Amethyst Meaning, Benefits, Healing Properties & Uses


Crystal Guide 

Metaphysical Properties and Purposes, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Healing Energies, Uses, Chakra Energy, Meditation, Color Energy, Care, Cleansing, Charging, Programming, Legends, Fun Facts, History, Feng Shui and More...

Amethyst's inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments and creates a protective shield of Light around the body."

link to this bracelet


purifies the aura, protective, all healer, shield, stress,

anxiety, depression, dreams, insomnia, clarity,

enhances memory, improves motivation,

deep meditation, psychic powers, empaths, focus, 

higher state of consciousness, illumination, intuition,

detox, grief & loss, fire element


February Birthstone 

 can be transparent, translucent, opaque, and its color can range from light lilac to deep plum. Amethyst often has color zoning, which are angular zones of darker and lighter color that are caused by the unique angles of its cut.

    Link to Tumbled Amethyst Stones

    U S E S  O V E R V I E W
    • Calming the Mind: Amethyst is renowned for its calming effects on the mind and its promotion of mental clarity. It aids in alleviating stress and anxiety and is beneficial for individuals dealing with insomnia or other sleep-related issues.
    • Creativity: Amethyst’s ability to expand the higher mind also enhances one’s creativity and passion. It strengthens the imagination and intuition and refines the thinking processes. It helps in the assimilation of new ideas, putting thought into action, and brings projects to fruition. Amethyst is also well-known as a talisman of focus and success.
      • Promotes Sobriety: Traditionally, amethyst was thought to prevent intoxication. Nowadays, it continues to be utilized in supporting sobriety and aiding individuals in overcoming addictions.
      • Metaphysical Uses: Amethyst is one of the most valuable of all metaphysical crystals for spiritual exploration, bringing together all aspects of communication and psychic power. Its high vibrational energy invites protection and safety in linking with higher realms, and allows for deep profound meditation. It is particularly helpful in uniting the mind and heart, teaching one to live from a compassionate heart with an illumined mind.
      • Psychic Enhancement: Amethyst is an excellent crystal for novices to the exploration of psychic powers, as it is very protective and allows the clairvoyant Third Eye - Brow Chakra to open gradually, preventing psychic impressions from becoming overwhelming.
      • Healing: Amethyst is known for its healing properties, which can aid in achieving physical, emotional, and spiritual balance. It possesses healing powers that assist with both physical ailments and emotional challenges such as allieviating worries and fears, encouraging clear thinking and trusting ones intuition.


      W E A R   O R   C A R R Y
      • Stress Relief: An exceptional crystal for providing natural stress relief. Amethyst attracts positive energy while ridding your body of negative emotions, such as anxiety, fear and depression.
      • Block Negativity: Amethyst acts as an energetic shield of protection, creating a bubble of spiritual light around your body.
      • Intuition Wear this crystal to help you tap in to your third eye and trust your intuition.
      • Luck: Wearing Amethyst can enhance spiritual insights along with intellectual reasoning. Known as a crystal for luck and prosperity, Amethyst helps in curbing the inclination to overspend, gamble excessively, or make imprudent investments.

       A T   W O R K

      • Peaceful Environment: Amethyst has the ability to convert your workplace into a peaceful and tranquil environment. Through its calming energy, it promotes harmony and reduces stress, while also providing clarity towards achieving higher goals. As a result, this gemstone cultivates a peaceful and stress-free setting that improves both productivity and overall well-being.

      E M O T I O N A L   E N E R G Y
      • Anxiety Relief: Amethyst is particularly beneficial for the emotional body, helping to center those who are overworked, overstressed, or overwhelmed. It alleviates the mental anxieties that cause physical tension and headaches, making it an excellent crystal for calming individuals who are prone to being hot-headed and easily angered.
      • Problem Solving: Amethyst is believed to aid in pinpointing the underlying reasons for one's negative behaviors, habits, and emotional patterns that lead to imbalance and illness. It also supports an individual's comprehension of the cause and effect in their actions and aids in making more informed decisions.
      • Grief & Sadness: Amethyst aids in alleviating sadness and grief, supporting individuals in coping with loss. It is considered one of the most spiritual stones, fostering a love for the divine, providing insights into its essence, and promoting selflessness and spiritual enlightenment.
      • Balance: Amethyst is known for balancing high and low emotional extremes, fostering healing and equilibrium. It helps to dissipate anger, rage, and fear, aiding in anger management, calming anxiety,

