7 Chakra Energy Center - The Seven Chakras Explained and How to Keep them Balanced


      C H A K R A   E N E R G Y   C E N T E R   

      The human body is comprised of three intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies, commonly known as the soul.  Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as The 7  Chakras.

      Click Symbols below to go to each Chakra 

      What Are Chakras?

      Thousands of years ago, the ancient "Rishis" (sages) in India identified a secondary, subtler nervous system coexisting with our physical nervous system according to the Upanishads, a subcategory of The Vedas.
      It is said that this "subtle anatomy," comprises a network of numerous channels that carry an energetic Life-Force, or Prana, throughout our bodies. These channels of energy create an extensively branched nerve network and converge at seven principal junctions.
      It is these seven principle junctions that are called the “Chakras”.  In the Sanskrit language, the word Chakra means “wheel” or “circles”, as the Chakras energetically appear as vortexes which continuosly spin clockwise.
      So, in essence, the Chakras are energy exchange points between our subtle energy bodies and the physical body. It is the energy of the soul that animates the physical body through the Chakras and in this sense, soul-energy flows downwards from the subtle realms through the Chakras. The soul flows inwards through the Chakras, while consciousness is expanding and expressing outwards from the Chakras. Our bodies are vessels, an Avatar for our soul.

      While it is okay to focus on individual chakras, it is crucial to approach the seven main chakras as an interconnected system. The chakra system is like a river divided into seven distinct sections. The 
      Life Force or Prana circulates through the entire system, reflecting the interconnectedness of the universe. Should one chakra become obstructed, it disrupts the flow of the Life Force or Prana, impacting the health and energy of the remaining chakras. Blockages in each chakra may arise from repressed emotions, fears, and reluctance to release what must be relinquished for our personal growth.
       This is the reason we are starting with the bottom root chakra first and why we call it the 1st Chakra.



        1st Chakra

        Unshakeable Stability

        The Root Chakra is our "Instinct Center", and deals with our basic needs and instincts, such as survival, fear, and trust. It's main drive is to establish a solid sense of inner and outer security and stabilityThe Root Chakra serves as our connection to the earth below and is the cornerstone of the entire Chakra system. Although each chakra is significant, maintaining an open and balanced Root Chakra is crucial for the flow of Life Force" energy or "Prana" within us. "A house cannot be built without first laying a solid foundation," is an excellent paraphrase. The Root Chakra is our foundation. 
        Our most fundamental connection to life stems from the desire to feel safe and to have our needs met continuously. When these essential needs are denied, it shocks the first Chakra, instilling a profound sense of existential tension and vigilance. It is through the root Chakra that we come to terms with life's transitory nature and start to cultivate a more resilient existence capable of enduring these fluctuations.

           T H E    R O O T   C H A K R A  

          C O L O R S:   R E D - B R O W N - B L A C K


          Red, Brown and Black colored crystals stimulate, open and unblock the Root Chakra (Muladhara).  In Sanskrit, “Mula” means “root” while “Adhara” means “base or support.” and is sometimes referred to as the Base Chakra. This Chakra is known as our (1st Chakra)

          Shop Red Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 

          Shop Brown Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 

          Shop Black Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 


           R O O T   C H A K R A  


          R E D - B R O W N - B L A C K  

          C R Y S T A L S

          Shop: Bloodstone, Bronzite, Tiger's Eye, 

          Red Tigers Eye, Hematite, Ruby, Red Coral,

          Smokey Quartz, Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline,

          Garnet, Black Onyx, Jet, Black Obsidian, 

          Mahogany Obsidian, Red Jasper, Red Agate,

          Brown Agate, Black Agates, Red Jasper, Red Jade,

           Hematoid Red Healer Fire Quartz


          Shop Root Chakra Bracelet (below) Our most fundamental connection to life stems from the desire to feel safe and to have our needs met continuously. When these essential needs are denied, it shocks the first Chakra, instilling a profound sense of existential tension and vigilance. It is through the root Chakra that we come to terms with life's transitory nature and start to cultivate a more resilient existence capable of enduring these fluctuations.

          Carnelian + Red Jasper + Hematoid Red Healer Fire Quartz


          The Root Chakra is considered the birth of human consciousness, the dawning of self-awareness, and the possibility of conscious spiritual evolution and transformation.

          The Root Chakra energy center is responsible for:

          • Security, safety
          • Survival
          • Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
          • Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
          • Grounding
          • Support and foundation for living our lives


          Where is the Root Chakra Located? 

          L O C A T I O N

          The Root - Base Chakra is located at the base of the spine or groin area, it is the link between the physical world and our internal energetic system.

          S Y M B O L


          The Root - Base Chakra symbol is a four red petal lotus flower, with a square and a down-facing triangle. Each element represents the 4 aspects of the human mind, uniting to form the birth of the human consciousness.


          T H E    P E T A L S 

          The four red lotus petals symbolize a specific mental state: mind, intellect, consciousness and ego. Together, these four aspects are called the Antahkarana or the “inner instrument.”

          • Manas (1st petal, mind)- seat of instincts and desire
          • Buddhi (2nd petal, intellect)- intuition and higher mind
          • Chitta (3rd petal, consciousness)- memory and life experiences
          • Ahamkara (4th petal, ego)- the body and senses 

          The four petals also are believed to represent the Four Types of Longing, connected to the Hindu concept of Purusarthas. Purusarthas frames these longings as four goals related to human life:

          • Dharma (psychological longing)
          • Artha (soul longing)
          • Kama (physical longing)
          • Moksha (longing for spiritual liberation)

          T H E    S Q U A R E 

          The square or cube is the most physical and inert of all geometrical forms representing Earth in the Platonic solids. The number four represents the four elements, the four cardinal directions, the four seasons and other such elements that govern the physical dimension.

           The “Tattva”; meaning the elements of reality that constitute our Human experience of Earth, is symbolized by a square.  The Square's four sides or 'vrittis' (greatest joy, natural pleasure, delight in controlling passion, and blissfulness in concentration), represent the roots that can either bind you to the earth in a negative sense or give you a strong base and presence in the world in the positive sense. A balanced and strong root chakra affords the ability to stand your ground and feel safe in the world.



          T H E   T R I A N G L E

          The inverted triangle; or downward pointing, symbolizes the seeding of consciousness into the root chakra, from which it flowers and grows. The soul is pulled and funneled down, into incarnated, physical form.

          The upward facing triangle symbolizes the expansion and unfolding of consciousness from the seed to the fully blossoming peak of human potential.



          T H E   C I R C L E 

          The Circle represents the spinning wheels, vortex or circles that the Life Force energy or "Prana"  flows through. The circle symbolizes the central quest of spirituality: to realize oneness with all of creation. Shown in the Root Chakra symbol, the circle is the focal point that holds the four lotus petals together and encompasses the other inner symbols.


          What is the Root Chakra?

          The Root Chakra; sometimes called the Base Chakra, is the most vital energy center in the human body. It is the foundation on which the physical chakra system is based and which we build our life - representing survival instincts, food, shelter, safety, comfort, and belonging.

          The Root -Base Chakra helps us to ground in our environment. This is also the place where ancestral memories reside. One of the challenges in activating the Root Chakra is clearing traumatic memories or records stored in this Chakra. This can be done through spoken affirmations or decrees, the use of mantras, various forms of prayer, meditation, and service to others.

          Balancing the Root or Base Chakra is essential as it forms the foundation for activating the higher chakras. Healing the Root Chakra is a prerequisite for achieving equilibrium in the body's chakra system. When the Root Chakra is balanced, it facilitates the harmonization of the remaining chakras, which may otherwise be challenging to address if there are imbalances present.



          E L E M E N T :   Earth

          The Root Chakra is associated with your capacity to establish deep roots and feel securely anchored in your life. It lays the groundwork for existence, aiding in our sense of stability and resilience against challenges. Moreover, it oversees our fundamental necessities such as food, water, shelter, and security, alongside emotional needs like belonging and courage.



          S O U N D :   L A M -  “I Am”

          There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit.

          The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

          A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.



          The seed syllable for the Root Chakra is LAM.

          It represents the earth element within you. Chanting this mantra (pronounced LUHM, as in plum) will cleanse impurities that can collect in the root chakra and clear any blocked energy that is prevented from moving through to the other six main energy centers.

          The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.


          C H A N T I N G

          A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy. The Root Chakra is the source of energy that fuels our vitality for life and the attainment of physical objectives.

          "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the "rod" creates a vibration and produces a sound.


          Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."




          Chant “LAM” if you…
          • Have low levels of energy 
          • Struggle financially
          • Suffer from low self-esteem
          • Experience adrenal fatigue and other stress-related ailments


          How to Chant the "LAM' Mantra?

          The frequency of the "LAM" mantra aligns with the Root Chakra, which shares similar frequencies with thunder and earthquakes. Chanting "LAM" harmonizes with the Root Chakra's frequency, balancing it and dispelling fear and guilt, fostering a sense of safety and security.

          If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!


          1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

          2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold a Red, Brown or Black Crystal placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

          3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of Red light, like a spinning wheel, at your Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine or groin area. With each breath you take, envision this energy intensifying and expanding.

          4.  Focus:  Quiet your mind, eliminate all thoughts, and focus solely on the spinning energy at your Root Chakra Center. 

          5.  Feel:  As you vocalize the "L" sound, envision a cascade of Red light flooding into your Root Chakra. Then, intone the full "LAM" mantra slowly; pronounced "LUHM" as in plum, articulating each syllable distinctly, and sense the vibration spreading from that point through all your chakra centers; then returning to your Root Chakra. Then allow this spinng red light energy to travel deep down into the earth through invisible roots, and then back up to your root chakra center. Continue this practice until you feel it is okay to stop.


            Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.

            Root Chakra

            A F F I R M A T I O N S: 

            • “I Am”
            • “I am connected and grounded through the earth”
            • “My body is a safe home for my radiant spirit”
            • “As the sun rises, so does my energy”
            • “I am committed to fulfilling my life’s purpose”
            • “I am grateful to know that I am always deeply loved and supported by this Universe”
            • “I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return”


            P U R P O S E
            The Root - Base Chakra keeps our Chakra system rooted to the earth and is the gateway for ‘Life Force’ energy to enter our body.  It is the core for all Chakra Centers and their proper functions, giving us strength and vitality as well as our physical and emotional needs of survival and self-preservation. The Root - Base Chakra acts as a stabilizing force and is essential for maintaining our overall well-being. It governs crucial aspects such as safety, survival, sex, and stability, providing a solid foundation for your physical and emotional state.

            The Root Chakra contains the kundalini “serpent” and its powerful energy. While difficult to activate, when awakened, this energy manifests as a warm and electrifying spiral, uncoiling upwards, through and around the spine and stimulating each chakra along its path. It then emerges from the crown chakra at the top of the head. Although unattainable for most and definitely not for novices; this experience if ever achieved, brings about a profound awakening and a heightened understanding of the world we live in and beyond.  For those of us that do get to experience this, it is a life-changing step on the path to spiritual growth and self-discovery.

            R O O T   C H A K R A  


            C O L O R   E N E R G Y

            R E D  -  B L A C K  -  B R O W N

            Red, brown, and black colors are closely associated with the root chakra (Muladhara) and have specific ways of stimulating and balancing this energy center. Here's how each color contributes:

            R E D

            Shop Red Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 

            1. Energy and Vitality:

            • Red is the primary color of the root chakra, symbolizing energy, passion, and life force.
            • It stimulates feelings of vitality, encouraging a strong connection to physical existence.

            2. Courage and Motivation:

            • Red promotes courage and the will to take action, helping to overcome fears and insecurities that can block the root chakra.

            3. Grounding:

            • The vibrant energy of red encourages grounding by connecting individuals to their physical bodies and their environment.


            B R O W N

            Shop Brown Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 

            1. Stability and Security:

            • Brown represents the earth and offers a sense of stability and security, reinforcing the root chakra's themes of safety and grounding.

            2. Connection to Nature:

            • Its earthy tone fosters a deeper connection to nature, enhancing feelings of belonging and support from the earth.

            3. Nurturing Energy:

            • Brown's nurturing quality helps individuals feel more secure and balanced, promoting emotional stability.


            B L A C K

             Shop Black Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals  

            1. Protection and Shielding:

            • Black is associated with protection, helping to shield against negative energies and emotional disturbances that can affect the root chakra.

            2. Grounding and Centering:

            • Black crystals provide grounding energy, anchoring the individual in the present moment and enhancing the feeling of being rooted.

            3. Transformation and Release:

            • Black encourages the release of old patterns and fears, creating space for new growth and stability in the root chakra.


            Together, Red, Brown, and Black colors create a powerful support system for stimulating and balancing the Root Chakra. They enhance feelings of safety, security, grounding, and vitality, helping individuals to connect fully with their physical existence and navigate life's challenges with confidence. Using crystals or other elements in these colors can further amplify their effects on the Root Chakra

            R E D

             a vibrant hue symbolizing energy, stamina, courage, passion and desire, has been known to enhance romantic relationships. As the color of life force energy, it is believed to ignite the flames of passion and deepen emotional connections. Its association with fire, a source of life energy, signifies action, drive, determination, and motivation. The color of blood, red can increase heart rate, respiration and blood pressure. It also can promote activity and help alleviate depression.

            The vibrational color energy in Red Crystals and Gemstones include:

            • inspiration, vitality, vigor, charisma,
            • passion, sexuality, stimulate desires,
            • uplift attitude, creativity, sensuality.
            • physical love, devotion, relationships,
            • psychic protection, shields,
            • bravery, determination,
            • ability to make firm decisions,
            • confidence, courage,
            • drive to pursue aspirations and ambitions,
            • intensity, excitement for existence.

