to arguments.
Aquamarine embodies all things connected to the sea, as well as those things relating to Heaven reflected on the surface of the water. It becomes a mirror, reflecting itself indefinitely, making it possible to discover hidden meanings of reality. As a stone of symmetries, it is conducive for meditation and revelation, a stone of prophets, shamans, healers, and mystics. It also allows us to explore the darkest depths of our souls, face to face with ourselves, and with others.

 is a stone of courage and fortitude. Provides peace, tranquility and serenity. Said to be effective as a treatment for anxiety. Excellent to help enhance communication skills. Highly creative stone. Gives you the strength you need to take responsibility for yourself in your life.

Aquamarine inspires judgmental people to be more tolerant and helps those overwhelmed by responsibility to find order. A stone of natural justice, Aquamarine utilizes compromise and negotiation. It gives quiet courage and carefully reasoned words in confrontational situations.

Aquamarine is often given as a love token and increases commitment and fidelity “as long as the waters of the earth flow.”

W E A R   O R   C A R R Y
Wearing Aquamarine facilitates self-expression and vocalization.  Aquamarine, is a powerful conduit crystal for focusing and amplifying the Universal Life Force and our energy to accomplish our goals. It will aid in our efforts to gain what we seek, enhance our lives, protect what we value, and defend us from undesirable elements.


 A T   W O R K

Aquamarine enhances decision-making abilities and promotes clear-headedness, energizes and elevates leadership qualities through improved communication and understanding.  Wear, carry or place in your workspace to improve communication skills and tap into boundless potential and opportunities.

Aquamarine helps overcome the fear of speaking in public and is an excellent stone for teachers and presenters of all types.

Aquamarine provides a calming effect to speakers, facilitating a heightened level of self-awareness towards their authentic beliefs, knowledge, and emotions. This crystal also enables clear and composed communication in challenging circumstances.

Aquamarine accelerates the intellectual reasoning processes and enhances the ability for rapid response. It makes one unconquerable through learning, not only about the physical world but about oneself. It bestows perseverance, discipline, and light-heartedness.

E M O T I O N A L   E N E R G Y
Aquamarine offers powerful cleansing for the emotional body and opening communication. Its gentle energy brings emotional patterns to the surface and assists in understanding the reason for holding onto old thoughts or patterns which limit forward motion.
It also identifies where ego is causing one to overreact, assume a victim/abuser role, manipulate others, or martyr oneself. By consciously releasing these patterns, it allows for better relationships, love, and compassion.

Aquamarine helps balance excessive anger or fear. It can also assist in clearing past emotional, physical, or verbal abuse. It is an excellent stone for children who have been through traumatic situations and acting out aggressively or those who have disassociated from their emotional bodies. It heals the effects of over-judgmental parents who set impossible standards and panic attacks lingering from guilt and inadequacy into adulthood.

Aquamarine is useful for moving through transition and change. Its cleansing energy removes resistance and helps you overcome the fear of the unknown. It helps not only in the release of emotional baggage but also in the clearing of physical items and clutter.

M E N T A L   E N E R G Y

Aquamarine help us develop patience, reconcile differences, or seek forgiveness. They’re excellent for recovery efforts from addictions or destructive patterns, aid in curbing tempers and help us become more dependable and cheerful. Light blue crystals also assist in dealing with grief, letting go of the past, and curing guilt.

Aquamarine also dissolves thinking patterns that keep us stagnant, foggy, or confused. This property further serves to stimulate orderliness, prompting us to bring any unfinished business to a decisive conclusion.

P H Y S I C A L   E N E R G Y

Aquamarine is a stone of breath, aligning with the respiratory tract and the lungs. It is used for sinus conditions and frequent coughing and is effective for hay fever and other chronic allergies. It is believed to relieve colds and bronchitis.

Aquamarine is a cooling stone said to counter infections and useful for laryngitis, strep throat, or a sore throat. It is used to harmonize the pituitary and thyroid glands, regulate hormones and growth. It is said to be beneficial for teeth and gum problems.

Aquamarine has been used to support the healing of inflammatory diseases of all kinds. It is soothing for eczema, hives, rosacea, and psoriasis. It may also help prevent outbreaks of herpes. Some skin diseases caused by allergies may be eased by Aquamarine and can complement the treatment for shingles.

