Amber Meaning, Benefits, Healing Properties & Uses

Crystal Guide 

Metaphysical Properties and Purposes, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical Healing Energies, Uses, Chakra Energy, Meditation, Color Energy, Care, Cleansing, Charging, Programming, Legends, Fun Facts, History, Feng Shui and More...


absorbs negative energies, protection, shield, 

warmth, joy, stimulating, empowering, success

motivation, endurance, leadership, courage

creativity, vitality, energy, focus, powerful healing, 

psychic awareness, attract twin soul, electrify desire,

solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, fire element 


  • Amber is like the suns warmth we can hold in our hands and is used to connect us to all that is Positive and Good. Amber has the ability to connect us with our true, inner selves, empowering us to recognize our potential for positive influence in our lives. 
  • Amber is a hard, transparent, yellowish-brown tree resin that solidified and became fossilized over 50 million years. It is extremely light-weight and can float in water!  While most stones feel cold to the touch, Amber feels warm or room-temperature. It has strong connections with the earth and is considered a grounding stone for higher energies.


Key Elements :

  • Joy and Positivity: Amber symbolizes joy, positivity, and light. It serves as a reminder to embrace the brighter aspects of life and maintain an optimistic outlook.
  • Transformation: This stone represents transformation and change. It encourages you to let go of the past and embrace new beginnings with courage and enthusiasm.
  • Inner Strength: Amber embodies inner strength and resilience. It inspires you to face challenges with confidence and determination.
  • Spiritual Awareness: Amber is also associated with spiritual growth and awareness. It can help you connect with your higher self and gain insight into your life’s purpose. 

Overview of Benefits:

1. Emotional Healing:
- Amber is known for its ability to absorb negative energies and emotions, promoting emotional healing. It can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and feelings of sadness, encouraging a positive mindset.

2. Calming Energy:
- This stone has a warm, soothing energy that promotes relaxation and comfort. Wearing an Amber bracelet can help create a sense of peace and tranquility, especially during challenging times.

3. Protection:
- Amber is often considered a protective stone. It is believed to shield against negative energies and influences, helping to create a safe and supportive environment.

4. Physical Healing:
- Some believe that Amber has therapeutic properties that can support physical health. It is thought to aid in pain relief, particularly for ailments related to the throat, joints, and respiratory system.

5. Boosted Confidence:
- Amber encourages self-confidence and self-expression. Wearing this stone can empower you to embrace your individuality and pursue your goals with determination.

6. Enhanced Creativity:
- The warm, sunny energy of Amber stimulates creativity and inspiration. It can encourage you to explore new ideas and express yourself artistically.

7. Connection to Nature:
- As a fossilized tree resin, Amber is deeply connected to nature. Wearing an Amber bracelet can enhance your appreciation for the natural world and promote feelings of grounding and stability.



Amber is a remarkable crystal known for its ability to dispel negative emotions, reduce anxiety, and protect against outside energy. When touched, it emits a comforting warmth and radiates a powerful and uplifting energy.
Amber cleans the environment and the chakras. It absorbs negative energies and transmutes them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. A powerful protector, it links the everyday self to the higher spiritual reality.

For healers who work with removing entities from one’s energy field, Amber can be a valuable ally for sealing the aura after extraction and clearing any lingering negative patterns. Amber assists those who are new to exploring their psychic sensitivity by providing a Light barrier against negative forces until they are able to control their intuitive skills.
Believed to “electrify” desire, Amber is credited with helping to cure impotence and frigidity, and to aid female fertility and male potency.
As a love crystal, golden-orange Amber is a symbol of beauty and tenderness, a good-luck talisman for increasing natural radiance and attracting lasting love. It may be used to call in a twin soul, or for protection against negative outside influences and interference. It is a wonderful gem for assuring promises and has been used in the renewal of marriage vows.
W E A R   O R   C A R R Y
Amber is excellent for alleviating stress, depression or anxiety, and increasing overall vitality and energy levels.
Wear Amber for success, enthusiasm, happiness, and power.  Wearing Amber for prolonged periods close to the skin as jewelry is the best way to utilize its healing properties, keeping one's aura protected and chakras balanced.


 A T   W O R K

Amber is known to cleanse spaces and auras, shielding from negative energies and promoting a sense of safety and empowerment. Amber can boost ambition, drive and determination, and it wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal contacts with unrealistic expectations.