            Wearing Red crystals and gemstones create a shield of energetic protection around the wearer, guarding against negative energies and psychic attacks. 

            Red crystals are used when the situation needs passion: active, involved, energetic action. Red empowers, uplifts, and engulfs. It cures apathy. It gets things done. Red is action and drive. If you are suffering from a lack of power, listlessness, or a low emotional state, you need to wear red crystals.

            Shop Red Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 


            B L A C K


            (Black Onyx; pictured above,  Is an excellent tool for grounding and connecting with the electromagnetic energy of the Earth, as well as facilitating alignment with Higher powers for guidance and strength)


            Black crystals and gemstones are renowned for their grounding properties, connecting us to the earth.  Black crystals absorb and draw in all light, emitting no vibrations or frequencies outward… making it one of the most powerful tools for grounding and absorbing negative energies.

            Black crystals emanate consistent vibrations and can dispel negative thought patterns, aiding in maintaining calmness during challenging circumstances. It is a perfect selection for individuals seeking greater stability and warmth in their lives. It serves as an outstanding resource when one needs to descend from a state of excitement, or when feeling aloof, indecisive, or restless, and requires settling downregrouping, recharging, and revitalizing.

            The vibrational color energy in Black Crystals and Gemstones include:

            • absorbs & purifies all negative energy,
            • deflect from harm, detoxify, cleanse
            • purge negative emotions & thoughts
            • protects the aura from negativity, grounding
            • security, safety, strength, courage,
            • strong protection, shields,
            • reflection, intuition, alertness, grief, trauma,
            • wisdom, knowledge,


            Wearing black crystals and gemstones can help us confront our fears and provide protection during the dark times in our lives. These crystals are highly protective, creating an unlimited shield against negativity and operating swiftly with immense power.

             Shop Black Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals  


            B R O W N

            (Bronzite; pictured above, is an ideal option for meditation sessions that require a grounding and reconnection with the Earth and its natural energies. While meditating, hold Bronzite in your hands to experience the Earth's pull and to be reconnected through it’s energy)


            Brown crystals and gemstones serve as superb tools for grounding and establishing a connection with Mother Earth. They symbolize the unseen growth occurring beneath the surface, which, although not visible, plays a significant role in self-support.
            The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include: 
            • connection with nature,   stability, grounding,
            • foundation, root, earth, protection,
            • safety, balance, anxiety, stress, fertility, growth,
            • healing, humility, reliability, dependability,
            • comforting, nurturing, calm. relaxing, rest
            • meditation tool for grounding
            • removes chaos & negativity
            • dissipates emotional & environmental negativity
            • transmutes energy, centers,
            • anchors, soul searching 
            Wearing brown crystals and gemstones  is a great way to bring nurturing, calming and rejuvenating energies into your life. They offer emotional balance, stability, safety, and protection. Brown crystals can help alleviate tension, stress, anxiety, and panic attacks; they also help fend off negative thinking and eliminate worry and doubt amidst chaos or confusion. Brown crystals are used to absorb misfortune, sorrow, or seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
            O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

            The Root or Base Chakra is crucial for eliminating toxins from the body. If this Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it may lead to a range of physical and mental ailments, manifesting in various imbalances.

            • Gaining excessive weight
            • Losing weight rapidly
            • Problems with your legs, feet, and tailbone
            • Tension &  Lethargy
            • Decreased Activity & Depression
            • Holding on to Resentment & Insecurity
            • Struggling to Release the Past
            • Trust Issues
            • Loss of Enthusiasm for Life Hygiene
            • Lack of Ambition & Direction
            • Disconnection & Isolation
            • Anxiety, Depression & Self pity
            • Lower Back pain & Leg pain
            • Immune System Disorders
            • Disconnection from Reality
            • Lack of Stability & Doubts about Beliefs
            • Wavering Loyalty
            • Relationship troubles
            • Diminished Enjoyment of Physical Pleasures

             The Root Chakra is connected to the: Bones, Nails, Colon, Prostate gland, Gonads and Blood.  An imbalance in this chakra can lead to eating disorders, greed. fear, rejection, excessive negativity and feelings of insecurity, sciatica, constipation and other problems.

            R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

            Maintaining alignment and balance in our Base or Root Chakra is crucial in harnessing its power to promote a steady and peaceful energy flow within the body, promoting overall mental and physical well-being.  Only then can we confidently pursue our individual goals and dreams, giving rise to Hope and Waypower (a mental capacity we can call on to find one or more effective ways to reach our goals.


            H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

            Balancing the Root Chakra is all about grounding and stabilizing. Some techniques you can try to balance this chakra are: 

            • Wear Red, Brown and Black Crystals or Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Root Chakra, such as Bloodstone, Bronzite, Tiger's Eye, Hematite, Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline, Garnet, Black Onyx, Jet, Black Obsidian
            • Regular Meditation and the use of Red and Brown Crystals or Gemstones
            • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
            • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
            • Dance / Jog - movement of lower body and legs
            • Chanting the Root Chakra mantra: ‘LAM’.
            • Sound Frequency: 432 Hz
            • Practice specific Root Chakra yoga poses: Warrior, Tree, Uttanasana (forward fold), Malasana (garland pose)
            • Visualization & Intention - Your energy follows your intention.
            • Journaling & Self Pampering
            • Essential Oils / Incense: Rosemary, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Black Pepper, Cedar, Ginger, Cloves, Pachouli, Frankincense, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Dragons blood Sage
            • Herbs: Angelica, Ashwagandha, Cinnamon, Ginger, Clove, Quai, Raspberry leaf, Turmeric, Cayenne, Hawthorn berries, Hibiscus, Rose Petals, Rose Hips, Rooibos
            • Healing Foods: Red and Root Foods: Beets, Radishes, Carrots, Potatoes, Beans, Parsnips, Garlic, Eggs, Meats, Tofu, Peanut Butter, Peanuts, Chives, Pepper, Paprika, Red Cabbage, Rhubarb, Tomatoes, Red Bell Peppers, Turnips, Strawberries, Raspberries, Red Onions, Red Potatoes … and yes….  Red Wine!


            W H E N    B A L A N C E D
            A balanced and open Root Chakra can lead to a sense of empowerment, a robust self-worth, and a strong belief in oneself. This equilibrium may manifest as positive transformations in various aspects of life, including:
            • Action & Motivation
            • Determination & Drive
            • Love & Passion
            • Rejuvenation & Well Being
            • Emotional Healing
            • Vitality & Energy
            • Willpower & Waypower
            • Bravery & Courage
            The activation of the Root Chakra is akin to a person's opening to their deepest spiritual essence. This is why the traditional term for the Root Chakra's activation is the "awakening of Kundalini energy," which signifies the ascent of the dormant spiritual force within us.
            Proper alignment of the Root - Base Chakra can fortify the physical body, enhance balance, and boost stamina. Such alignment may also rekindle spiritual energy and foster a profound sense of security and personal power, making goals and achievements more accessible.


             2nd Chakra

            Joy, Passion & Vitality

             The Sacral Chakra, known as our "Sensual Center," governs our relationship with pleasure and enjoyment, as well as addiction and depression. Its primary purpose isto enable us to experience life deeply and intensely as a flow of energy within us, manifesting as sensation, emotion, and sensuality. The functioning level of the Sacral Chakra also influences the stream of creative force within us, thereby affecting all aspects of our creative potential in life.

            The joy of life offered to us through pleasures and experiences can become a complex matter , as it also involves pain and disappointment. Through the Sacral Chakra, we learn how to form a deeper connection to life’s joy, which does not get interrupted constantly by inevitable pain and disappointment.


             T H E    S A C R A L   C H A K R A

            C O L O R :   O R A N G E   

            Orange colored Crystals stimulate, open and unblock The Sacral Chakra, (Svadhishthana), which means "where your being is established" or “abode - house of self”.  It is the (2nd chakra) moving up the ladder of Chakras. The vibrant color orange embodies our creative energy, inner passion, and playful nature..

            Shop Orange Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals 


              S A C R A L   C H A K R A   

            O R A N G E   C R Y S T A L S

            Shop: CarnelianOrange Agate, Peach Moonstone,

            Orange Coral, SunstoneOrange Goldstone

            (Sandstone),  Sandalwood, Orange Jasper, Copper, 


            Shop Orange Carnelian Custom size Bracelet (below) 

             Carnelian enhances self-assurance by stimulating the root and sacral chakras, instilling a feeling of empowerment. Wearing this bracelet daily can aid in cultivating a positive self-image and enhancing social behavior.



            The Sacral Chakra is considered to be the place of our basic emotions, desires, sexual energy, and much of our subconscious.

            The Sacral Chakra energy center is responsible for:

            • Emotions, feelings
            • Relationships, relating
            • Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
            • Feeling the outer and inner worlds
            • Creativity
            • Fantasies

            Where is the Sacral Chakra Located? 

            L O C A T I O N

            The Sacral Chakra is located below the navel; two inches in, above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis.

            T H E   S Y M B O L 

            The symbol for the Sacral Chakra consists of multiple circles, with two central concentric circles forming a crescent moon shape. Within the center, the seed mantra "VAM" is inscribed in Sanskrit. The outer circle is surrounded by a lotus flower with six petals.

            T H E    P E T A L S  

            The six lotus petals of the Sacral Chakra Symbol symbolize the six modes of consciousness that must be mastered for the full flow of energy through this chakra –  anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, lust, and pride.

            The number six is very much connected to cycles. It is hidden in the 360 degrees of a circle, the 60 minutes of an hour, and the 12 months of a year.

            T H E   C I R C L E S 

            The Circles represent the cyclical nature of life, death, rebirth, the seasons and the realm of physical matter.

            The circles appear as a vortex and refers to perpetual motion, never-ending transition, and a continual change. It encourages us to leap into this flow without using our mind to understand this experience, but rather taking pleasure in the flow itself.

             T H E   C R E S C E N T    M O O N

            The Crescent Moon represents the moon, water, our emotions and the unconscious mind. The circles are a symbol of the different cycles pr phases of the moon. These cycles refer to constant movement, never-ending change, a continuous stream of energy and experience.

            The moon is a feminine symbol, reflecting the rhythm of time as it embodies the never-ending cycle of change and the cycles of womanhood.The moon phases symbolize infinity, immortality, and illumination or the dark side of nature itself.

            As the moon governs the tides, the floods, the oceans, and the seasons, it also has a direct effect on the inner awareness, mind and cycles of human beings on Earth.

            The moon's phases can also represent stages of human development:
            • New moon: Infancy
            • Crescent: Youth and adolescence
            • Full moon: Maturity and pregnancy
            • Waning moon: Decline of life and sleep 

              In astrology, the moon can represent the soul and a person's capacity for reflection and adaptation

            What is the Sacral Chakra?

            The Sacral Chakra is the energy center for the vital Life Force or Prana Vayus, which is the energy of circulation and free flow. This energy center assists in letting go, accepting change, and transformation in life. It is also a direct line to our creativity, intuition, and sexual pleasure.


            E L E M E N T : Fire

            The fire element is associated with the Sacral Chakra and represents the eternal flame, flexibility, aliveness and freedom of expression. It's also linked to basic emotional needs like pleasure and longing, and the capacity to procreate.


            S O U N D :   V A M -  “I Feel” 

            There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit. 

            The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

            A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.




            The seed syllable for the Sacral Chakra is "VAM"

            "VAM" is pronounced (VUHM), as in numb. Chanting this sound is a cleansing mantra for the Sacral Chakra, associated with pleasure and creativity as well as sexuality. Healing this chakra will open you up to others, give you the courage to express yourself, and embrace change.

            The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.

            C H A N T I N G

            A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy. The Sacral Chakra serves as the hub for the vital Life Force, the energy that drives circulation.


            "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the rod creates a vibration and produces a sound.

            Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."




            When to Chant "VAM" :
            • low physical energy
            • have financial struggles
            • low self-esteem or poor self image
            • fatigue
            • Find it hard to open up in relationships
            • Feel unsatisfied sexually, or suffer from low libido
            • fertility issues


            How to Chant the "VAM' Mantra?

            The frequency of this mantra aligns with the Sacral Chakra. Chanting "VAM" harmonizes with the frequency of the Sacral Chakra, purifying and activating this energy center. This helps one to feel more creative, passionate, and emotionally stable. It enables us to experience life deeply and intensely as a flow of energy within us, manifesting as sensation, emotion, and sensuality.

            If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!


            1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

            2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold an Orange Crystal placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

            3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of Orange light, like a spinning wheel, at your Sacral Chakra, located below the navel; two inches in, above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. Now, Imagine this energy is becoming stronger each time you inhale.

            4.  Focus: Quite your mind, removing all thoughts except this spinning energy at your Sacral Chakra Center. You can place your hands on the stomach if it helps.

            5.  Feel:  As you vocalize the "V" sound, envision a cascade of Orange light flooding into your Sacral Chakra. Then, intone the full "VAM" mantra slowly; pronounced (VUHM), as in numb, articulating each syllable distinctly, and sense the vibration spreading from that point through all your chakra centers; then returning to your Sacral Chakra. Continue this practice until you feel it is okay to stop.

              Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.


              Sacral Chakra

              A F F I R M A T I O N S : 

              • “I feel”
              • “I radiate passion and prosperity”
              • “I value and respect my body”
              • “I welcome sensuality into my life”
              • “Creative energy flows through me freely”
              • “I nurture myself emotionally and take full responsibility for my own happiness”
              • “My relationships are based on mutual respect and appreciation”


              P U R P O S E

              The Sacral Chakra is responsible for managing energy flow and serves as the body's center of gravity. Acting as a reservoir for the life force, all aspects of life are influenced by the Sacral Chakra as it controls the exchange of information between the body and mind. This Chakra is also responsible for intuitive and non-linear forms of communication. 