S P I R I T U A L   E N E R G Y

Aquamarine is a stone of empowerment for men and women alike. It helps in the realization that not all power comes from force. There is also power in aligning with the yielding, resilient vitality of life, and in promoting truthful and compassionate communication. It lends women the courage to express their inner knowledge, enhances their intuitive abilities, and helps dispel the emotional numbness and difficulty men sometimes experience in communicating their feelings.
Aquamarine can be used as a gateway crystal to the Divine Feminine, both within the self and in Her outer manifestations.

C H A K R A   E N E R G Y   C E N T E R  


 The human body is comprised of multiple intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies. Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as chakras.

Aquamarine stimulates the (5th chakra), The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha); which means "pure" or "purification".  It is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx. The Throat Chakra symbol is a lotus flower with sixteen petals. The lotus symbolizes purity and spiritual awakening, while the sixteen petals represent the sixteen vowel sounds of the Sanskrit language which are created by the movement of the chakra. 


T H E   T H R O A T   C H A K R A

The Throat Chakra symbolizes the energy of seeking and speaking the truth. It represents communication, our ability to speak, listen, and express ourself. It’s calming, tranquil and soothing energies are about helping to overcome insecurities.



 The Throat Chakra establishes a strong connection to both verbal and body language, and acts as a gateway to expression, communication, and authenticity.  When balanced, it allows us to tap into our true voice and confidently share our ideas with the world. We are able to express ourselves freely, think creatively, and communicate without fear.




Aquamarine is a stone of Wisdom and Magical Power. Utilize this crystal to enter enchanted realms and elevate your vibration to higher dimensions. Discover your authentic life purpose with its guidance and align yourself with its mystical essence.  Utilize Aquamarine to assist in introspection, consideration, inquiry, and tranquility to embrace our current life situation. Also use in meditation to cultivate patience, endurance, harmonize discrepancies, and pursue forgiveness or absolution.

Aquamarine sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. A wonderful crystal to help with meditation and yoga energy, it invokes high states of consciousness and spiritual awareness and encourages service to humanity. Aquamarine cleanses the aura and aligns the chakras, clearing the throat chakra, bringing communication to a higher plane.
Utilizing Aquamarine in mediation brings hope, discovery, and balance. It returns us to our center.
Aquamarine is an excellent crystal for meditation and the awakening of paranormal abilities. It helps induce revelations, and some traditions claim it is possible to see your guardian angel through an Aquamarine crystal when it points to the north.



F E N G   S H U I   C E N T E R

  W A T E R   E L E M E N T

In feng shui, Blue colored Crystals and Gemstones bring us the element of Water.

The Water element is one of the most vital elements because water represents the flow of energy. The flow of energy, or “chi,” is crucial for creating a harmonious and well-balanced environment. Water's domain encompasses spirituality, intuition and emotions.

The Water element symbol: Wavy lines

Blue Water element Solfeggio frequency: 741 Hz - Throat Chakra - Awakening, intuition. By potentially stimulating the mind, promoting creativity and self-expression, and providing mental clarity, listening to the frequency of 741 could help with intellectual work and problem-solving. It can also support decision making, which can lead to a healthier and more fulfilling life. Known as a “detoxifying frequency,” 741 Hz is sometimes used to help those suffering from chronic pain.

Water Energy is traditionally placed in the: 

  • Entryway - Use a compass to determine direction (see directions below)
  • North - Career and Life Path, Wisdom, Knowledge


A balance of Water Energy brings:

  • inspiration, rejuvenation, wisdom, insightfulness, luck, wealth, abundance, prosperity, stillness, quiet strength, purification, spiritual connection.


Too much Water can create the feeling of:

  • unbalanced, the sense that you're drowning emotionally, you feel overwhelmed, overly social, depression, lethargy, weight gain.


When there's not enough Water Energy, you may experience:

  • a lack of sympathy, loneliness, isolation, stress, pettiness, grumpiness, ill, malnourished, unhealthy cravings, harmful habits.



B L U E   F E N G   S H U I  

Water represents the flow of energy and will assure a balance of energy as your life unfolds and flows. To keep your life moving forward towards your goals use Blue Crystals to enhance any area where you need: 

  • A sense of Direction and control, protection, respect, tranquility, peacefulness and calm.
  • Emotional Well-being – Water is closely associated with emotions. The ‘sound’ of flowing water can have a calming effect on our mind and emotions.  Add a water feature where you sleep and implement Crystals in and around it.
  • Reflection and Clarity – Water’s reflective qualities symbolize introspection, clarity of thought and clear communication.
  • Good Fortune – Water is associated with the flow of luck and good fortune. Add water features with Crystals and Gemstones near entryway, if you want to increase the good fortune in your life. 
  • Relationships – Water element crystals can enhance communication and connection, which is important in developing your relationships.
  • Wisdom – Feng shui belief connects the Water Element with wisdom, clarity, and intuition. Use water element crystals to increase your proficiency in these areas. 