      M E N T A L   E N E R G Y

      • Focus: Amethyst is known to help individuals feel more focused and in command of their mental faculties. It aids in the absorption of new ideas and establishes a link between cause and effect.
      • Good Judgement: Amethyst supports the decision-making process by integrating practicality with spiritual insights and applying them in practice. It has a calming and unifying effect on the mind, facilitating neural signal transmission.
      • Insomnia: Amethyst is beneficial for those with insomnia due to an overactive mind and helps prevent recurring nightmares.
      • Memory & Motivation: Amethyst is known to boost memory and motivation, aiding in the setting of achievable goals. It facilitates recall and comprehension, enhances the willingness to pursue desired dreams, and supports the visualization process.

      P H Y S I C A L   E N E R G Y

      • All - Healer: Called the "all-healer", Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants, and animals. It is known for curbing overindulgence and bad habits and is an excellent aid to quitting smoking, drinking, and drug use in conjunction with other treatments such as counseling.  
      • Energy Healing: Amethyst is also used in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing such as Reiki. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, tension, headaches and balancing the crown chakra. The therapeutic uses of Amethyst have a long and well-documented history. Meditation with Amethyst is also highly recommended.
      • Other: Amethyst is thought to relieve the symptoms of tinnitus and other hearing disorders and is highly beneficial in treating insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind, promoting restful sleep.

      S P I R I T U A L   E N E R G Y

      • High Vibration: Amethyst gemstones are extremely powerful and protective healing stones with a high spiritual vibration. These healing stones guard against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love. A natural tranquilizer, Amethyst blocks geopathic stress and negative environment energies. Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness.
      • Intuition: Amethyst is known for opening the channels of intuition and enhancing psychic abilities.Its tranquility fosters elevated states of consciousness and deep meditation.
      • Dreams: Sleeping with Amethyst facilitates pleasant and intuitive dreams. It transmutes "lower" energies to the higher frequencies of the spiritual and etheric realms.
      • Reflects Neagativity: Amethyst protects paranormal harm or ill-wishing (evil eye) and returns the energy back to the universe after being transformed into positive, loving energy.
      • Purification: Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one’s energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. Additionally, it acts as a barrier against lower energies, attacks, geopathic stress, and unhealthy environments. It is a valuable protection for those doing psychic or intuitive work. This is because it enhances personal environments with a healing and protective circle of Light.


      C H A K R A   E N E R G Y   C E N T E R  


      The human body is comprised of multiple intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies. Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as chakras. 

      Amethyst stimulates and opens the Third Eye - Brow Chakra (Ajna), which means "perceiving", "command" and "beyond wisdom”.  It is our (6th Chakra) and is located in the astral body corresponding to the spinal cord, at the center of the brain. Its exact location is four inches behind the center of the eyebrows, known as the pineal gland. The Third-Eye Chakra symbol is a lotus flower with two petals. The two petals represent the dualities of your ego, such as your likes and dislikes, and the lotus flower represents your inner consciousness and its ability to surpass beyond these dualities.


      T H E   T H I R D   E Y E  -  B R O W   C H A K R A

      The Third Eye - Brow Chakra or Ajna Chakra addresses imbalances and blockages. As the sixth Chakra, it governs our perception and awareness of our surroundings, and is the seat of our soul.  Our consciousness is located here. "We" are here and we relate to ourselves through this chakra.  By encouraging our inner voice, it aids in self-discovery, improving our intuition and psychic powers, and facilitating communication and connection with the spiritual realm. The Third Eye Chakra is a Gateway to higher consciousness. Light Amethyst and Chevron Amethyst stimualtes the Crown Chakra also.

      Read more on The Third Eye and Crown Chakras, in above links.


      C H A N T I N G

      A mantra consists of syllables, words, or phrases known as "Chanting," which are repeated continuously. These syllables embody the essence of each chakra and aid in purifying and fortifying the corresponding energy.  The Third-Eye Chakra serves as the center for intuition, visualization, enhanced perception, and insight. It stimulates and elevates psychic abilities, enabling us to 'see' through our inner light.