                 The Sacral Chakra is our emotional connection and pleasure chakra, stimulating creativity and intimacy. It has the power to guide our enjoyment of life and allows us to deeply experience emotions while maintaining control. This chakra also enhances our ability to innovate and discover new ways of living. Think of it as the "fun" center of your energy system. The Sacral Chakra is not solely focused on pleasure, but also on emotional expression and forming connections with others. Balance in this chakra allows for healthier emotional expression and stronger connections with loved ones.

              S A C R A L   C H A K R A  

              O R A N G E

              C O L O R   E N E R G Y


              Goldstone Bracelet (above) 

               Rich and sparkly, Orange Goldstone awakens the sacral chakra, encouraging positive flow. It disperses and removes negative energy, promoting revitalization, boost of energy and sparks a positive attitude.

               is a representation of heightened awareness, mirroring the beauty of a sunrise. This color is associated with vitality and innocence, and it is within this chakra that we envision and design our lives. Orange emits a high energy vibration. It is associated with enthusiasm, joy, vigor, and creativity, it can stimulate the mind and promote social interaction.
              This color brings the light of the Sun into your creative center. It reflects abstract thinking and links to creative visualization. Use to stimulate brilliant ideas, original concepts, and intellectual or interesting topics.
              Orange Crystals and Gemstones instill positive energy and helps reignite drive and ambition. Orange crystals, in particular, are fertility and potency symbols and are linked with conceiving a child. 

              The vibrational color energy in Orange Crystals and Gemstones include:

              • enthusiasm, joy, vigor, 
              • attracts positive energy, emotional well-being
              • inspire creativity, passion, pleasure,
              • self-expression, uplifting, vitality, boldness,
              • motivation, drive, ambition, boosts energy,
              • combat procrastination, fertility,
              • heightened awareness, visualization,
              • focus, memory, concentration

              Wear Orange Crystals and Gemstones to boost energy, drive, ambition, creativity, connection, and conversation, and can be especially helpful for people recovering from abuse or depression.

              O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

              A person's emotional state, creativity, and focus may be impacted when the Sacral Chakra is out of balance. When out of balance we experience feelings of:
              • Confusion & Over-Reliance on others,
              • Suppression of emotions & Joylessness,
              • Fear of Intimacy & Frustration
              • Lack of or Repressed Creativity,
              • Sexual Dysfunction & Withheld Intimacy,
              • Emotional Isolation, Depression
              • Chronic Lower Back pain
              • Arthritis, Hip & Joint issues
              • Reproductive problems
              • Spleen and Kidney issues 
              • Sinusitis 
              • Anemia & Low energy
              When the Sacral Chakra is not functioning properly, it can lead to emotional instability, a lack of creativity and discipline, and an addiction to sensory pleasure. Symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and fear of losing control in relationships indicate a blockage in this energy center.

              R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

              The Sacral Chakra is responsible for our desires and is considered the source of passion that ignites our creativity. It empowers individuals to make choices and build meaningful relationships, while also promoting emotional well-being through pleasure. This vital chakra plays a key role in our sexuality and the expression of our emotional needs and desires.
              When in balance we experience grace, enjoyment, playfulness, flexibility in mind and body, and the ability to adapt to any situation in life with a positive attitude.
              H O W   T O    B A L A N C E
              A balanced and open Sactual Chakra enables you to embrace risks, experience positivity and compassion to the fullest. There are several simple ways to restore the balance of the chakras, such as:
              • Wear Orange Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Sacral Chakra, such as Carnelian, Orange Agate, Peach Moonstone, Coral, Sunstone, Orange Jasper, Orange Calcite
              • Regular Meditation and the use of Orange crystals (above)
              • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
              • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
              • Dance or go Jogging: Belly dance is excellent for the Sacral Chakra
              • Chanting the Sacral Chakra mantra: ‘VAM’.
              • Sing: There is a strong connection between the Sacral Chakra and the Throat Chakra (the center of expression)
              • Sound Frequency: 480 Hz
              • Practice specific Sacral Chakra yoga poses: Goddess Pose, Supta Baddha Konasana, Wide-legged Forward
              • Visualization & Intention Your energy follows your intention.
              • Journaling & Self Pampering
              • Essential Oils / Incense: Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Orange, Clary Sage, Rose, Jasmine, Galangal, Massoia Bark, Pink Pepper seed, Neroll
              • Herbs: Damiana, Ginger, Orange peel, Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Raspberry leaf and Shatavari
              • Healing Foods: Oranges, Tangerines, Tangelos, Peaches, Orange Peppers, Coconuts, Melons, Sweet Fruits, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Pumpkin, Butternut Squash, Nuts, CherriesThis chakra plays an important role in our well-being, awakening our creativity and sexual energy while maintaining the healthy functioning of our bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs.  
              W H E N    B A L A N C E D
              The Sacral Chakra symbolizes creative potential, the ability to harbor fulfilling relationships, as well as our sexual energy
              When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, it can improve your relationships with others by allowing for deeper connections and healthy expression of emotions. This can lead to more satisfying relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners. A balanced Sacral Chakra can also greatly enhance creativity. When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you feel a sense of passion, creativity, and joy. You are able to express yourself freely and authentically.

              3rd Chakra

              Authentic Power

              The Solar Plexus Chakra is the "Center of our Intuition" or gut feelings - that “butterflies in the stomach” feeling. It's our "Personal Power" Chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra serves as our driving force, the center of transformation, willpower, purpose, digestion, and energy. It empowers us to follow our purpose, challenge our actions, and transform our experiences.

              T H E   S O L A R   P L E X U S  

              C H A K R A


              C O L O R S   Y E L L O W  &  G O L D 

              Yellow Crystals stimulate, open and unblock The Solar Plexus Chakra, (Manipura), "Mani" means "gem" while "pura" means "city” (“city of jewels"). It is the (3rd chakra) in the Chakra system.

              Shop Yellow Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals


              S O L A R   P L E X U S  
              C H A K R A   C R Y S T A L S 


              Y E L L O W   C R Y S T A L S

              ShopYellow Golden Tigers Eye, Yellow Jade, Citrine,

              Yellow Topaz, Yellow Jasper, Yellow Agate,

               Yellow Dragon Vein Agate


              Shop Yellow Citrine Bracelet (below) 

              Citrine, often referred to as the stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will, has a frequency that encourages creativity and imagination, assisting in bringing aspirations and desires to fruition. Its golden color is associated with vitality, fresh starts, and new ventures. Citrine, also known as "The Merchant's Stone," is prized for its purported properties of attracting wealth and ensuring financial stability, thereby fostering prosperity and success.


              The Solar Plexus Chakra energy center is responsible for:

              • Will, personal power
              • Taking responsibility for one’s life, taking control
              • Mental abilities, the intellect
              • Forming personal opinions and beliefs
              • Making decisions, setting the direction
              • Clarity of judgments
              • Personal identity, personality
              • Self-assurance, confidence
              • Self-discipline



              Where is the Solar Plexus Chakra Located? 

              L O C A T I O N

              The Solar Plexus Chakra is located four finger-breadths above the navel, just below the rib cage.  Sometimes referred to as the naval chakra, it is the center of our intuition (that gut feeling we get about people, places and events).


              S Y M B O L

              The Solar Plexus Chakra is symbolized by ten petals with a circle containing a downward-pointing triangle. Within the center of the triangle, the seed mantra "RAM" is inscribed in Sanskrit. 

              T H E    P E T A L S   

              Traditionally, the 10 petals in the Solar Plexus Chakra Symbols carry a double meaning.

              They represent the 10 forms of subtle energy that the human body uses according to Ayurveda, which are known as the 10 Prana Vayus (currents and energy vibrations) that are regulated by the Solar Plexus Chakra:
              • Self-Esteem, Pleasure, Willpower, Personal Responsibility, Power, Intellect, Clarity, Beliefs, Independence
              On the other hand these petals represent the ten negative characteristics that must be overcome to fully open this Chakra:
              • Sadness, Foolishness, Delusion, Disgust, Fear, Shame, Treachery, Jealousy, Ambition, and Spiritual Ignorance.

                Each of these energy-forms has their own place in the human body, their own movement, element, direction, and function.

                The Solar Plexus Chakra is like an "exchange" energy Center between these Prana Vayus and is one of the main powerhouses of the human body. As such, it governs our energy, vitality, and immunity. When it is open, it acts like a magnet that attracts energy from the cosmos and makes it usable for the human body, just like it is linked to the digestion of food in the physical realm.



                T H E   T R I A N G L E 

                The downward facing triangle in the middle; sometimes depicted as Red, represents the Agni Tattva or Fire of Kundalini energy, which signifies our inner personal strength, ego, zest for life, intuition, and the ability to express intentions and honesty. The triangle is the primary form that can enclose space within straight lines. Symbolically, this is the first form to emerge from chaos.

                The Triangle is a magnet for Life Force energy, attracting thos powerful energy from the cosmos into our Solar Plexus Chakra and radiating energy back out.

                T H E   C I R C L E  

                Have you ever felt as though you could conquer the world? Like there’s a fiery ball of passion and power surging through you? That's the Solar Plexus Chakra in action!

                The Circle represents the spinning wheels or vortex that our Life Force energy or 'Prana Vayus' flows through. It symbolizes the cycles of life, death, nature and the universe. As the most basic of all forms, the circle encloses physical matter. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to astronomy. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these realms.


                What is the Solar Plexus Chakra? 

                The Solar Plexus Chakra, is a bright, rejuvenating, joyful sunny color of yellow. It is the seed of our personal power and it directs our creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance our physical body. When purified, this is the chakra of inner peace. 

                The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy distribution center in our body.  It is one of the most powerful energy tools that aids in manifestation. When in complete alignment with the creative Life Force; your projected desired outcomes will be attracted back to you, like a powerful magnet. 

                The Solar Plexus is connected to the ability to take on responsibility. This chakra can be a place of personal authority and emotional strength. If misused, the solar plexus becomes the seat of addictions.


                E L E M E N T : Fire

                This element governs the fire or energy inside of you. It is your strength, your vitality, your ego, your willpower, your stamina, your inner power.



                S O U N D :   R A M -  “I Do”

                There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit.

                The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

                A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.


                The seed syllable for the Solar Plexus Chakra is "RAM"

                RAM is pronounced (RUHM) as in Hum.  This sound is said to be a magnetic seed that attracts success, wealth and happiness. It awakens self-confidence, personal power, charisma, and mental stability. 

                The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.


                C H A N T I N G

                A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy. The Solar Plexus Chakra serves as the core of our personal power. Engaging in its chant can bolster self-esteem, amplify confidence, and strengthen self-assurance.


                "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the rod creates a vibration and produces a sound.

                Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."



                Chant “RAM” if you…

                • Find it difficult to stand up for yourself
                • Experience negative impulses and have low self-control
                • Feel powerless

                How to Chant the "RAM' Mantra?

                The frequency of this mantra aligns with the Solar Plexus Chakra. Chanting "RAM" fosters a unified sense of self, enhances our self-perception, aids in uncovering our true desires and sources of strength.

                If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!


                1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

                2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold a Yellow Crystal placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

                3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of Yellow White light, like a spinning wheel, at your Solar Plexus Chakra, located 4 fingers above your navel. With each breath you take, envision this energy intensifying and expanding.

                4.  Focus:  Quiet your mind, eliminate all thoughts, and focus solely on the spinning energy at your Solar Plexus Chakra Center. 

                5.  Feel:  As you vocalize the "R" sound, envision a cascade of Yellow White light flooding into your Third-Eye Chakra. Then, intone the full "RAM" mantra slowly; "RAM" is pronounced (RUHM) as in "Hum"., articulating each syllable distinctly, and sense the vibration spreading from that point through all your chakra centers; then returning to your Solar Plexus Chakra continue this practice until you feel its ok to stop.

                  Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.


                  Solar Plexus Chakra

                  A F F I R M A T I O N S: 

                  • “I Do”
                  • “I can create positive change in my life”
                  • “I can achieve anything I set my mind to”
                  • “I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire”
                  • “I don’t need validations from others to know how good I am”
                  • “I love the person I am, both inside and out”
                  • “I embrace my journey because it is uniquely designed just for me”


                  P U R P O S E

                  The Solar Plexus Chakra spreads the fire element throughout your body which brings energy, warmth, and light. This is also the energy center of digestion. The Solar Plexus Chakra energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions from a place of inner wisdom. It is also the key to unlocking our personal power, building a strong sense of self and the ability to manifest our desires.

                  Intellect, ego, willpower, and aggression are also common qualities of the Solar Plexus Chakra. The love and happiness that we feel in our hearts actually originate in the Third Chakra and rise from there to the Heart Chakra.

                   S O L A R   P L E X U S  

                   Y E L L O W

                  C O L O R   E N E R G Y


                  Citrine stimulates, balances and opens the Solar Plexus, Sacral and Crown Chakras directing ones personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance the physical body. It is one of the most powerful energy tools that aids in manifestation.

                  Yellow symbolizes energy, intellect, and the connection you have with the fire and the sun. It can cheer, infuse with hope, clarify and elevate mental activity. It also creates a sense of stability and nurturing.
                  Yellow helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras. It is excellent for balancing yin-yang, and for raising kundalini energy.
                  Sharing the same shades as gold, it’s no surprise that Yellow Crystals & Gemstones are a money magnet and used by small businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide to attract financial security.