Amber is believed to bring good luck and promote success. It has been used to alleviate fears and provide the necessary courage to take calculated risks, ultimately leading to rewards.
E M O T I O N A L   E N E R G Y
Amber heals and supports the emotional body by drawing off the negative energies that steal one’s optimism and drive for life, and replaces them with an empowering frequency conducive to positive change.
It is ideal for those battling suicidal tendencies, addictions, or who struggle with depression, anxiety or seasonal affective disorder to see light at the end of the tunnel. Amber helps remove the obstacles we place in our own way, as well as deflecting the negative energies of others. It lends the courage to set boundaries with friends, colleagues or family, and to recognize it is safe to be powerful in loving ways.
Amber brings stability to life but also motivates by linking what is wished for, to the motivation and drive to achieve it. Its warm, bright energies translate into a sunny, spontaneous disposition that nevertheless respects tradition. Amber encourages peacefulness and develops trust.

M E N T A L   E N E R G Y

Amber stimulates the intellect, clears depression, and promotes a positive mental state and creative self-expression. Its warm, bright energy promotes cheerfulness and trust, and strengthens the belief in oneself.
Amber stimulates the intellect, improves short-term memory, and enhances the understanding of messages from one’s past to assist in decision-making and moving forward in life. It is a great tool for transmuting dreams into reality.

P H Y S I C A L   E N E R G Y

Because of its electrostatic influence, Amber is considered to be one of the most effective energetic healing substances, drawing off toxins, pain, and disease from the body and stimulating the immune system and the body’s other natural healing mechanisms to rebalance and heal itself.


S P I R I T U A L   E N E R G Y

Amber is an effective shield, connecting one's present self to divine spiritual planes. It serves as a useful resource for accessing ancestral knowledge and recalling past incarnations, whether through regression therapy in this life or in a previous one, in order to overcome detrimental tendencies or gain insight on how past events can benefit the present.
Amber contains preserved Life Force energies and provides a valuable source of light for the body. It also aids in connecting with beings from different dimensions and galaxies, such as nature devas and faeries, who are present on Earth to aid humanity during the impending shift.
C H A K R A   E N E R G Y   C E N T E R  

The human body is comprised of multiple intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies. Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as chakras.

Amber resonates with the Sacral and the Solar Plexus Chakras.
The gold and orange shades of Amber stimulate the Navel or Sacral Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other "non-linear" communication comes from this chakra.
The yellow hues within Amber activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. (See meaning below the Sacral Chakra).



T H E    S A C R A L   C H A K R A

The Sacral Chakra is responsible for our emotional connection and pleasure, as well as stimulating creativity and intimacy. It has the power to guide our enjoyment of life and allows us to deeply experience emotions while maintaining control. This chakra also enhances our ability to innovate and discover new ways of living. Think of it as the "fun" center of your energy system. The Sacral Chakra is not solely focused on pleasure, but also on emotional expression and forming connections with others. Balance in this chakra allows for healthier emotional expression and stronger connections with loved ones.



 The Sacral Chakra is the energy center for the vital Life Force, which is the energy of circulation. This energy center assists in letting go, accepting change, and transformation in life. It is also a direct line to our creativity, intuition, and sexual pleasure. The Sacral Chakra is responsible for managing energy flow and serves as the body's center of gravity. Acting as a reservoir for the life force, all aspects of life are influenced by the Sacral Chakra as it controls the exchange of information between the body and mind. This Chakra is also responsible for intuitive and non-linear forms of communication.


C O L O R   E N E R G Y

 Orange is a representation of heightened awareness, mirroring the beauty of a sunrise. This color is associated with vitality and innocence, and it is within this chakra that we envision and design our lives. Orange emits a high energy vibration. It is associated with enthusiasm, joy, vigor, and creativity, it can stimulate the mind and promote social interaction. This color brings the light of the Sun into your creative center. It reflects abstract thinking and links to creative visualization. Use to stimulate brilliant ideas, original concepts, and intellectual or interesting topics. Orange Crystals and Gemstones instills positive energy and helps reignite drive and ambition. Orange crystals, in particular, are fertility and potency symbols and are linked with conceiving a child.


