7 Chakra Orgone Energy Healing Dowsing Cone Crystal Pendulum with 7 Chakra Chain

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U S I N G   A   P E N D U L U M

To start working with a crystal pendulum, hold the pendulum's chain in your LESS DOMINANT hand. Wrap the chain around middle finger and hold between your middle and ring fingers, at middle finger joints keeping hand open. Begin with asking your pendulum two straightforward questions that have an absolute answer, such as: "Am I a woman?" or "Am I a man?"  

 Your pendulum will move in two different directions, usually swinging back and forth- away from you and toward you, or left and right, or in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise. In this case, these movements mean "yes" or "no."  If it just vibrates and shakes with no swinging action, this means the answer is not available at this time or that you need to “rephrase” the question.

Once you have identified your yes and no responses like this, you are ready to let your crystal pendulum help you.


O R G O N E   E N E R G Y

Orgone crystals are known to be energy storehouses that store universal energy. This energy nurtures your soul and clears all the negative energies around you. This Orgone Crystal Pendulum has 7 different Crystals inside, representing our Chakra system and is an excellent pendulum for Chakra Balancing sessions. This pendulum is also wonderful for spiritual growth, mood improvement, better sleep & vivid dreams. This unique crystal is also know to magnify healing properties of other crystals when close to each other. 



  • Pendulum Size - 30-35 mm  ( 2”+ inch) approximately. (Without chain)
  • Genuine Copper and 7 Chakra Gemstone Pendulum 
  • Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Green Aventurine, Citrine, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Quartz Crystal, Copper
  • Chain: Stainless Steel, Silver, with genuine gemstone beads as pictured.
  • Chain length: 8+ inches


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