                  The vibrational color energy in Yellow Crystals and Gemstones include:
                  • wealth, prosperity, success,
                  • hope, focus, logic, clarity, awareness,
                  • organization, decisiveness, persuasion,
                  • pleasure, happiness, willpower,
                  • personal responsibility, personal power, authority,
                  • intellect, beliefs, independence,
                  • rejuvenating, joyful, new beginnings

                  Wear Yellow Crystals and Gemstones to attract success, wealth, prosperity, creativity happiness and joy. It enhances your mood and uplifts your spirit.

                  Yellow is particularly useful in starting new ventures. It supports creative ideas and bringing them into reality, as well as developing the business skills needed to make a living from one's passions.

                  Shop Yellow Gemstone Jewelry and Crystals




                  O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

                  When the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of alignment, you will experience insecurity, self-doubt, anger, aggression and a lack of direction in life. Fear will be present in many forms, fear of displeasing or disappointing others or fear of subordinating your life and pleasures to the will of others. When it is out of equilibrium, you will have a low tolerance to infection, food or might suffer from hormone disorders. Because this chakra is located near the abdomen, it affects many internal organs.


                  When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as various physical and emotional issues:

                  • Low Self-Esteem & Weak willpower
                  • Increased Fear & Control Issues
                  • Fear of Disappointment
                  • Self-victimizing mentality
                  • Lack of Ambition and Purpose
                  • Manipulative Tendencies & Misuse of Power
                  • Anger & Aggression
                  • Frequent infections & Fatigue
                  • Overeating & Excessive Weight Gain
                  • Digestive System Disorders
                  • Gastrointestinal issues & Diabetes
                  • Heartburn & Indigestion
                  • Irritable bowel syndrome & Ulcers
                  • Issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon 

                  In the physical body, the Solar Plexus Chakra corresponds with the Liver, Pancreas, Stomach, Digestive System, Large Intestine, Adrenal Gland, Lungs


                  R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

                  When this energy center is open and balanced, you feel confident, empowered, and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way

                  You will begin to experience positive changes in your life such as:

                  • Manifestation, Wealth & Prosperity
                  • Empowered action towards Goals and Dreams
                  • Hope & Self Confidence, Self Worth
                  • Focus & Logic
                  • Clarity & Awareness
                  • Organization & Efficient
                  • Energetic & Enthusiastic
                  • Decisiveness & Persuasion
                  • Good Digestion & Healthy Metabolism
                  • Inner Strength & Resilience
                  • Ability to make Decisions with ease & Trust in yourself
                  • Willingness to take Risks & Step out of your Comfort Zone
                  • Control over Emotions


                  H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

                  A healthy and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra is essential for success in various areas of our life, including health, relationships, and spirituality.

                  Here are some techniques to unblock and heal your Solar Plexus Chakra. 

                  • Wear Yellow White, Yellow or Gold Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, such as Rutile Quartz Crystal, Yellow Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Topaz,Yellow Jasper, Yellow Agate
                  • Regular Meditation and the use of Yellow, Yellow White or Gold metallic crystals.
                  • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
                  • Nature & SUN Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
                  • Dance or go Jogging
                  • Chanting the Solar Plexus Chakra mantra: ‘RAM’.
                  • Sound Frequency: 528 H
                  • Practice specific Solar Plexus Chakra yoga poses; Bow Pose, Reverse Plank Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Classic Forward Bend
                  • Visualization & Intention Your energy follows your intention.
                  • Journaling & Self Pampering
                  • Essential Oils / Incense: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Rosewood, Rosemary, Rose Myrrh
                  • Herbs: Milk, Thistle, Ginger, Turmeric, Dandelion, Lemon Balm, Calendula, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Spearmint, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Fennel, Cinnamon, Clove, and Cardamom.
                  • Healing Foods: Yellow, Warming or Energizing Foods: Squash, Pumpkings, Corn, Oats, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Yellow Pears, Lentils, Golden Apples, Yellow & Orange Peppers, Spelt, Rice, Bananas, Pineapple, Papaya, Dandelions, Sunflowers, Lovage, Sunchokes


                  W H E N    B A L A N C E D

                  When the Solar Plexus Chakra center is open and balanced it promotes your emotional well-being, you feel confident, self-motivated, and have a sense of purpose  You have the willpower to interpret the world through your own thoughts and emotions, without fear of going against others' beliefs.
                  Being aligned strengthens your immune system, prevents allergies, and allows for efficient nutrient absorption.  It ignites our inner fire, the light of consciousness that motivates us to strive towards success and good health.



                  4th Chakra 

                  Love & Emotional Abundance

                   The Heart Chakra is situated at the central point of the Chakra system, serving as the middle, or core 'Hub' for the entire Chakra system, which is why it resonates so strongly and is the most perceptible to us. The Heart center is where we feel love, compassion, connection, growth, and unity. It serves as a bridge between the lower chakras, which represent our physical states, and the upper chakras, which symbolize our spiritual and esoteric states. It acts as the emotional intermediary, linking our tangible, earthly qualities with our intuitive senses.


                  T H E   H E A R T   C H A K R A

                  C O L O R S :  G R E E N   &   P I N K 

                    (higher energy frequencies turn to pink)

                  Green and Pink Crystals stimulate, open and unblock The Heart Chakra (Anahata) which in Sanskrit means: Unhurt, Unstruck and Unbeaten.  It is known as the (4th chakra).




                   H E A R T   C H A K R A 


                  C R Y S T A L S 

                   Green AventurineRose QuartzGreen Jade,  

                  Pink AgateGreen Agate, MalachiteEmerald,

                  Green ChrysopraseGreen or Pink Tourmaline,

                  RhodochrositeRhodonitePink Quartz,

                  Pink JasperGreen JasperPeridot 


                  Love Blossom bracelet; pictured above:

                  The selected gemstones in this bracelet symbolize love and relationships, with their healing properties being utilized to attract an ideal soulmate for the wearer. These gemstones have a proven track record in aiding in the pursuit of true love.

                  Lepidolite + Rhodonite + Sodalite + Picasso Jasper + Green Hair Jasper


                  The Heart Chakra is associated with the element of air and related to the qualities of love, forgiveness, self confidence, and compassion.


                  The Heart Chakra energy center is responsible for:
                  • Love for oneself and others
                  • Relating, relationships
                  • Compassion, empathy
                  • Forgiveness, acceptance
                  • Transformation, change
                  • Ability to grieve and reach peace
                  • Compassionate discernment
                  • Center of awareness, integration of insights



                  Where is the Heart Chakra Located? 

                  L O C A T I O N

                  The Heart Chakra is located in the center of our chest, close to our physical heart and is considered the most crucial Chakra energy center. 

                  S Y M B O L


                  The Heart Chakra symbol has 12 lotus petals, features two triangles that intersect to form a yantra, a six-pointed star or hexagram encased in a circle.  Its color is green, reminiscent of the combination of fire from below and sky from above. The Sanscrit symbol for the seed syllable YAM is often inscribed in the center.

                   T H E    P E T A L S   

                  The twelve petals of the lotus symbolize the twelve sounds emitted during its rotation, as well as the twelve divine attributes linked to the virtues of a pure heart, namely love, compassion, kindness, empathy, understanding, bliss, peace, harmony, clarity, purity, unity, and forgiveness. Additionally, they represent the twelve obstructive traits (vrittis) of this Chakra, which are lust, fraud, indecision, regret, hope, anxiety, desire, neutrality, arrogance, ineptitude, discernment, and resistance.

                  The twelve petals also correspond to the twelve months of the year and the twelve astrological signs. The lotus petals are connected to the energy of creation and symbolizes the unfolding of spirituality or divinity.


                    T W O   T R I A N G L E S   ( Hexagram )

                  The Heart Chakra is the only Chakra that features an upward-pointing triangle and is often described as the “seat of the soul”. The Heart Chakra is the source of Love energy, which gives this Chakra a very special role among the seven Chakras. There is no greater power than Love. 

                  A hexagram consists of two overlapping triangles, one pointing upwards and the other downwards. This symbolizes that the Heart Chakra is at the center of the Chakra system, with three more physical Chakras below and three more spiritual Chakras above. It represents the intersection where human consciousness ascends towards spirituality and soul consciousness descends into the material world. The Heart Chakra aims to harmonize these two currents, merging spirit with matter.

                  Additionally, the hexagram, composed of two interlocking triangles, symbolizes the equilibrium of yin and yang, or the ascending and descending forces of Air and Fire. This can also represent the harmonious union of masculine and feminine energies, merging steadfast, penetrating awareness with complete surrender and devotion into a singular state of existence.

                  The  Hexagram or intersecting two triangles symbol is also known as the Star of David and the six pointed star.

                   T H E   C I R C L E

                  The Circle represents the spinning wheels, vortex or circles that life energy flows through. It symbolizes the cycles of life, death, nature and the universe. As the most basic of all forms, the circle encloses physical matter. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to astronomy. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these realms.


                  What is the Heart Chakra? 

                  The Heart Chakra is our ‘Center Chakra’, with three chakras above and three below. It is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras, balancing the material and spiritual worlds and facilitating our emotional and physical well-being. Pure love opens the Heart Chakra, allowing us to receive, forgive and give love unconditionally.  This chakra is an essential component of our overall health, as it helps us to balance our emotions, cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, and build meaningful relationships with others.



                  E L E M E N T :  Air

                  Air represents space, feeling the infinite, like the sky. It's the door to our inner temple, our soul, the infinite part of ourselves.




                  S O U N D :   Y A M  -  “I Love” 

                  There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit. 

                  The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

                  A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.



                  The seed syllable for the Heart Chakra is "YAM"

                  YAM is pronounced 'YUM'.  This sound is said to be a magnetic seed that attracts love, compassion and empathy.

                   The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.


                  C H A N T I N G

                  A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy. The Heart Chakra serves as the focal point for giving and receiving love. It aids in the healing of both the physical and the spiritual (emotional) heart centers, fostering an openness to unconditional love and compassion.


                  "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the rod creates a vibration and produces a sound.

                  Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."




                  How to Chant the "YAM' Mantra?


                  This mantra's frequency resonates with the Heart Chakra.  Chanting the "YAM"  mantra fosters a connection through sensation. Within the heart chakra, we deeply feel our soul's connection and the broader network of life. We sense our place in a larger unity of existence and understand the interconnectivity within a complex network of relationships. This profound recognition paves the way for love, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, kindness, intimacy, devotion, gratitude, altruism, and healing.

                  If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!


                  1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

                  2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold a Green or Pink Crystal placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

                  3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of Green and/or Pink light, like a spinning wheel, at your Heart Chakra, located in the the center of your chest. With each breath you take, envision this energy intensifying and expanding.

                  4.  Focus:  Quiet your mind, eliminate all thoughts, and focus solely on the spinning energy at your Heart Chakra Center. 

                  5.  Feel:  As you vocalize the "Y" sound, envision a cascade of Green and/or Pink light flooding into your Heart Chakra. Then, intone the full "YAM" mantra slowly; "YAM" is pronounced 'YUM'. articulating each syllable distinctly, and sense the vibration spreading from that point through all your chakra centers; then returning to your Heart Chakra. Continue this practice until you feel its ok to stop.

                    Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.

                    Heart Chakra

                    A F F I R M A T I O N S: 

                    • “I Love”
                    • “I deserve love and being loved”
                    • “I attract good, loving, kind people into my life”
                    • “All my relationships are now loving and harmonious”
                    • “I step away from the prison of resentment into freedom”
                    • “I am releasing all the painful thoughts of my past”
                    • “The happiness and love I feel is felt by everyone around me because I radiate love”


                    P U R P O S E

                    The Heart Chakra, is responsible for regulating our interactions with the external world, providing us with the ability to maintain a healthy balance between detachment and involvement. By fostering our decision-making processes, it allows us to determine what we accept or reject, and harmonizes our inner self with our surroundings. This chakra is responsible for the storage and distribution of Prana, the life force energy that flows through our bodies, and for maintaining the air element in our system, which is key to our ability to stay alive and thrive.


                    H E A R T    C H A K R A 


                    G R E E N   &   P I N K
                    C O L O R   E N E R G Y

                    The colors associated with the Heart Chakra are Green and Pink.

                    The Heart Chakra opens us up to give and receive love, compassion and emotional healing.

                    Green deals with giving and receiving love, while Pink represents unconditional love in a soft, nurturing way. Pink instills self love, self care, self confidence and self esteem, drawing the love inward, towards self. It is only when we can truly love ourselves, that we can fully give and receive love.

                    The Heart Chakras color representation can vary between green and pink, each symbolizing different aspects of love and emotional energy:

                    1. Green:

                    • Symbolism: Green is typically associated with healing, growth, and balance. It represents unconditional love, compassion, and the ability to forgive oneself and others.
                    • Connection to Nature: The color green is also linked to nature and the heart's ability to connect with the world around us, fostering a sense of harmony and peace.

                    2. Pink:

                    • Symbolism: Pink is often seen as a softer, more nurturing color. It embodies love in its purest form, including self-love, affection, and tenderness.
                    • Emotional Depth: Pink can signify a more romantic or gentle aspect of love, emphasizing emotional warmth, kindness, and a caring attitude.

                    Both colors reflect different facets of love and emotional well-being, and individuals may resonate with one color over the other based on their personal experiences and emotional needs. In various spiritual practices, the heart chakra may be visualized in either color depending on the intention of the meditation or healing work being done.

                    G R E E N


                    (Green Jade; 10mm bracelet pictured above, stimulates the Heart Chakra, it promotes emotional well-being and can help alleviate heartache while also fostering strength, balance and enhances one's ability to love.)