 O U T   OF    B A L A N C E

 A person's emotional state, creativity, and focus may be impacted when the Sacral Chakra is out of balance. When out of balance we experience feelings of:  

  • Confusion & Over-Reliance on others,
  • Suppression of emotions & Joylessness,
  • Fear of Intimacy & Frustration
  • Lack of or Repressed Creativity,
  • Sexual Dysfunction & Withheld Intimacy,
  • Emotional Isolation, Depression
  • Chronic Lower Back pain
  • Arthritis, Hip & Joint issues
  • Reproductive problems
  • Spleen and Kidney issues 
  • Sinusitis 
  • Anemia & Low energy

When the Sacral Chakra is not functioning properly, it can lead to emotional instability, a lack of creativity and discipline, and an addiction to sensory pleasure. Symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and fear of losing control in relationships indicate a blockage in this energy center.


R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E

 The Sacral Chakra is responsible for our desires and is considered the source of passion that ignites our creativity. It empowers individuals to make choices and build meaningful relationships, while also promoting emotional well-being through pleasure. This vital chakra plays a key role in our sexuality and the expression of our emotional needs and desires.

When in balance we experience grace, enjoyment, playfulness, flexibility in mind and body, and the ability to adapt to any situation in life with a positive attitude.


H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

 A balanced and open Sactual Chakra enables you to embrace risks, experience positivity and compassion to the fullest. There are several simple ways to restore the balance of the chakras, such as: 

    • Wear Orange Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Sacral Chakra, such as Carnelian, Citrine, Peach or Black Moonstone, Coral, Sunstone
    • Regular Meditation and the use of Orange crystals (above)
    • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
    • Nature Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
    • Dance or go Jogging
    • Chanting the Savral Chakra mantra: ‘VAM’.
    • Sing: There is a strong connection between the Sacral Chakra and the Throat Chakra (the center of expression)
    • Sound Frequency: 480 Hz
    • Practice specific Sacral Chakra yoga poses: Goddess Pose, Supta Baddha Konasana, Wide-legged Forward
    • Visualization & Intention Your energy follows your intention.
    • Journaling & Self Pampering
    • Essential Oils / Incense: Ylang ylang, Sandalwood, Orange, Clary Sage, Rose, Jasmine, Galangal, Massoia Bark, Pink Pepper seed, Neroll
    • Herbs: Damiana, Ginger, Orange peel, Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Raspberry leaf and Shatavari
    • Healing Foods: Oranges, Tangerines, Tangelos, Peaches, Orange Peppers, Coconuts, Melons, Sweet Fruits, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Pumpkin, Butternut Squash, Nuts, Cherries


This chakra plays an important role in our well-being, awakening our creativity and sexual energy while maintaining the healthy functioning of our bladder, kidneys, and reproductive organs.  


W H E N    B A L A N C E D

 The Sacral Chakra symbolizes creative potential, the ability to harbor fulfilling relationships, as well as our sexual energy

When your Sacral Chakra is balanced, it can improve your relationships with others by allowing for deeper connections and healthy expression of emotions. This can lead to more satisfying relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners. A balanced Sacral Chakra can also greatly enhance creativity. When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you feel a sense of passion, creativity, and joy. You are able to express yourself freely and authentically

T H E   S O L A R   P L E X U S   C H A K R A

The Solar Plexus Chakra represents Self-esteem, Pleasure, Willpower, Personal Responsibility, Power, Intellect, Clarity, Beliefs, Independence. Have you ever felt as though you could conquer the world? Like there’s a fiery ball of passion and power surging through you? That's the Solar Plexus Chakra in action!

The Solar Plexus Chakra, is a bright, rejuvenating, joyful sunny color of yellow. It directs our personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance our physical body. The Solar Plexus Chakra is the energy distribution center in our body.  It is one of the most powerful energy tools that aids in manifestation. When in complete alignment with the creative Life Force; your projected desired outcomes will be attracted back to you, like a powerful magnet.



 The Solar Plexus Chakra spreads the fire element throughout your body which brings energy, warmth, and light. This is also the energy center of digestion. The Solar Plexus Chakra energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions from a place of inner wisdom. It is also the key to unlocking our personal power, building a strong sense of self and the ability to manifest our desires. Intellect, ego, willpower, and aggression are also common qualities of the Solar Plexus Chakra. The love and happiness that we feel in our hearts actually originate in the Third Chakra and rise from there to the Heart Chakra.


