Obsidian Crystal Guide - All you need to know about the meaning of Obsidian, Types, Metaphysical Properties, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical Purposes, Healing Energies, Uses, Chakra Energy, Meditation, Color Energy, Care, Cleansing, Charging, Programming, Legends, Fun Facts, History, Feng Shui and More...
What is Obsidian ?
Types of Obsidian
Apache Tear Obsidian
Black Obsidian
Blue Obsidian
Brown Ice Obsidian
Gold Sheen Obsidian
Green Obsidian (Gaia Stone)
Mahogany Obsidian
Midnight Lace Obsidian
Rainbow Obsidian
Silver Sheen Obsidian
Snowflake Obsidian
Spiderweb Obsidian