                    (8mm Green Jade Bracelet)


                    Green is emblematic of nature, birth, and gentleness. It conveys stability and epitomizes growth and rejuvenation, as well as flourishing relationships and the exchange of affection. Green crystals and gemstones are often referred to as "Good Luck Stones," associated with prosperity in love, wealth, fortune, joy, and health. They are also acknowledged for their ability to balance the soul and mood, and for fortifying the connection between heart and mind.

                    Green has a rich history in aiding with fertility, birth, and renewal. In fact, green talismans have long been used to help bring "new life" into a family or rejuvenate love. This powerful stone can even enhance intimacy and affection between couples, bringing new energy to relationships.

                    The vibrational color energy in Green Crystals and Gemstones include:

                    • unconditional love, compassion, care
                    • healing, growth, renewal, 
                    • good luck, wealth, prosperity, success 
                    • happiness, healthy relationships, acceptance,
                    • balance, harmony, strength,
                    • inner-stability, forgiveness, 
                    • fertility, nature, earth,
                    • birth, care, tenderness

                    Wear Green Crystals as good luck charms and talismans to attract wealth, prosperity, success, health and happiness into your life. Green is often worn to attract wealth and financial opportunities, while also improving your financial decision-making skills and increasing the likelihood of success in business ventures.

                    Shop Green Crystals and Gemstone Jewelry and stones 

                    P I N K


                    (Kunzite; pictured above, is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. Kunzite awakens the heart center producing loving thoughts, allowing you to radiate peace and connects you to universal love. A protective stone, it dispels negativity, shields the aura, encourages self expression and promotes emotional balance, confidence, connection to higher self and oneness with the Divine)


                    Pink stimulates the Heart Chakra and symbolizes unconditional love, devotion and nurturing. The vibrational energy of pink is associated with self-love, compassion for others, self-esteem, and healing deep emotional wounds. It fosters self-confidence by reprogramming the heart to accept the infinite source of love from within ourselves. True love for others can only flourish after we learn to love ourselves. 

                    The vibrational color energy in Pink Crystals and Gemstones include:


                    • romance, affection, tenderness,
                    • self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence
                    • bonding, compassion, emotion, commitment 
                    • inner-nourishment, comfort,
                    • empathy,   unconditional love, relationships

                      Wearing Pink Crystals opens us up to unconditional love. Pink has a unique ability to open a direct pathway to the heart, allowing for an increased understanding of compassion, universal love, and self-love. Its nurturing and loving energy has a calming effect on our hearts and minds, making it beneficial in times of stress. It emits a gentle and comforting energy that promotes feelings of care and compassion. 

                      Shop Pink Crystal and Gemstone Jewelry and more here



                      O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

                      An imbalance in the Heart Chakra may manifest through various symptoms such as difficulty in forgiving, lack of self-love, feeling trapped in toxic relationships, experiencing grief or loneliness, fear of betrayal, immune system issues, chest tightness, and more. 

                      Additional symptoms to be on the look out for include:

                      • Loneliness, Isolation, Fatigue
                      • Lack of Trust & Fear of Rejection
                      • Jealousy & Hate
                      • Inability to Forgive and let go
                      • Issues with Giving and Receiving Affection
                      • Over-dependency in a Relationship
                      • Distancing yourself from loved ones
                      • Unemotional & Disconnection
                      • Heart Palpitation & Poor Blood Circulation,
                      • Heart Pain, Angina or Asthma
                      An imbalance in the Heart Chakra can lead to tension in the upper torso and unhealthy dynamics in relationships, often manifesting as controlling behaviors or excessive criticism. It can also cause everyday situations to provoke intense emotional responses, as well as foster unhealthy attachments or a sense of detachment.
                      The Heart Chakra is connected to the physical heart, lungs, and the thymus gland. A balanced Heart Chakra maintains the healthy functioning of these vital organs and glands.


                      R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

                      When the Heart Chakra energy center is rotating at its optimum speed and the Air Element is refreshing regularly, we say it is in balanced or aligned. A balanced and activated Heart Chakra can manifest as inner peace, great compassion, and emotional balance. Some of the most common open Heart Chakra symptoms include:

                      • Feeling immense unconditional love compassion and respect for others
                      • Having healthy relationships with no attachments or addictions
                      • Experiencing peace and joy within, regardless of external conditions
                      • Forming deep and meaningful connections with others effortlessly
                      • Trusting others and feeling comfortable
                      • Feeling content and at ease with oneself

                      (The wood element is also used for the Heart Chakra in Chinese Feng Shui).


                      H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

                      Healing the Heart Chakra fosters a wealth of empathy, compassion, and love, not just for others, but for oneself as well. A balanced chakra enables you to be true to yourself, rather than trying to meet external expectations.

                      Below are some methods to clear and heal your Heart Chakra.

                      • Wear Green and Pink Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Heart Chakra, such as Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Green or Pink Jade, Malachite, Emerald, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline, Rhodochrosite, Green Agate
                      • Regular Meditation and the use of Green and Pink crystals
                      • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
                      • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday), Tree Hugging
                      • Dance or go Jogging
                      • Volunteer or Give to others in need
                      • Forgive and let go
                      • Chanting the Heart Chakra mantra: ‘Yam’.
                      • Sound Frequency: 639 Hz
                      • Practice specific Heart Chakra yoga poses: Camel Pose, Cobra Pose, Bridge Pose, Wheel Pose
                      • Visualization & Intention Your energy follows your intention.
                      • Journaling & Self-Pampering
                      • Essential Oils / Incense: Rose, Rosemary, Lavender, Sandies, Chamomile,Jasmine, Hyssop, Cacao, Cardamom, Palmarosa, Bergamot, Black Spruce
                      • Herbs: Cayenne, Hawthorn berries, Jasmine, Lavender, Marjoram, Rose, Thyme, Cilantro, Parsley, Flower Sage, White Peony, Hawthorn Leaf, Motherwort, Lemon Balm, Vervain, Yarrow, Cinnamon, Hibiscus, Cayenne, Rhodiola, Eleuthero
                      • Healing Foods: Spinach, Wheatgrass, Barely Grass, Avocado, Chlorella, Cucumbers, Kiwi, Green Apples, Green Grapes, Limes, Green Tea, Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric, Beets, Rose Hips, Hawthorn Berries, Schizandra Berries, and of course Chocolate.



                      W H E N    B A L A N C E D

                      A balanced Heart Chakra fosters tranquility and acceptance, enabling us to connect with others and adjust to the world's demands. It also allows us to discern when our needs are not being met and to seamlessly maintain equilibrium between our external and internal requirements. This equilibrium aids in managing the fluctuations of emotional relationships, comprehending their recurrent nature, and welcoming change.

                      The energy of the Heart Chakra profoundly influences our personality and overall well-being. A balanced Heart Chakra is essential for a fulfilling and joyful life. Healing the Heart Chakra fosters trust, joy, and tranquility, enabling us to cultivate stronger connections with ourselves and with others.





                      5th Chakra

                      Fearless Expression & Vision

                       The Throat Chakra is known as our "Purification Center" and is the chakra that determines the level and intensity of our expression and visibility in the outer world.

                      The Throat Chakra serves as the gateway for expressing our inner world, bringing our dreams and visions to light. It acts as a door that divides our inner realm from the external world. When this door closed, our genuine voice and expression are trapped within us. Through the Throat Chakra, we embrace and learn how to become our true selves in the world, adhering to our deepest beliefs and convictions, ensuring we are seen and heard accurately.


                       T H E   T H R O A T   C H A K R A

                      C O L O R :  B L U E

                      Blue colored Crystals stimulate, open and unblock the The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha); which means "pure" or "purification". It is known as the (5th chakra).

                      Blue Crystals represent communication, helping those who have difficulty being heard by others or who need confidence and articulation to share their truths without fear. It can aid in promoting mindfulness and empathy towards both ourselves and others.

                      Shop Blue Crystal Jewelry and Gemstones 

                       T H R O A T   C H A K R A


                      C R Y S T A L S

                      Blue ChalcedonyAquamarineLapis Lazuli,

                      Blue Botswana AgateSodaliteBlue Lace Agate,

                      AmazoniteTurquoiseBlue Aventurine (Dumortierite), 

                      Blue Goldstone, Blue VarisciteBlue Tiger Eye

                      Blue ApatiteBlue Jade, Sapphire


                      (Throat Chakra bracelet; pictured above, is about expressing of yourself. Speaking your truth, your purpose in life & your creative expression. Opening the Throat Chakra can help align your vision with reality & encourage you to speak your truth without fear)


                      The Throat Chakra energy center is responsible for:

                      • Expression, in particular ability to express your truth, to speak out
                      • Communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal
                      • Connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities
                      • Propensity to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality
                      • Realizing your vocation, purpose
                      • Good sense of timing



                      Where is the Throat Chakra Located? 

                      L O C A T I O N


                      The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat, at the center of the larynx.

                      S Y M B O L

                      The symbol of the Throat Chakra features a lotus with sixteen petals encircling an inverted triangle that contains a circle. Inside the circle, the seed mantra 'HAM' is written in Sanskrit.

                      The Throat Chakra is the source of a subtle energy known as Udana Prana. This particular Prana's role is to cleanse the body of toxins through breath and to clear the psyche and subconscious of suppressed emotions; by fully experiencing and expressing them, rather than "swallowing them down."

                      The Throat Chakra encourages us to express our inner world authentically, first to ourselves and then to the external world. By doing so, we refine our expression until we can live as our true selves, with an unobstructed flow of communication between our inner and outer worlds.

                        T H E    P E T A L S   

                      The sixteen lotus petals symbolizes the sixteen vowel sounds of the Sanskrit language which are created by the movement of the chakra. The Lotus flower symbolizes purity and spiritual awakening.

                      The sixteen petals also represent the major components of being and experiencing. These are the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether); the ten ways of sensing, experiencing and perceiving (ears, skin, eyes, tongue, nose, mouth, feet, hands, arms, genitals) and the mind.


                      T H E   T R I A N G L E  

                      The downward facing triangle or inverted downward-pointing triangle symbolizes a connection to the soul and consciousness, and a direct expression of the higher self.

                      It also represents the spirit connecting with matter, grounding on the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. The upward side reflects the flourishing awareness that leads to the enlightenment. The upward side can represent awareness that leads to enlightenment. The inverted triangle can also show how the energy of the lower three chakras spreads up to the higher chakras.

                      The downward-pointing triangle is really better described as an upward-opening triangle for this Chakra. The Throat Chakra makes us a pure channel for the consciousness of the soul, a direct expression of our highest truth and self. In its center, we find a full circle which is believed to represent the full moon that is often understood to be a symbol of a purified mind.

                        T H E   C I R C L E

                      The Circle represents the spinning wheels, vortex or circles that life energy flows through. It also represents physical manifestation as a whole, which comes into being through sound, speech and vocalization. It symbolizes the cycles of life, death, nature and the universe. As the most basic of all forms, the circle encloses physical matter. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to astronomy. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these realms.

                      What is the Throat Chakra?

                      The Throat Chakra symbolizes the energy of seeking and speaking the truth. It represents communication, our ability to speak, listen, and express ourself. It’s calming, tranquil and soothing energies are about helping to overcome insecurities.



                      E L E M E N T :  Ether or Space

                      Moving from the stability of earth, through the flow of water, the passion of fire and the lightness of air we reach Ether. Ether is the element that makes everything else possible, Ether or "space" is both nothing and everything at the same time. It is stillness, yet it is the very thing that makes all movement and life possible. 

                      Sound propagates in waves through the Ether, facilitating our interaction with one another via our voices. The Throat Chakra is intimately linked to sound. Sound emanates from the throat, spreading into the air, and its vibrations can be experienced not only in our ears but throughout our entire body. It serves as a vital tool for communication and expression.


                      S O U N D :   H A M - “I Speak”

                      There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit.

                      The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

                      A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.


                      The seed syllable for the Throat Chakra is "HAM"

                      "HAM" is pronounced “HAUHM”

                      This sound is said to be a magnetic seed that attracts your ability to express yourself truthfully. The vibrations of “HAM” will open your Throat Chakra to strengthen your ability to communicate your truth.

                      The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.



                      C H A N T I N G

                      A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy. The Throat Chakra serves as the energy center for your physical and spiritual voice, embodying your "Truth" and facilitating clear communication.


                      "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the rod creates a vibration and produces a sound.

                      Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."




                      Chant “HAM” if you…
                      • Find it difficult to voice your needs and desires
                      • Close yourself off to opportunities
                      • Tell lies or don’t speak your truth

                      How to Chant the "HAM' Mantra?

                      The frequency of this mantra aligns with the Throat Chakra. Chanting "HAM" harmonizes, purifies, and activates this energy center, providing a clear channel to live and express one's inner truth freely. When open, it allows us to express our deepest feelings and truths to the world without fear.

                      If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!


                      1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

                      2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold a Blue Crystal placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

                      3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of Blue light, like a spinning wheel, at your Throat Chakra positioned at the base of the neck. With each breath you take, envision this energy intensifying and expanding.

                      4.  Focus: Quiet your mind, eliminate all thoughts, and focus solely on the spinning energy at your Throat Chakra Center.

                      5.  Feel: As you vocalize the "H" sound, envision a cascade of Blue light flooding into your Throat Chakra, resembling a waterfall of luminous, pure Blue light. Then, intone the full "HAM" mantra slowly; pronounced:   “HAUHM” , .articulating each syllable distinctly, and sense the vibration spreading from that point through all your chakra centers; then returning to your Throat Chakra. Repeat this mantra until you feel its ok to stop.

                        Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.