      How to Chant the ""AUM'' or 'OM'  Mantra?

      click above link to learn more

      M E D I T A T I O N
      Amethyst is renowned for its connection to spirituality and contentment, valued for its metaphysical abilities to soothe the mind and deepen meditation. Its high vibrational frequency purifies the aura, removing negative energies or attachments and creating a protective barrier of light. This enables one to remain centered and composed, open to spiritual direction.
      Amethyst is believed to possess a high spiritual vibration that embodies humility and devotion to the Divine. It aids in quieting the mind during prayer and meditation, fostering surrender to forces greater than oneself. Additionally, it encourages the higher mind to embrace one's spiritual power as a creation of the Divine and to be receptive to the insights, wisdom, and guidance provided.
      • Light Amethyst helps us peer into our souls and see ourselves as others see us. It is the ray of self-esteem and self-knowledge.
      • Dark Amethyst gives us the deep vision needed to see the future. It gives us powerful insight and enhances our perception of the potential effects of our decisions.
      •  Violet Light in Amethyst is particularly conducive to communion with angels.
      •  Chevron Amethyst: displays v-shaped chevrons of deep purple and white Quartz that “seep” into beautiful layers. It is one of the finest Third-Eye stones for stimulating vision within the self, as well as the physical world. It filters the life force from the cosmos via the Crown in its white layers, and opens up spiritual and psychic channels through the purple.

      F E N G   S H U I   C E N T E R

      F I R E   E L E M E N T 

      Amethyst’s violet ray activates the element of Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination and activity.  It is the energy of heat, action, emotion and passion.

      The Fire element symbol: Triangle

      Purple Fire element Solfeggio frequency: 852 Hz - Third Eye - Erasing stereotypes, restoring neural connections, bringing spiritual order. This frequency is directly connected to the principle of Light, and Light is a higher form of bio-energy. 852 Hz frequency can be used as a means for opening up a pathway for communication with your higher self and awaken your intuition and inner power. 852 Hz frequency is one of the most profound and transformative. This frequency is believed to stimulate our third eye and profoundly enhance intuition, insight, and spiritual awakening.

      Purple Fire element is associated with wealth, nobility, stature, religion, piety, magic, and sexuality. Purple is associated with royalty, it symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. Purple conveys wealth and extravagance and is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.

      Place Fire elements in the South area of a home, office or space. Its powerful color energy  generates “positive chi energy”, so wherever you would like to “add extra good vibes”, consider adding purple. Purple is associated with the Fame and Reputation area of your dwelling. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to ignite your “shining light” with confidence.


      D I D   Y O U   K N O W 

      Because Amethyst initiates wisdom and greater understanding, it is a comforting crystal for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Its presence communicates that there is no death, only transitioning and changing forms. It encourages the release of sorrow and rejoicing in a loved one’s spirit being freed from the confinement of the physical body.
      Called “the soul stone,” Amethyst assists in understanding and connecting to the eternal existence of the soul and initiates one’s own deep soul experiences. It is an ideal crystal to hold or meditate upon during the death experience, of another or oneself, allowing the release of the temporal physical body with more ease, assuredness, and peace. It is a perfect stone to gift to those with terminal illnesses or to use in preparation for a conscious death experience.



      C L E A N S I N G   &   C H A R G I N G :

      Cleanse = Eliminates Stagnant Energy.

      Charging = Crystals need to be Charged in order to Replenish their Energy, just like a battery! 

      Crystals & Gemstones function similarly to batteries, emitting positive energy at a specific frequency into our bodies, resulting sometimes in a tingling sensation. Crystals absorb and convert negative energy, but they have to use their own energy to create a protective shield, which is necessary for deflecting or repelling negativity. When we use a crystal, it will eventually run out of energy and need to be recharged, just like a battery. In its depleted state, the crystal may have also absorbed negative energy, necessitating cleansing and then recharging it.


      C L E A N S E

      Cleanse by running under Spring water, using Sage Smoke, Intention or place on a bowl of Earth mixed with light salt. Sunlight and Moonlight can be used as well. Always follow your intuition.

       C H A R G E

      Charge by placing on or near Selenite, Quartz Crystal or Smokey Quartz. You can also charge by placing your crystals in Sunlight for 1 - 3 hours or Overnight during a Full Moon - place your crystals on a table by a window or on a windowsill.


      P R O G R A M M I N G

      Programming your Crystals & Gemstones involves setting your intentions and infusing the Crystal with your desired energy. To program your Crystal, find a quiet space, hold the Crystal in your hand, and visualize your intentions. Focus on the qualities you wish to enhance or the goals you want to manifest. Feel the Crystal’s energy merging with your purposes, and state your affirmations or intentions aloud. The vibrational energy emitted by spoken words holds great power, as do our thoughts, our crystals are tools that amplify and direct our desires and wishes.