Agate - Fire Agate Purple Black Custom Size Round Smooth Stretch (8mm) Natural Gemstone Crystal Energy Bead Bracelet

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Handmade by GypsyGemsJewelryBox

Wear the power of earth elements.

Layer on colorful energy with this genuine stone bead bracelet. 

P U R P L E   F I R E   A G A T E

stimulates creativity, inspiration, harmony, balance,

self-confidence, protection, spiritual awareness, intuition,

stabilizes the aura, strengthens, emotional stability,

eliminates & transforms negative energies,

 dreams, insomnia, grounding,

crown chakra, third eye chakra, fire element 


  • Fire Agate helps manifest Divine guidance through action, and assists one in taking decisive action in unclear circumstances.
  • It increases passion, emotions, and reconnection to one’s deepest desires, and provides the courage to take risks to fulfill those promptings. It is ideal to banish the stupor of a humdrum routine, and when one is wearing Fire Agate, it can also stir the emotions of others, sometimes facilitating attraction between mates.
  • Fire Agate, known as the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, this enigmatic crystal holds within it a fascinating secret. You need only touch the stone and fiery embers ignite. Peer into its depths and flames leap within its chambers. Study it closely and it will almost show you its secrets…Almost.



Fire Agate is a potent stone for luck and a dependable aid for getting out of stagnant periods in one’s life.

Fire Agate helps discourage overspending and wasteful habits, thereby protecting your wealth. By placing lovely agate in and around your home, it will help you find those areas that are leaking your finances.  Working with the energies of this stone can help you feel enriched and empowered to achieve all your financial goals.

When it comes time to discuss budgets and finances with your partner, be sure to have some agate nearby, on your desk or be wearing it. The calming nature of agate will help you get clear on solutions instead of focusing on the challenges you may be facing right now.
A stone of creativity and expression, Fire Agate is particularly helpful in overcoming artistic blocks of all kinds.
The wearing of Agate was believed to be a cure for insomnia and was thought to induce pleasant dreams.



W E A R   O R   C A R R Y  

Fire Agate can enhance your senses and promote alertness, awareness, and focus. Regular wear can also foster increased confidence, balance, and grounding.

Promotes energy and strength, and will help one discover the truth. It helps you to attract the happiness you want in your life. It may attract the desired life partner.
Wearing this stone will encourage logical thinking, helping you make the right decision especially when you are working on a tight budget.



 A T   W O R K

Fire Agate is renowned for its ability to provide strength, safeguarding individuals from stress and averting the depletion of their personal energy. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition and high achievement.

Fire Agate will enhance communication and enable you to reach your desired goals and dreams, paving the way for success and achievement.

E M O T I O N A L   E N E R G Y

Fire Agate promotes emotional release and aids in discovering true desires. Its natural gemstone crystal properties assist in attaining desired happiness.

Fire Agate provides the motivation required to overcome harmful addictions, lending courage and confidence, and prevents exhaustion that often accompanies such changes.

Fire Agate is beneficial in self-analysis and uncovering hidden circumstances that might interfere with well-being. It promotes self-acceptance and confidence, encouraging the speaking of one’s own truth.

Agate overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart, by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.

It reprograms the heart to accept the infinite source of love that comes from within. Only after learning to love ourselves…is it possible to love others truly.


M E N T A L   E N E R G Y

This stone is known to improve intellectual curiosity and a person’s skills in specific disciplines. It’s a stone that helps a person absorb knowledge more efficiently. It also improves memory, concentration and communication skills.

Fire Agate has a deep connection to the earth and brings strong grounding energy. It calms, bringing security and trust, and support in difficult times.

Its protective properties build a shield around the body against ill-wishes, returning the harm back to its source, so the source may understand its effects.


P H Y S I C A L   E N E R G Y

Fire Agate is beneficial in the treatment of poor circulation, lethargy or lack of energy, or depression. Agate enhances mental function by improving concentration, perception, and analytical abilities.

Fire Agate is useful in increasing metabolism. It also promotes good night vision. 
Fire Agate resonates with the triple-burner meridian and can be applied to bring it back into balance. It is particularly useful in treating hot flashes


S P I R I T U A L   E N E R G Y

Fire Agate represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection, dispelling fear at the deepest level of the inner being. It links into the collective consciousness of the oneness of life, encouraging quiet contemplation of one’s life experiences that lead to spiritual growth and inner stability.

Fire Agate aligns the etheric body with the physical, grounding and revitalizing the exchange of spiritual and physical energies within the self. The flow and process of this exchange is energizing to the soul as well as the organism. Fire Agate opens the channels of creativity so Divine inspiration can flow into one’s activities and expressions.