O U T   O F   B A L A N C E

 When the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of alignment, you will experience insecurity, self-doubt, anger, aggression and a lack of direction in life. Fear will be present in many forms, fear of displeasing or disappointing others or fear of subordinating your life and pleasures to the will of others. When it is out of equilibrium, you will have a low tolerance to infection, food or might suffer from hormone disorders. Because this chakra is located near the abdomen, it affects many internal organs.

When the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as various physical and emotional issues:

    • Low Self-Esteem & Weak willpower
    • Increased Fear & Control Issues
    • Fear of Disappointment
    • Self-victimizing mentality
    • Lack of Ambition and Purpose
    • Manipulative Tendencies & Misuse of Power
    • Anger & Aggression
    • Frequent infections & Fatigue
    • Overeating & Excessive Weight Gain
    • Digestive System Disorders
    • Gastrointestinal issues & Diabetes
    • Heartburn & Indigestion
    • Irritable bowel syndrome & Ulcers
    • Issues with the pancreas, liver, and colon  

In the physical body, the Solar Plexus Chakra corresponds with the Liver, Pancreas, Stomach, Digestive System, Large Intestine, Adrenal Gland, Lungs


C O L O R   E N E R G Y

 Yellow symbolizes energy, intellect, and the connection you have with the fire and the sun. It can cheer, infuse with hope, clarify and elevate mental activity. It also creates a sense of stability and nurturing.

Yellow helps eliminate over-activity, under-activity, blockages and congestion in all of the chakras. It is excellent for balancing yin-yang, and for raising kundalini energy.

Yellow is often used to help children with dyslexia improve their focus. It represents youth, new beginnings, and re-birth.

Yellow has a medium to high vibration and is associated with happiness, optimism, clarity, knowledge and intellect. It can brighten up a space promoting a sense of cheerfulness and warmth.

Yellow brings the power to solidity new interests and new relationships, helping you to see things in a different light. It adds clarity, waking things up and adding zest, optimism, and meaning to your life and relationships.


R E A S O N S   T O    B A L A N C E

 When this energy center is open and balanced, you feel confident, empowered, and ready to take on any challenge that comes your way
You will begin to experience positive changes in your life such as:

  • Manifestation, Wealth & Prosperity
  • Empowered action towards Goals and Dreams
  • Hope & Self Confidence, Self Worth
  • Focus & Logic
  • Clarity & Awareness
  • Organization & Efficient
  • Energetic & Enthusiastic
  • Decisiveness & Persuasion
  • Good Digestion & Healthy Metabolism
  • Inner Strength & Resilience
  • Ability to make Decisions with ease & Trust in yourself
  • Willingness to take Risks & Step out of your Comfort Zone
  • Control over Emotions


H O W   T O    B A L A N C E

 A healthy and balanced Solar Plexus Chakra is essential for success in various areas of our life, including health, relationships, and spirituality.

Here are some techniques to unblock and heal your Solar Plexus Chakra.


  • Wear Yellow White, Yellow or Gold Crystals & Gemstones for the specific purpose of balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra, such as Rutile Quartz Crystal, Yellow Calcite, Citrine, Yellow Topaz,
  • Regular Meditation and the use of Yellow, Yellow White or Gold metallic crystals.
  • Mindful Breathing - Prana, the life force energy within you, travels on the breath
  • Nature & SUN Healing (Spend a few minutes outside everyday)
  • Dance or go Jogging
  • Chanting the Solar Plexus Chakra mantra: ‘RAM’.
  • Sound Frequency: 528 H
  • Practice specific Solar Plexus Chakra yoga poses; Bow Pose, Reverse Plank Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Classic Forward Bend
  • Visualization & Intention: Your energy follows your intention.
  • Journaling & Self Pampering
  • Essential Oils / Incense: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Rosewood, Rosemary, Rose Myrrh
  • Herbs: Milk, Thistle, Ginger, Turmeric, Dandelion, Lemon Balm, Calendula, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Spearmint, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Fennel, Cinnamon, Clove, and Cardamom.
  • Healing Foods: Yellow, Warming or Energizing Foods: Squash, Pumpkings, Corn, Oats, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Yellow Pears, Lentils, Golden Apples, Yellow & Orange Peppers, Spelt, Rice, Bananas, Pineapple, Papaya, Dandelions, Sunflowers, Lovage, Sunchokes


W H E N    B A L A N C E D

When the Solar Plexus Chakra center is open and balanced it promotes your emotional well-being, you feel confident, self-motivated, and have a sense of purpose  You have the willpower to interpret the world through your own thoughts and emotions, without fear of going against others' beliefs.