The main entrance of a home is more than just a way to enter the house. It is believed to be the gateway to success and advancement in life. Feng shui considers the main entrance to be one of the key areas of a home, often referred to as the "mouth of qi" in Classical Chinese philosophy, representing the flow of life force.


How to check the Feng Shui direction of my front door?

The facing direction of your front door can be found by standing at the entrance of your home or space and looking outside, and then, with the help of a compass, finding out where it points. Do the process at least 3 or 4 times to get the correct idea. 


D I D   Y O U   K N O W 

Dreaming of Aquamarine indicates new friends. 


Aquamarine was believed to have originated from the treasure chest of the Sirens (creatures from Greek mythology, who lured sailors with their enchanting voice).

Nero, the fifth Roman emperor, used thin slices of Aquamarine gemstones to correct his poor vision 2,000 years ago. Germans used slices of Aquamarine to correct shortsightedness.

Fortune Tellers call Aquamarine the "Magic Mirror" - using it to tell fortunes and predict the future!

Ancient Egyptian folklore, passed down through generations, led 16th-century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon to believe that Aquamarine was connected to the Fountain of Youth.



C L E A N S I N G   &   C H A R G I N G :

Cleanse = Eliminates Stagnant Energy.

Charging = Crystals need to be Charged in order to Replenish their Energy, just like a battery! 

Crystals & Gemstones function similarly to batteries, emitting positive energy at a specific frequency into our bodies, resulting sometimes in a tingling sensation. Crystals absorb and convert negative energy, but they have to use their own energy to create a protective shield, which is necessary for deflecting or repelling negativity. When we use a crystal, it will eventually run out of energy and need to be recharged, just like a battery. In its depleted state, the crystal may have also absorbed negative energy, necessitating cleansing and then recharging it.



Cleanse by running under Spring water, using Sage Smoke, Intention or place on a bowl of Earth mixed with light salt. Sunlight and Moonlight can be used as well. Always follow your intuition.

 C H A R G E

Charge by placing on or near Selenite, Quartz Crystal or Smokey Quartz. You can also charge by placing your crystals in Sunlight for 1 - 3 hours or Overnight during a Full Moon - place your crystals on a table by a window or on a windowsill.



Programming your Crystals & Gemstones involves setting your intentions and infusing the Crystal with your desired energy. To program your Crystal, find a quiet space, hold the Crystal in your hand, and visualize your intentions. Focus on the qualities you wish to enhance or the goals you want to manifest. Feel the Crystal’s energy merging with your purposes, and state your affirmations or intentions aloud. The vibrational energy emitted by spoken words holds great power, as do our thoughts, our crystals are tools that amplify and direct our desires and wishes.


Pair it with other genuine stone bead bracelets to create your own unique vibe.

Personalize it!

    Provide a personalized fit by specifying your exact size and any desired details in the message box at checkout (e.g. loose fit, change or add Silver/Copper/Gold/Wood, NO spacer bead, etc.). Our skilled artisans can create any style or size to ensure a perfect FIT and LOOK!

After finding your correct bead bracelet size according to the instructions in photos, select your wrist size using the scroll bar. If you need a size not listed, put it in message box when ordering.

Small 6”-7” inch
Medium 7”-8” inch
Large 8”-9” inch
X Large 9” - 9.5” inch 

    • Unisex, Men, Women, Children
    • Can be customized to fit any wrist, even children 
    • Bead size: 8mm - Regular size beads 
    • Gemstone: Caribbean Sea Blue Aquamarine 
    • Color:  Blue green
    • Style: Shine, Smooth to touch 
    • Metal: None unless specified by customer
    • Beads are strung on Strong, Sturdy Stretch Elastic
    • Infused with Pure Positive Energy
    • Includes Gift Bag
    • Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted and is also SOLD in our store
    • Do not wear your Gemstone Jewelry in the Shower, Working Out or to Bed.  Keep stones away from chemicals. Treat your Gemstone jewelry with the utmost care for longevity.
    • 100% Product Quality Guarantee, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
    • Each Bead is unique and no two are alike... all of our Handmade Bracelets are Beautiful as we pick from the Best, Highest Quality, and Prettiest Beads!

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