C H A K R A   E N E R G Y   C E N T E R  


The human body is comprised of multiple intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies. Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as chakras.

Purple Fire Agate stimulates and opens the Third Eye - Brow Chakra (Ajna), which means "perceiving", "command" and "beyond wisdom”.  It is our (6th Chakra) and is located in the astral body corresponding to the spinal cord, at the center of the brain. Its exact location is four inches behind the center of the eyebrows, known as the pineal gland. The Third-Eye Chakra symbol is a lotus flower with two petals. The two petals represent the dualities of your ego, such as your likes and dislikes, and the lotus flower represents your inner consciousness and its ability to surpass beyond these dualities.

Purple Fire Agate also stimulates the Crown Chakra. 
T H E   T H I R D   E Y E  -  B R O W   C H A K R A

 The Third Eye - Brow Chakra or Ajna Chakra addresses imbalances and blockages. As the sixth Chakra, it governs our perception and awareness of our surroundings, and is the seat of our soul.  Our consciousness is located here. "We" are here and we relate to ourselves through this chakra.  By encouraging our inner voice, it aids in self-discovery, improving our intuition and psychic powers, and facilitating communication and connection with the spiritual realm. The Third Eye Chakra is a Gateway to higher consciousness.



 The Third Eye - Brow Chakra, also known as our “perception center,” is our control or command center. It is the code breaker, the pattern maker, and the seat of understanding. It balances the important and the unimportant, sorting meaning from data and impressions. It commands the energy flow within the body. Our consciousness is located here. "We" are here and we relate to ourselves through this chakra. By encouraging our inner voice, it aids in self-discovery, improving our intuition, psychic powers, facilitates communication and our connection with the spiritual realm. The Third Eye Chakra is our Gateway to higher consciousness.


C R O W N   C H A K R A

Purple Fire Agate also stimulates and unblocks the Crown Chakra, our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. It is the fountainhead of our beliefs. It is the source of our spirituality. It connects us to the higher planes of existence. It extends our energy beyond our bodies. It is the source of higher sources of information and universal energy and truth.

It is the source of our coordination – the relationship of movement between the parts of our bodies and the relationship of our movement through life.
When it in balance we are in balance. We are coordinated. We fit together. Our energies are in balance. We know our place in the universe. We are flexible, and we understand the ebb and flow of life. We see things as they are, and are unruffled by setbacks, knowing they are an essential part of life. We do not cling to outdated ideas or attitudes, but rather keep ourselves within the flow of life.
When the Crown Chakra is out of balance or its energy is blocked, you will feel clumsy, uncoordinated, and at sorts with life. You will stumble in both movements and thought. You will be uninspired and out of step. The world will seem to be spinning, and you will be unsure of who you are or why you even exist. You will be rigid in your thinking, and be spiritually adrift. Your consciousness will be limited, and possibilities will not appear to you. You will have difficulty understanding relationships, ideas, and dreams.




Purple Fire Agate provides an excellent crystal formation conducive for meditative focus. Traditionally used to connect fire elements and spirits, the mesmerizing movements within the crystal aid in relaxation, opening the mind to higher thought and inner truths.


F E N G   S H U I   C E N T E R

F I R E   E L E M E N T


Fire Element Colors: 

  • Red or Orange (Yang)
  • Purple or Pink (Yin)

Other Fire Element Colors:  Indigo, Violet, strong bright Yellow,  Mustard and Magenta.

Examples of crystals with Purple Fire Energy

  • Amethyst
  • Lepidolite
  • Kunzite
  • Chariote
  • Purple Sapphire
  • Sugilite
  • Iolite
  • Tanzanite
  • Purple Tourmaline
  • Purple Agate
  • Purple Jasper
  • Alexandrite

Purple’s violet ray activates the element of Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity.  It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion.

Purple is the ultimate color to attract prosperity and abundance. It is a combination of the active red (fire) and relaxing blue (wood) elements. Purple can create balance and inner peace, and is also the color of the crown chakra, which is related to enlightenment and wisdom

The Fire element symbol: Triangle

Purple Fire element Solfeggio frequency: 852 Hz - Third Eye - Erasing stereotypes, restoring neural connections, bringing spiritual order. This frequency is directly connected to the principle of Light, and Light is a higher form of bio-energy. 852 Hz frequency can be used as a means for opening up a pathway for communication with your higher self and awaken your intuition and inner power. 852 Hz frequency is one of the most profound and transformative. This frequency is believed to stimulate our third eye and profoundly enhance intuition, insight, and spiritual awakening. With music at this frequency, we can begin to see things more clearly. It is also said to help with meditation and relaxation.