                        Throat Chakra

                        A F F I R M A T I O N S: 

                        • “I Speak”
                        • "I speak my truth"
                        • “I live my truth”
                        • “I always speak in terms of success and prosperity”
                        • “I always voice my opinions in a calm and considerate way”
                        • “I am safe to express my feelings and emotions”
                        • “I am comfortable confronting others and telling them how I feel”
                        • “I trust the brilliance that comes through my voice”
                        • “My voice and my words matter”


                        P U R P O S E

                        The Throat Chakra establishes a strong connection to both verbal and body language, and acts as a gateway to expression, communication, and authenticity.  When balanced, it allows us to tap into our true voice and confidently share our ideas with the world. We are able to express ourselves freely, think creatively, and communicate without fear.


                         T H R O A T   C H A K R A


                        B L U E
                        C O L O R   E N E R G Y

                        The color Blue is associated with the Throat Chakra,

                        (Vishuddha) which is associated with the elemental properties of Ether, or "space" (akasha), and with speaking one's truth. Its energetic function is to help us find authentic self-expression through communication. In Feng Shui, blue is associated with the Water element.

                        (Blue Angelite; pictured abovepromotes profound serenity and tranquility, facilitating connection to the spiritual realm and accessing universal wisdom, while expanding consciousness)

                        Blue, the color of communication, endows us with the ability to speak truthfully. Bringing Blue crystals into our auric field can activate and balance our throat chakra, fostering openness, tranquility, and harmony in our interactions.
                        Blue provides internal support, aiding in concentration, contemplation, meditation, and the management of creative tasks. It resonates at a low to medium frequency and is linked with feelings of calmness, serenity, and relaxation. Blue can decelerate our pace, alleviate stress, and foster a sense of trust, tranquility, and peace.

                        The vibrational color energy in Blue Crystals and Gemstones include:
                        • clear communication, speech, trust, honesty,
                        • responsibility, reliability, leadership, caring,
                        • empathy,  concern, peace, calm, tranquility,
                        • serenity,  mindfulness, openness, spiritual
                        • awakening, expanded consciousness
                        • enhances clarity, rational decision-making
                        Wear Blue Crystals to improve communication and tap into boundless potential and opportunities. Blue color energy unlocks our inspiration and allows ideas to flow freely and effortlessly. It instills a sense of self-assurance and empowerment. Blue helps dissolve self-doubt and fear of judgment, enabling us to stand in our own power and express ourselves authentically without hesitation.


                        O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

                        When our Throat Chakra is imbalanced or blocked, communication breaks down. We refuse to listen to our inner-self and to others, impacting our internal and external connections.
                        When blocked, our Throat Chakra energy center may make it difficult for you to speak your mind and stand up for yourself, inhibit creativity and imagination and your ability connect on a deeper level with others. If you suspect your Throat Chakra is blocked, you might be experiencing these symptoms:
                        • Difficulty in Expressing yourself
                        • Shyness & Being Withdrawn
                        • Increased Anxiety, Excessive Speaking
                        • Telling Lies & Inability to listen to others
                        • Fear of Judgment, Criticism, or Rejection
                        • Sore Throat or Constricted Jaw
                        • Tension in the Neck, Shoulders or Upper chest
                        • Hoarseness & Thyroid issues
                        • Toothache, Tooth Decay & Bad Breath
                        • Ear, Mouth & Sinus problems
                        The Throat Chakra restores energy to the body and mind by detoxifying impurities from them. Unhealthy food and polluted air may also block the Throat Chakra.
                        In the physical body, the Throat Chakra corresponds with the Mouth, Esophagus, Thyroid, Shoulders, Vocal Cords, Cervical Vertebrae, Teeth, Trachea, Arms


                        R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

                        With a direct line to your inner voice, you will be able to express yourself authentically.
                        When the Throat Chakra is balanced, there is a smooth flow of energy throughout our body and spirit. This energy, which rises from the Sacral Chakra up through the Solar Plexus, allows for unrestricted expression of our innermost values and needs. When the Throat Chakra is balanced and open, one can effectively express thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This facilitates the communication of personal truths into the world with clarity and authenticity such as:
                        • Communication & Beliefs
                        • Speaking Clearly & Speaking Effectively, Expression & Purpose
                        • Confidence & Self-Esteem
                        • Honesty & Compassion
                        • True Voice & Sense of Self and Purpose
                        • Tranquility & Honesty
                        • Spiritual Awakening & Expanded Consciousness 


                        H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

                        The Throat Chakra serves as the primary channel for our inner voice to communicate. Speaking allows for both others and the Universal Consciousness to hear and potentially manifest our deepest desires and aspirations. To achieve balance in this chakra, attempting various techniques may be helpful, such as:

                        • Wear Blue Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Throat Chakra, such as Blue Chalcedony, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Botswana Agate, Sodalite or Blue Lace Agate, Amazonite, Turquoise
                        • Regular Meditation and the use of Blue crystals & gemstones
                        • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
                        • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
                        • Chanting the Throat Chakra mantra: ‘Ham’.
                        • Sing (in private or in front of people)
                        • Sound Frequency: 672 Hz
                        • Practice specific Throat Chakra yoga poses: Fish, Camel Pose, Plough Pose
                        • Visualization & Intention - Your energy follows your intention.
                        • Sound Therapy is very important in utilizing along with Blue Chalcedony to unblock the Throat Chakra. Any crystal healing of the throat should be accompanied by soothing, melodic music for maximum effectiveness.
                        • Journaling & Self Pampering
                        • Essential Oils / Incense: Rose, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Neroli, Jasmine, Calendula,
                        • Herbs: Sage, Clary sage, Thyme, Chamomile, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Pleurisy Root, Stillingia, Cosmos, Heather, Calendula, Larch, Scarlet Monkeyflower, Snapdragon, Trumpet Vine
                        • Healing Foods: Blue foods and Food that contains Iodine: Blueberries, Blackberries, Coconut Water, Raw Honey, Apples, Pears, Plums, Kelp, Dulse, Nori, Spirulina, and any sea veggies


                          W H E N    B A L A N C E D

                          The energy of the Throat Chakra can be a potent tool when harnessed effectively. Open expression of our emotions allows us to establish meaningful connections with the world around us and within ourselves. Effective communication brings clarity and fosters positive thinking. This clarity helps us prioritize and ward off negative influences, resulting in a more balanced and healthier state of well-being.





                        6th Chakra

                        Intuition & Knowing

                        The Third Eye Chakra serves as our "Command" or "Monitoring Center." It is involved in developing clarity and wisdom in our perception of the inner and outer worlds. As our "Thinking Center," its role in discerning reality from illusion is crucial. Its primary drive is to seek the most reliable sources of knowledge and wisdom as one’s source of solid truth.
                        The Third Eye Chakra acts as the "Leader and Governor" of our inner realm, guiding us on which thoughts to pursue and which emotions to heed. Through the Third Eye Chakra, we cultivate a meditative alertness and focus that solidifies our conviction and understanding, impervious to transient doubts and sporadic emotions.


                            T H E   T H I R D   E Y E  -  B R O W   C H A K R A


                        C O L O R :   P U R P L E  and  I N D I G O

                        Purple and Indigo colored Crystals stimulate, opens and unblocks the Third Eye - Brow Chakra (Ajna), which means "perceiving", "command" and "beyond wisdom”.  It is our (6th Chakra).

                        The colors Indigo and Purple are mostly associated with royalty, wisdom, mystery, magic, and faith.


                        T H I R D   E Y E   C H A K R A 


                        C R Y S T A L S

                        loliteAmethystPurple FluoriteLepidoliteCharoite,

                        SugiliteIndigo Gabbro, TanzanitePurple Agate

                        Purple Phantom Super 7 Quartz Crystal,

                        Purple Mermaid CrystalPurple Angelite

                        Purple Tiger Eye, 


                        (Peaceful Dreams bracelet; pictured above - Designed with gemstones known for their calming properties and ability to promote peaceful dreaming and restful sleep. This bracelet also serves as a protective shield against nightmares and insomnia)

                        Dream Chevron Amethyst + Lapis Lazuli + Sodalite


                        The Third Eye Chakra energy center is responsible for:

                        • Vision
                        • Intuition
                        • Perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy
                        • Psychic abilities related to clairvoyance and clairaudience especially
                        • Access to mystical states, illumination
                        • Connection to wisdom, insight
                        • Motivates inspiration and creativity


                        Where is the Third Eye Chakra Located? 

                        L O C A T I O N

                        The Third Chakra is located in the astral body corresponding to the spinal cord, at the center of the brain. Its exact location is four inches behind the center of the eyebrows, known as the pineal gland.

                        S Y M B O L

                        The Third-Eye Chakra symbol is a lotus flower with two petals on opposite sides of a circle. Inside the circle is an inverted triangle. The holy symbol of OM, the source-sound of all creation is inscribed in the center. The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the dimension of light and is the center of clarity and wisdom.

                        The Third Eye Chakra is associated with the dimension of light. It is the center of clarity and wisdom.

                        The Sanskrit name for this Chakra is Ajna, which means “Command”. This refers to the fact that it is the Third Eye Center in which we gain the higher understanding and wisdom that should guide us in each of our actions. An open Third Eye Chakra opens us to both conceptual, intellectual understanding and discrimination, as well as to abstract, spiritual understanding through direct being and experience.

                        The Third Eye Chakra Symbol is a two petaled purple lotus – once again, with a downward pointing triangle inside of it. Inside the triangle, we see the holy symbol of OM, the source-sound of all creation.


                         T H E    P E T A L S    

                        The two petals of the lotus flower symbolize the dualities of the ego, that of Self and God. We realize our true self as soul but have still not merged into total unity with God. While the lotus flower itself can represent the inner consciousness and its ability to overcome these dualities. 

                        The two petals also represent the two sides of the brain and the two parts of the pituitary gland, to which this Chakra is connected. 

                        The Third Eye Chakra Symbol features a lotus with only two petals. They are believed to represent the last remaining duality: that of Self and God. In the third eye Chakra, we realize our true self as soul but have still not merged into total unity with God itself.
                        Some feel that the two petals also symbolize the two sides of the brain and the two parts of the pituitary gland, to which this Chakra is connected.


                        T H E   T R I A N G L E  

                        The Chakras are energy exchange points between our subtle energy bodies and the physical body. It is the energy of the soul that animates the physical body through the Chakras and in this sense, soul-energy flows downwards from the subtle realms through the Chakras. This is what the downward-pointing triangle stands for: The soul flows inwards through the Chakras, while consciousness is expanding and expressing outwards from the Chakras.


                           T H E   C I R C L E

                        The Circle represents the spinning wheels, vortex or circles that life energy flows through. It symbolizes the cycles of life, death, nature and the universe. As the most basic of all forms, the circle encloses physical matter. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to astronomy. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these realms.


                         What is the Third-Eye Chakra?

                        The Third Eye, or Brow Chakra, deals with imbalances and blockages. It oversees our perception and awareness of the environment, serving as the soul's seat. Our consciousness resides here; this is where "we" are, and how we connect with ourselves. This chakra promotes inner vision, aiding in self-discovery, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities, and enabling communication with the spiritual world. The Third Eye Chakra acts as a portal to elevated consciousness.

                        When the mind is adeptly trained to transition from thinking to listening, the third eye is significantly activated. This requires learning to cease the mind's verbal interpretation and reaction mechanisms, shifting instead to a state of pure, thought-free observation.

                        This represents the pinnacle of perceiving things as they truly are. It involves learning to observe and understand with one's whole mind, resisting the instinct to instantly interpret and label. Such profound attentiveness activates a distinct aspect of the mind, transforming it over time into a receptive vessel instead of a constant generator of thoughts.



                        E L E M E N T :  Light 

                        The third eye's element is light, which grants us the ability to see and perceive the shape and form of things from afar. This chakra transcends physical sight, indicating the existence of things that only inner vision can discern.



                        S O U N D S :   AUM (or OM)  -   (“I See”)

                        There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit.

                        The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

                         A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.


                        The seed syllable for the Third-Eye Chakra is “AUM” or “OM”

                        AUM or OM is pronounced ah-oo-mm with a long “o” sound.

                        This sound is said to be a magnetic seed that attracts increased intuition, heightened sensitivity to energy, enhanced perception, vivid dreams, and an increased sense of synchronicity in your life.

                        “OM” represents the beginning, middle, and end of all things. It is made up of three syllables, A-U-M, and is said to contain all the sounds of creation. Om is considered a universal sound, the seed of all words, and the primordial sound from which all other sounds and creation emerge.

                        While “OM” is one of the most common mantras and can be used for a wide variety of mantra meditations, it is essential to your Third Eye Chakra, the seat of your intuition and life purpose. Chanting it will allow you to listen to your inner wisdom and use that wisdom to chart the best course for a life of purpose and passion. 

                        The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.


                        C H A N T I N G

                        A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy.  The Third-Eye Chakra serves as the center for intuition, visualization, enhanced perception, and insight. It stimulates and elevates psychic abilities, enabling us to 'see' through our inner light.


                        "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the rod creates a vibration and produces a sound.


                        Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."




                        Chant “"AUM'' or 'OM'  ... if you…

                        • Operate mostly from your rational mind
                        • Mistrust your inner wisdom
                        • Feel restricted or stuck

                        How to Chant the ""AUM'' or 'OM'  Mantra?

                        The frequency of this mantra aligns with the Third-Eye Chakra. Chanting "AUM" or "OM" fosters harmony, purifies, and activates this energy center, aiding in not just seeing but also understanding. This comprehension is partly ineffable, a pure perception of meaning. It activates a unique aspect of the mind, gradually transforming it into a receptive vessel rather than a perpetual thought generator.