Being aligned strengthens your immune system, prevents allergies, and allows for efficient nutrient absorption.  It ignites our inner fire, the light of consciousness that motivates us to strive towards success and good health.



Amber is used in meditation when the desire is to connect to the earth’s wisdom of an earlier age. Its ancient energy is released as it is touched or held in the hand during a session. It can be used to purify an area for meditation, or to clear the mind, body and spirit in readiness for expanding the consciousness. Amber is a superb tool for past-life exploration, clearing family patterns, or cleansing karmic debris from one’s energy field. It is a powerful protector in shamanic journeys and for its ability to facilitate travel to the lower world. Focusing on the fossil in bright sunlight or by candlelight heightens one’s awareness

F E N G   S H U I   C E N T E R

F I R E   E L E M E N T

 In feng shui, Orange and Yellow colored Crystals and Gemstones bring us the element of Fire.

The Fire element is known for its enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, and activity. As a Yang element, it is associated with heat, emotion, and passion, often bringing forth new ideas and concepts. Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community, work and within your family. Also use the element of Fire crystals to enhance any space that you use for high-energy activities to bring the sun's power into your life and home. Charge up a space with these crystals, spring into action with their energy.

The Fire element symbol: Triangle

Orange Fire element Solfeggio frequency: 417 Hz - used in sacred music, including the well-known Gregorian Chants. It is known for its ability to break down negative energy and facilitate positive change. It is used to heal from past trauma. This frequency disrupts negative mental patterns and clears subconscious blockages that may be holding you back. This allows you to forgive, move on, and embrace new beginnings.

The Fire element is associated with Fame and Reputation. It emits the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is the energy of heat, action, emotion, passion, concepts, and sex. It is alive, potent, but often destructive. We all need the heat, passion, and life-giving energy of the fire element to keep our inner light shining.

Place Fire elements in the South area of a home, office or space.



D I D   Y O U   K N O W 

The origin of the word electricity comes from the Greek word for Amber. According to the Swedish Museum of Amber, over 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus discovered that when amber was rubbed against cloth, it produced sparks and attracted feathers, husks, and small wooden splinters. This force was given the name "electricity" after the Greek word electron, which means "amber”!

Amber once was a part of a tree's immune system. When injured, a tree will secrete a sticky substance called resin to protect itself. This resin undergoes a chemical process, creating the recognizable and durable amber. As a result, amber is the solidified, long-lasting resin from trees of the past.


C L E A N S I N G   &   C H A R G I N G :

Cleanse = Eliminates Stagnant Energy.

Charging = Crystals need to be Charged in order to Replenish their Energy, just like a battery! 

Crystals & Gemstones function similarly to batteries, emitting positive energy at a specific frequency into our bodies, resulting sometimes in a tingling sensation. Crystals absorb and convert negative energy, but they have to use their own energy to create a protective shield, which is necessary for deflecting or repelling negativity. When we use a crystal, it will eventually run out of energy and need to be recharged, just like a battery. In its depleted state, the crystal may have also absorbed negative energy, necessitating cleansing and then recharging it.



Cleanse by running under Spring water, using Sage Smoke, Intention or place on a bowl of Earth mixed with light salt. Sunlight and Moonlight can be used as well. Always follow your intuition.

 C H A R G E

Charge by placing on or near Selenite, Quartz Crystal or Smokey Quartz. You can also charge by placing your crystals in Sunlight for 1 - 3 hours or Overnight during a Full Moon - place your crystals on a table by a window or on a windowsill.



Programming your Crystals & Gemstones involves setting your intentions and infusing the Crystal with your desired energy. To program your Crystal, find a quiet space, hold the Crystal in your hand, and visualize your intentions. Focus on the qualities you wish to enhance or the goals you want to manifest. Feel the Crystal’s energy merging with your purposes, and state your affirmations or intentions aloud. The vibrational energy emitted by spoken words holds great power, as do our thoughts, our crystals are tools that amplify and direct our desires and wishes.