Those attuned to this frequency can often tap into their psychic abilities and sense things beyond the physical world. Awakening intuition also allows us to see the interconnectedness of all things.

Purple Fire element is associated with wealth, nobility, stature, religion, piety, magic, and sexuality. Purple is associated with royalty, it symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. Purple conveys wealth and extravagance and is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic. Use purple when you want passion with purpose.

A Balance of Fire Energy brings:

  • Joy and Happiness
  • Sociable Relationships and Outgoing Energy
  • Warm feelings and Lively Positive Energy

Too much Fire Energy and you might feel:

  • Anxious
  • Angry
  • Overwhelmed  
  • Lonely
  • Prone to Arguments and Disagreements

When there's not enough Fire Energy, you may experience: 

  • A lack of vision, emotional coldness
  • inexpressiveness and low self-esteem
  • Relationship problems
  • Lack of self care
Place Fire elements in the South area of a home, office or space. Its powerful color energy  generates “positive chi energy”, so wherever you would like to “add extra good vibes”, consider adding purple. Purple is associated with the Fame and Reputation area of your dwelling. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to ignite your “shining light” with confidence.


P U R P L E   F E N G   S H U I

Purple is such a powerful color in feng shui because it not only represents fire but also ice. When fire and ice are combined, you end up with steam. This makes purple a very unique feng shui color and why it is such a potent feng shui color. Purple is a high frequency color that is associated with the spiritual realm, personal spirituality, and enlightenment. It can also symbolize transformation, regeneration, and life.
Here are some ways to incorporate the fire element into your home: 

  • Add a fireplace or tabletop fire pit: This is especially effective in social areas like living rooms or outdoor spaces. Incorporate your favorite Crystals and Gemstones nearby. A good choice is Amethyst, because it is like an energetic air purifier. “It cleanses away any negativity that may be hanging around and makes sure that your space carries an atmosphere of positivity where others will feel at home
  • Use candles: Purple Candles add warmth, fire and romance to a space. Always add a favorite crystal next to the candle, it will help manifest your intentions like never before.
  • Add warm lighting: Warm lighting can also help bring the fire element into your home. Add a large Fire element crystal or crystal grid with focused lighting as a center piece.
  • Hang Faceted crystals: Crystals are very beautiful as decorations in a bright window. They can catch the sun and cast beautiful rainbow colors into your space as the sunlight is refracted through the facets. In Feng Shui, it is also very important to hang them using a red cord (Red represents protection). It's even better if the cord can be a length that's equal to a multiple of nine, for example: nine inches, 18 inches, 27 inches, etc..
  • Use triangle shapes: The fire element is also represented by an upward pointing triangle. Pyramid shape shelves are perfect additions to display your crystals!
  • Wear Purple Crystals: Purple is associated with fire and heat. By wearing Purple crystals, you infuse your life with the transformative power of Fire energy, igniting your passions, and illuminating your path towards love, passion and self esteem.
  • Meditate with Fire element crystals: You can implement these crystals while meditating, keeping your focus on a Purple Crystal such as Amethyst.
  • Add Selenite Galore! This is one crystal you can never have too much of! The pure, high vibrational energy of selenite is like liquid light! As it flows through your space, it illuminates the energy of everyone and everything within it. Selenite, is capable of cleansing and energizing surrounding crystals, allowing them to effectively maintain a harmonious and unobstructed flow of positive chi energy in accordance with Feng Shui principles. Place Purple Crystals on or near a Selenite charging plate.


 F E N G   S H U I   F A Q



The main entrance of a home is more than just a way to enter the house. It is believed to be the gateway to success and advancement in life. Feng shui considers the main entrance to be one of the key areas of a home, often referred to as the "mouth of qi" in Classical Chinese philosophy, representing the flow of life force.

How to check the Feng Shui direction of my front door?

The facing direction of your front door can be found by standing at the entrance of your home or space and looking outside, and then, with the help of a compass, finding out where it points. Do the process at least 3 or 4 times to get the correct idea. 

Feng Shui means Wind and Water – a reference to the Yin and Yang elements of the Universal Life Force – also called Qi, Chi, Prana. When this force is healthy and life bringing (positive energy). It drifts and wanders, flowing easily and bringing the breath of life.  When this force becomes unhealthy (negative energy) it is either blocked and becomes stagnant or becomes destructive.

How Can I Use Crystals in Feng Shui? 

Crystals and Gemstones amplify Feng Shui; Crystals themselves are powerhouses full of energy! They store energy, and move chi or energy through space or a person.

Crystal healers typically place their crystals on body chakras to influence the body and heal sickness.  Placing crystals in specific locations in your home can have much of the same effects but on a broader plane.