                        If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!

                        1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

                        2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold a Purple or Indigo Crystal placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

                        3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of Purple Indigo light, like a spinning wheel, at your Third-Eye Chakra, located 4 inches behind the center of your eyebrows. With each breath you take, envision this energy intensifying and expanding.

                        4.  Focus:  Quiet your mind, eliminate all thoughts, and focus solely on the spinning energy at your Third-Eye Chakra Center. 

                        5.  Feel:  As you vocalize the "O" sound, envision a cascade of Purple Indigo light flooding into your Third-Eye Chakra. Then, intone the full "OM" mantra slowly; pronounced ah-oo-mm with a long “o” sound, articulating each syllable distinctly, and sense the vibration spreading from that point through all your chakra centers; then returning to your Third Eye Chakra continue this practice until you feel its ok to stop.

                          Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.



                          Third-Eye Chakra

                          A F F I R M A T I O N S: 

                          • “I see”
                          • “I am wise, intuitive, and connected to my inner guidance”
                          • “My inner self always has the answer”
                          • “I choose to be the light in all situations”
                          • “I am a spirit having a human experience”
                          • “I can manifest my vision”
                          • “My thoughts are positive and loving”
                          • “I give myself permission to be happy and fulfilled in my life”



                          P U R P O S E

                          The Third Eye, or Brow Chakra, is often referred to as the "perception center" and serves as our command center. It acts as a code breaker and pattern maker, providing a seat of understanding. This chakra distinguishes between what is important and unimportant, discerning meaning from data and impressions. It also regulates the energy flow within the body.

                          The third eye chakra witnesses our "internal screen," displaying memories, fantasies, images, archetypes, as well as intuition and imagination. It is from these that we derive meaning and bring consciousness into our daily lives. This chakra represents our gut feelings, our inner guide, and our intuition. Once activated, it can assist in cultivating a clearer sense of purpose and direction in life.


                          T H I R D   E Y E   C H A K R A 

                          P U R P L E
                          C O L O R   E N E R G Y

                          The colors associated with the Third-Eye Chakra are Indigo and Purple which represents intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness.


                          (Purple Fluorite; pictured aboveis highly effective in purifying and rejuvenating the auric field, as well as stimulating and revitalizing all chakras. It has a soothing effect on a restless mind, encouraging open-mindedness, adaptability, and self-determination. It also empowers individuals to confidently express their thoughts and desires, and to take control of their own happiness without depending on others)

                           Crystals & Gemstones embody spiritual energy, aiding in the connection to our mystical aspects by enhancing intuition, psychic abilities, and a heightened sense of self. Utilizing Purple Crystals & Gemstones can serve as powerful tools in tapping into the ethereal realm of dreams, igniting creative thoughts and spiritual guidance. These stones are ideal for attaining deep meditation and symbolize the strengthening of intuition and concentration for advancement of a meditation state.

                           The vibrational color energy in Purple Crystals and Gemstones include:

                          • deep meditation, psychic powers, very protective,
                          • empaths, psychic attacks, protection,
                          • focus, career change, higher state consciousness,
                          • illumination, intuition, dreams,
                          • relives anxiety/stress

                          Wearing Purple amplifies the ability to channel high frequency Violet energy into every aspect of one’s being in order to walk the Earth in strength and grace. It brings light and love into the darkest of situations, letting one know life is more than what is currently being experienced. It offers hope and optimism for a better future, enabling one to accept the here and now.

                          It is exceptional for calming and focusing the mind, allowing the release of mental tension, stress, anxiety and unwanted thoughts.


                          Shop Purple Crystal and Gemstone Jewelry and more 

                          O U T   O F    B A L A N C E

                          When the Third Eye - Brow Chakra is misaligned, it may cause feelings of non-assertiveness and fear of success, or conversely, it may lead to increased selfishness or conceit. An imbalance might also result in physical issues such as headaches, blurred vision, and eye strain.

                          Below are additional emotional and physical symptoms that can arise from a blockage of the Third-Eye Chakra:

                          • Struggling to find meaning in things
                          • Loss of Intuition
                          • Difficulty making decisions
                          • Lack of Focus, Clarity & Confusion
                          • Things just don’t seem to make sense
                          • Headaches & Tension in Forehead
                          • Vision Problems
                          • Ear-Related Issues & Sinus Issues
                          • Sleep Disturbances

                          In the physical body, the Third Eye Chakra corresponds with the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland, as well as the eyes, ears, and the nose. 


                          R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E   

                           The Third Eye Chakra is associated with light, clarity, understanding, and spiritual insight. As a result, it is key to gaining higher consciousness and forms the focal point of concentration during meditation practices. When open and balanced, it leads to optimal hormone production and release. This balance can improve physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being.


                          H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

                          The Third Eye, or Brow Chakra, stands as a pivotal point of consciousness, intuition, and perception. Techniques to harmonize this chakra include:

                          • Wear Purple & Indigo Blue Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Chakra, such as lolite, Amethyst, Purple Fluorite, Lepidolite, Spirit Quartz, Charoite, Sugilite, Indigo Gabbro, and Tanzanite. 
                          • Regular Meditation and the use of purple or indigo crystals
                          • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
                          • Magnet Therapy: It is believed that placing magnets between the eyebrows during meditation, while lying down, can enhance and facilitate the opening of the Third Eye.
                          • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
                          • Chanting the Third-Eye Chakra mantra: “OM”
                          • Sound Frequency: 720 Hz
                          • Practice specific Third Eye yoga poses: Downward Facing Dog, Lotus Pose
                          • Visualization & Intention - Your energy follows your intention.
                          • Journaling & Self Pampering
                          • Essential Oils / Incense: Rosemary, Angelic Root, Vetiver, Frankincense, Cypress, Sandalwood, Clary Sage, Juniper, Patchouli, Bay Laurel, Marjoram, White Sage
                          • Herbs: Lavender, Lotus root, Holy Basil, White Sage, Mugwort, Rosemary, St John’s Wort, Star Tulip, Yarrow, Calendula, Ginkgo, Gotu kola, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Violet
                          • Healing Foods: Purple grapes, Purple Kale, Blueberries, Purple Carrots, Eggplant, Cocoa, Acai berries, Beets, Black berries, Eggplant, Plums, Purple Cauliflower, Purple Cabbage, Purple Rice, Purple Potatoes, and of course, Red Wine.


                          W H E N    B A L A N C E D

                          When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced and aligned, our vision is clear and our understanding is heightened. We possess the ability to interpret visual cues and our perception is strong. Our thoughts and internal dialogue are positive and dynamic. With an open mind, we are receptive to new concepts, aspirations, and dreams. We can calmly observe and thoughtfully reflect.

                          You will begin to experience positive changes in your life such as:

                          • More Perceptive & insightful Guidance
                          • Increased Intuition, Psychic Abilities
                          • Greater Clarity, Focus, & Intuition
                          • Increased Creativity
                          • Deeper Spiritual Connection
                          • Increased Self-Awareness
                          • Peace & Tranquility





                           7th Chakra

                          Oneness & Spiritual Liberation

                          The Crown Chakra is our "Spiritual Center", and represents our higher aspirations for self-transcendence, the dissolution of ego boundaries, and our connection to the infinite "Source, Life Force or Prana".  It is the "Pinnacle" of the Chakra System, opposite the Root Chakra, and addresses our "other" roots—the spiritual connections that tether us to the boundless enigma of existence. Without this connection, we remain confined to our individual selves and the fleeting nature of life. The Crown Chakra brings the awareness of ecstasy and freedom that are inherent to our boundless essence and beginnings.

                          The Crown Chakra navigates the delicate boundaries that divide our individual "I" from the vast cosmos. Upon awakening, it fosters unity consciousness, boundlessness, and enlightenment. Its core aim is to rediscover our original spiritual essence and abode, seeking ultimate liberation from illusion, terrestrial constraints, and self-identification.


                          T H E   C R O W N   C H A K R A

                              C O L O R S:  Violet White, White, Clear, Gray, and Metallic (Gold-Silver-Rainbow)

                          Violet White, White, Clear, Gray, and Metallic (Gold-Silver-Rainbow) colored crystals stimulate, open and unblock the Crown Chakra.

                          The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), which means "thousand-petaled", is our (7th chakra).

                          The predominant color of the Crown Chakra symbol is white, with its petals displaying a spectrum of hues akin to a rainbow. White encompasses all colors, serving as the pure and unified origin of the spectrum, thus symbolizing the essence of this Chakra perfectly. The auric color of crown chakra energy can also be seen as gold, silver or clear light.

                          Shop Crown Chakra Crystal Jewelry and more!


                           V I O L E T - W H I T E - C L E A R - 

                          G R A Y -  R A I N B O W - M E T A L L I C

                          C R Y S T A L S

                           Quartz CrystalSeleniteLight AmethystWhite Quartz,

                          Titanium Aura QuartzAngel Aura Quartz Crystal

                          Titanium Rainbow Aura Druzy Agate, 

                           Rainbow Crystal Quartz,  Rainbow Fluorite,

                          Rainbow Hematite, All Hematite, Terahertz, Gray Jasper,  

                          Mermaid Crystals, White Crystals, Silver Crystals,

                          Gold CrystalsClear Crystals 


                          (Snow White Quartz Crystal Bracelet; pictured above,  resonates at the level of an individual’s needs, amplifying whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world and into the etheric realms. This may accelerate the fulfillment of one’s prayers, intensify healing or spiritual growth, or simply allow the crystal to hold a pattern of energy long enough and strongly enough for the manifestation of a goal to occur)

                          The Crown Chakra energy center is responsible for: 

                          The Crown Chakra energy center's main Function is transcendence into Oneness. 

                          • Consciousness
                          • Awareness of higher consciousness, wisdom, of what is sacred
                          • Connection with the formless, the limitless
                          • Realization, liberation from limiting patterns
                          • Communion with higher states of consciousness, with
                          • Ecstasy, bliss
                          • Presence


                          Where is the Crown Chakra Located? 

                          L O C A T I O N

                          The Crown Chakra is located at the “crown” or top of the head. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. 


                          S Y M B O L

                          The Crown Chakra symbol is depicted as a circular ring of a thousand lotus petals surrounding an inverted triangle. This symbolizes the rising of divine energy into our Crown Chakra, bringing us spiritual liberation and enlightenment.Within the center, the seed mantra "AH" or "OM" is sometimes inscribed in Sanskrit. 

                           T H E    P E T A L S   

                          The thousand-petaled lotus signifies Spiritual Illumination and the full blossoming of consciousness

                          As our consciousness evolves along the path of enlightenment, each petal unfurls in gradual stages. These petals symbolize various aspects of our being, including our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When our "lotus flower" is fully bloomed, it enables us to tap into divine consciousness and achieve a harmonious equillibrium between our body, mind, and spirit.


                          T H E   T R I A N G L E   

                          The downward facing triangle represents the spirit connecting with matter, grounding on the earth and our earthly existence, in our bodies. The upward side reflects the flourishing awareness that leads to enlightenment. It represents the infinite nature of this energy center, purity, spiritual unfoldment, and a transcendent state of consciousness.


                            T H E   C I R C L E 

                          The Circle represents the spinning wheels, vortex or circles that life energy flows through. It symbolizes the cycles of life, death, nature and the universe. As the most basic of all forms, the circle encloses physical matter. The circle symbolizes infinite space (the element akasha) and expansiveness. The circle also represents the cycles of nature at all levels from the atom to astronomy. The central quest of spirituality is to experience the Oneness of these realms.

                          What is the Crown Chakra?

                          The Crown Chakra acts as a conduit and portal for the perpetual influx of cosmic energy and sustenance via the central point at the top of the head. This is the central subtle nerve channel known as "Sushumna" - main energy channel of the subtle body or Crown Chakra. This chakra is the receptacle for all wisdom and positive energies, channeling them into our essence. It serves as our access point to the vast universe that extends beyond our physical form. It symbolizes enlightenment and the broadening of cosmic awareness, embodying Higher Consciousness, Presence, Bliss, Divine Connection, and Realization.

                          The Crown Chakra is linked to transcending our personal limitations and those imposed by space and time. It is the realm where paradoxes are standard, and apparent opposites merge into one. The awareness that the crown chakra brings is of a universal, transcendent nature.

                          Immersed in the energy of the Crown Chakra, we experience a blissful union with the universe and a state of spiritual ecstasy. This chakra opens the door to the highest clarity and enlightened wisdom.


                          E L E M E N T S : 

                          Aether: the medium through which LIGHT travels

                          Thought, Consciousness, Source, The Divine and Inner Light “None yet All”

                          The Crown Chakra is associated with multiple elements, with the primary one being our 'Inner Light.' This is what we experience when we are in tune with the deepest aspect of our being, a point of consciousness that radiates intelligence. In metaphysical terms, it is seen as the most refined element, forming the foundation of the entire physical universe, and is also known as 'White Light.'



                          S O U N D:  " A  H "  -  “ I Understand “

                          There is an energetic body of energy surrounding each of us that is composed of vibrations. This is known as the Auric Field and it exists in seven different layers sometimes referred to as harmonics because of the colour fields they emit.

                          The Auric Field correlates to our seven major centers of consciousness (chakras) within the physical human body and these chakras are closely associated with the seven seed (Bija) mantras. (Bija) seed mantras consist of seven syllables and each syllable connects to a specific chakra. These single syllable sounds can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the each chakra.

                          A mantra involves the repetitive use of a specific sound or short phrase called 'Chanting" and has been utilized in meditation and spiritual practices for thousands of years to concentrate and alter subtle energies within and around us. The continuous repetition of words, sounds, and vibrations in a mantra chant calms the body and mind, quiets the senses, and elevates awareness.


                          The seed syllable for the Crown Chakra is

                          AH" - pronounced  “Ahhhhh”  

                          Chanting "AH" can ground you in your body and the present moment, quieting much of your internal chatter and anxiety. It can also help you connect with healing and empowering energies that restore natural balance and harmony in your life. This sound is often described as a magnetic seed, drawing a stronger sense of connection to the universe and all living beings. Such interconnectedness is fundamental to spiritual well-being, fostering compassion, empathy, and a feeling of belonging in the world.

                          The chanting of the seed mantras has a tremendous effect on all the chakras.



                          C H A N T I N G

                          A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy.

                          The Crown Chakra serves as the energy center for cosmic energy, symbolizing its function as a portal to the universe and higher levels of being.


                          "One can gain a better understanding by picturing a large metal bell and a rod. Striking the bell with the rod creates a vibration and produces a sound.


                          Similarly, chanting and repeating a Mantra is like striking the Chakra with the Mantra. This creates a unique vibration that has a direct impact on your overall physical and mental health.  As you chant in a relaxed state, you can feel this vibration ripple throughout your body, as it resonates to your very core."




                          Chant “AH” if you…

                          • Feel insignificant and disconnected from spirit (Universe/Source/God)
                          • Have a strong attachment to possessions and relationships
                          • A lack of connection to the world


                          How to Chant the "  AH' Mantra?

                          The frequency of this mantra aligns with the Crown Chakra. Chanting "AH" fosters harmony, purifies, and activates this energy center, leading to states of self-transcendence where our individual sense of self merges into a larger unity.

                          If you don't have a lot of time, anytime spent chanting is ok and will benefit your chakras, even if it is in the car on your way home from work or in the shower!  Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. You can Chant them anywhere, anytime!


                          1.  Get Comfortable: Locate a tranquil area free from interruptions where you can concentrate. Position yourself comfortably, either seated in a chair with your feet firmly on the ground, cross-legged on a meditation cushion, or lying flat on your back. Focus on your breath, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly to release stress and negative thoughts. Relax your muscles. When you feel at ease and relaxed, proceed to step two.

                          2.  Hold a Crystal or Gemstone: Hold a Violet White, White, Clear, Gray, and Metallic (Gold-Silver-Rainbow) colored Crystal; placing it on the desired Chakra center, or hold it in your left hand.

                          3.  Visualize: Visualize a radiant vortex of White Silver light, like a spinning wheel, at your Crown Chakra positioned at the crown of your head. With each breath you take, envision this energy intensifying and expanding.

                          4.  Focus: Quiet your mind, eliminate all thoughts, Keep your focus solely on the spinning energy at your Crown Chakra Center.

                          5.  Feel: As you vocalize the "A" sound, envision a cascade of white light flooding into your Crown Chakra, resembling a waterfall of luminous, pure light. Then, intone, speak the full "AH" mantra slowly; pronounced  “Ahhhhh”, articulating each syllable distinctly. Feel the light travel through all your chakra centers along with the vibration of your sound. Let it flow out of your feet and move up around your outer body, returning to your Crown Chakra, continue this practice repeatedly at least three times. Note: Achieving fully opened "Lotus" Crown Chakra, may allow you to experience the essence of a candle flame or the ascent of Kundalini energy.

                            Meditation beads, commonly comprising 108 beads and known as "Mala" beads, serve as a tool for counting mantras or prayers. Also referred to as prayer beads or Buddhist rosaries, these strings of beads assist practitioners in tracking the repetitions of their mantras or prayers, with each bead signifying one recitation.



                            Crown Chakra

                            A F F I R M A T I O N S:   

                            • “I understand“
                            • “I am worthy of love from divine energy”
                            • “I am an extension of the Universe, and The   Universe is kind and loving”
                            • “I honor the sacred divinity that exists within me”
                            • “I am pure, beautiful, radiant light”
                            • “I am fully aware and awake”
                            • “Abundance is a natural result of my gratitude and appreciation for life. Prosperity flows to me with ease when I’m in alignment with my true self”
                            • “I release limiting thoughts, beliefs, and relationships that no longer serve me”

                            P U R P O S E

                            The Crown Chakra acts as a gateway, facilitating the continuous influx of cosmic energy and sustenance, and it is the birthplace of our convictions. It is the wellspring of our spiritual essence, linking us to the exalted realms of being. It expands our energy outward from our physical form. It is the nexus of elevated sources of knowledge, universal energy, and truth. It orchestrates our coordination – the harmony of movement among our body's components and our journey through life.

                             C R O W N   C H A K R A

                            Violet White, White, Clear, Gray, Rainbow and Metallic
                            C O L O R   E N E R G Y

                            The colors Violet White, White, Clear, Gray, Rainbow and Metallic are associated with the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) and play significant roles in stimulating and balancing this energy center.  These Crystals emit High Vibrational energies that support clearing, cleansing and a fresh new beginning.  They are most notably desirable for raising one’s energy levels & expanding consciousness.
                            Here's how each color contributes:


                            V I O L E T   

                             Shop Violet Crystals & Jewelry

                            1. Spiritual Awareness:

                            • Violet is often linked to higher consciousness, intuition, and spiritual insight. It helps open the mind to higher realms.

                            2. Transformation:

                            • This color encourages personal transformation and spiritual growth, facilitating a deeper connection with the divine.


                            W H I T E


                            1. Purity and Clarity:

                            • White represents purity and is thought to clear blockages, allowing for a smooth flow of energy through the crown chakra.

                            2. Connection to Source:

                            • White is associated with the divine and universal consciousness, fostering a sense of unity with all that is.


                            C L E A R

                             Shop Clear Crystals & Jewelry 

                            1. Amplification:

                            • Clear energy, often represented by clear quartz, amplifies spiritual energy and enhances clarity of thought and intention.

                            2. Mental Clarity:

                            • This color promotes clear thinking and heightened awareness, supporting the crown chakra's function in spiritual connection.


                            G R A Y

                            Shop Gray Crystals & Jewelry 

                            1. Neutrality and Balance:

                            • Gray can represent neutrality and balance, helping to calm the mind and create a stable environment for spiritual exploration.

                            2. Reflection:

                            • It encourages introspection and self-reflection, which are vital for understanding one's spiritual path.

                            R A I N B O W

                            Shop Rainbow Crystals & Jewelry 

                            1. Unity of Energies:

                            • Rainbow colors represent the full spectrum of energies and the interconnectedness of all chakras, promoting overall balance.

                            2. Joy and Diversity:

                            • The rainbow stimulates joy and a sense of wonder, enhancing the connection to universal consciousness.

                            M E T A L L I C

                            Shop Metallic Crystals & Jewelry 

                            1. High Vibration:

                            • Metallic colors, such as silver and gold, are associated with high vibrational energy and spiritual abundance, amplifying the crown chakra's energy.

                            2. Divine Connection:

                            • Metallic hues often symbolize divine wisdom and enlightenment, facilitating a deeper connection to higher spiritual realms.


                            Together, these colors stimulate the Crown Chakra by promoting spiritual awareness, clarity, transformation, and a deep connection to the divine. Incorporating these colors through meditation, crystals, or visualization can enhance your spiritual practice and support the awakening of the Crown Chakra.


                             Crown Chakra bracelet; pictured above, 

                            This bracelet stimulates the Crown Chakra facilitating access to clarity and enlightened wisdom. Immersion in the energy of the Crown Chakra can lead to a blissful sense of unity with everything, bringing about a state of spiritual ecstasy. This chakra serves as a portal to the divine self and universal consciousness, connecting to the infinite and offering freedom from restrictive patterns.

                            O U T   O F    B A L A N C E


                            An imbalance in the Crown Chakra can manifest in physical, mental, and emotional ways. A blocked Crown Chakra might lead to a reluctance to accept new ideas, thoughts, or knowledge. Symptoms such as psychosis, body dissociation, and a sense of being ungrounded are common indicators of a blockage. Additionally, watch for these symptoms:

                            • Feeling Stuck & Depression
                            • Lack of purpose & Inability to focus
                            • Confusion & Indecisiveness  
                            • Disconnection from your spiritual self 
                            • Fatigue, Feeling Sluggish & Insomnia
                            • Persistent Stress & Mood Swings
                            • Feeling Uninspired or Uncreative
                            • Destructive Feelings & Frustration
                            • Migraines & Headaches 
                            • Difficulty with Sense of Direction  
                            • Sensitivity to Light & Sound  

                            When the Crown Chakra is out of balance or its energy is blocked, you will feel clumsy, uncoordinated, and at sorts with life. You will stumble in both movements and thought. You will be uninspired and out of step. The world will seem to be spinning, and you will be unsure of who you are or why you even exist. You will be rigid in your thinking, and be spiritually adrift. Your consciousness will be limited, and possibilities will not appear to you. You will have difficulty understanding relationships, ideas, and dreams.

                            In the physical body, the Crown Chakra corresponds with the Nervous System, Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland


                            R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E

                            The Crown Chakra is an immensely powerful and significant energy center, essential for our spiritual growth and development. It serves as our conduit to the higher self and the divine. When it is activated and in balance, the Crown Chakra can greatly improve our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

                            When the Crown Chakra is balanced, we align with our highest self and achieve a state of harmony. This balance brings about profound serenity, joy, and peace. Our energies are in equilibrium, fostering a blissful union with the universe, spiritual ecstasy, and enlightenment. We perceive reality as it is, remaining composed in the face of setbacks, understanding they are a necessary aspect of life. We release obsolete ideas and attitudes, allowing ourselves to flow with the rhythm of life.


                            H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

                             The Crown Chakra is responsible for our mental and spiritual intellect, and is powered by the other six chakras in the body. To properly activate the Crown Chakra, we must first achieve balance in the lower six chakras. Here are some techniques to help unblock and balance this crucial energy center. 

                            • Wear Violet White, White, Clear, Rainbow or Gold and Silver Metallic Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Crown Chakra, such as Quartz Crystal, Selenite, Light Amethyst, Celestite, White Quartz, Spirit Quartz, Titanium Aura Quartz, Angel Aura Aquartz Crystal, White Topaz, White Sapphire, Diamond, Spinel
                            • Regular Meditation and the use of Violet White, White or Metallic crystals
                            • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
                            • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
                            • Chanting the Crown Chakra mantra: ‘Aum’.
                            • Crown Chakra Frequency: 768 Hz
                            • Practice specific Crown Chakra yoga poses: Headstand, Tree Pose, Savasana
                            • Visualization & Intention Your energy follows your intention.
                            • Journaling & Self Pampering
                            • Essential Oils / Incense: Lavender, Rosewood, Myrrh, Rose, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Palo Santo, Cedarwood, White Sage, Neroli
                            • Herbs: Lavender, Lotus root, Holy Basil, White Sage, Mugwort, Rosemary, St John’s Wort, Star Tulip, Yarrow, Calendula, Ginkgo, Gotu kola, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Violet
                            • Healing Foods: Purple grapes, Purple Kale, Blueberries, Purple Carrots, Eggplant, Cocoa, Acai berries, Beets, Black berries, Eggplant, Plums, Purple Cauliflower, Purple Cabbage, Purple Rice, Purple Potatoes, and of course, Red Wine.


                            W H E N    B A L A N C E D 

                            A balanced and open Crown Chakra transcends the expansion of our awareness and understanding beyond the limitations of our physical body. It promotes spiritual understanding, inner peace and a clear perspective on the world. Our vision is clear and our understanding is heightened.  When our Crown Chakra is open and balanced, we have a more positive outlook on life. There are visible changes in our attitude, and emotions like gratitude, compassion, and confidence to show our true Self.  This kind of spiritual awakening can positively impact us both emotionally and physically as follows:

                            • Spiritual Awakening  & Mental Clarity
                            • Spiritual Guidance & Insight
                            • Heightened Intuition & Psychic Abilities
                            • Amplifies Intentions & Manifestation
                            • Increased Empathy & Compassion 
                            • New Sense of Purpose 
                            • Awakened Awareness of Reality
                            • Anxiety & Stress Relief
                            • Wisdom & Inner Strength
                            • Rejuvenation & Renewal
                            • Power & Authority
                            • Mental Balance & Mood Stability
                            • Improved Sleep & Dream Recall
                            • Spiritual Guidance & Insight
                            • Boost in Mental and Physical Energy  
                            • Improved overall Heart Health  
                            • Clearing, Cleansing & New beginnings
                            • Healing, Holds positive energy


                            When our Crown Chakra is unlocked:

                            When the Crown Chakra is unlocked, it opens us to elevated states of consciousness and grants access to deeper awareness. The resolution of the other six Chakras is essential for the ultimate transcendence beyond the concepts of psychological existence and personal journey. In the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, the Crown Chakra acts as a luminous sun guiding us along the path of the Chakras. It serves as a reminder that our personal journey is finite and not meant to be eternal. Eventually, we merge with the light that guided us, becoming one with that sun.


                            How do we know when our Crown Chakra is open?

                            An individual with a balanced and open Crown Chakra understands that true bliss and happiness are not found in the ego's experiences within the realm of time and space, but rather in the act of self-transcendence.

                            In this state, a person loses interest in the potential gratification of worldly experiences and redirects their focus, energy, and aspirations towards spiritual unity. It becomes clear that true fulfillment is not found in bolstering the ego, but rather in its reduction.

                            Such a person would have a natural inclination towards meditation and silence. For them, meditation would transform from a task into a soulful passion. An effortless draw to scriptures and the teachings of enlightened masters would guide them towards an enduring journey, fulfilling a thirst that only this can satisfy.