Placed in the correct location will keep the Universal Life Force (Qi, Chi, Prana) energy flowing and balanced, so that we may experience happiness, contentment and prosper.

What are Elements?

In Feng Shui, the Universal Life Force (Qi, Chi, Prana) has five elemental components – Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood. These elements form a continuum of creation and destruction. Each element enhances one element and reduced another. Crystals can be used to enhance and reduce the elements of energy to allow the right energy in the right part of your space.

These Five Elements of Feng Shui (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood) “feed” and support the next, for example, Fire makes Earth.  We know this to be true as we see the ash when the fire cools.  Earth, when pressed down, makes Metal.  Metal, when molded, holds Water.  And, Water, is essential for plant growth, or Wood.  What feeds a fire?  Wood, of course; and the circle is complete.  Just as the elements can support each other, they can also be used to control each other when one element overwhelms. 

What are the benefits of using Crystals in feng shui?

According to feng shui experts, proper balance of the five elements and harmonizing the Qi in your home can bring numerous benefits such as:

  • Attract wealth
  • Find love
  • Keep your relationship stable
  • Achieve career success
  • Improve your health
  • Increase your vitality
  • Guard against misfortune


D I D   Y O U   K N O W 

Fire Agate was used in alchemy because it was believed to contain the essence of fire. In many traditions sacred to fire deities, it encouraged timid adults and shy children to speak up and not be ignored or bullied.

Legends claim Agate to have the power to secure the wearer from danger and to protect children from falling, and to endow Agate owners with strength, courage and the ability to heal fears.



C L E A N S I N G   &   C H A R G I N G :

Cleanse = Eliminates Stagnant Energy.

Charging = Crystals need to be Charged in order to Replenish their Energy, just like a battery! 


Crystals & Gemstones function similarly to batteries, emitting positive energy at a specific frequency into our bodies, resulting sometimes in a tingling sensation. Crystals absorb and convert negative energy, but they have to use their own energy to create a protective shield, which is necessary for deflecting or repelling negativity. When we use a crystal, it will eventually run out of energy and need to be recharged, just like a battery. In its depleted state, the crystal may have also absorbed negative energy, necessitating cleansing and then recharging it.  


C L E A N S E 

Cleanse by running under Spring water, using Sage Smoke, Intention or place on a bowl of Earth mixed with light salt. Sunlight and Moonlight can be used as well. Always follow your intuition. 

 C H A R G E

Charge by placing on or near Selenite, Quartz Crystal or Smokey Quartz. You can also charge by placing your crystals in Sunlight for 1 - 3 hours or Overnight during a Full Moon - place your crystals on a table by a window or on a windowsill. 



Programming your Crystals & Gemstones involves setting your intentions and infusing the Crystal with your desired energy. To program your Crystal, find a quiet space, hold the Crystal in your hand, and visualize your intentions. Focus on the qualities you wish to enhance or the goals you want to manifest. Feel the Crystal’s energy merging with your purposes, and state your affirmations or intentions aloud. The vibrational energy emitted by spoken words holds great power, as do our thoughts, our crystals are tools that amplify and direct our desires and wishes.


Pair it with other genuine stone bead bracelets to create your own unique vibe.


Personalize it!

    Provide a personalized fit by specifying your exact size and any desired details in the message box at checkout (e.g. loose fit, change or add Silver/Copper/Gold/Wood, NO spacer bead, etc.). Our skilled artisans can create any style or size to ensure a perfect FIT and LOOK!

After finding your correct bead bracelet size according to the instructions in photos, select your wrist size using the scroll bar. If you need a size not listed, put it in message box when ordering.

Small 6”-7” inch
Medium 7”-8” inch
Large 8”-9” inch
X Large 9” - 9.5” inch 



  • Unisex, Men, Women, Children
  • Can be customized to fit any wrist, even children 
  • Bead size: 8mm -Regular size beads 
  • Gemstone: Fire Agate
  • Color: Purple, Mauve, Lavender,, White, Black
  • Style: Shine, smooth to touch 
  • Metal: None unless specified by customer
  • Beads are strung on Strong, Sturdy Stretch Elastic
  • Infused with Pure Positive Energy
  • Includes Gift Bag
  • Each piece of jewelry is handcrafted and is also SOLD in our store
  • Do not wear your Gemstone Jewelry in the Shower, Working Out or to Bed.  Keep stones away from chemicals. Treat your Gemstone jewelry with the utmost care for longevity.
  • 100% Product Quality Guarantee, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
  • Each Bead is unique and no two are alike... all of our Handmade Bracelets are Beautiful as we pick from the Best, Highest Quality, and Prettiest Beads!

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