The Vibrational Power of Color Energy
When choosing your Crystals & Gemstones, use this simple way to understand the underlying meanings of the different color spectrums, in case you are not already aware of it. Color; in a nutshell, is energy vibrating at certain speeds.
Lower vibrations produce warmer colors like reds and oranges, while higher vibrations produce cooler colors like blues and indigo. At the highest vibration, the two ends of the color spectrum meet together and produce violet. Crystals & Gemstones produce the different colors we see according to the frequency of the vibrations they are emitting when they develop.
At different times in our lives we need to focus on different things. While selecting your Crystals and Gemstones, concentrate on what you would like to change or happen in your life and surroundings now and in the future. The ones you need will “call to you” by attracting your attention (almost always the very first ones you are drawn to) and the Colors will be the explanation of why. The energies and (vibrations) that you bring into your personal energy space, along with your intentions, words and thoughts; that you create around them, can affect everything from Health, Success and Prosperity to Love, Relationships and Happiness. Overall, your Crystals and Gemstones can influence your wellbeing both physically and mentally. They are a great tool for you to utilize, that can help you attract an abundance of anything you desire. So once you find the colors that resonate with your energy needs, your Crystals, Gemstones and Jewelry become one of the most sacred and revered spiritual accessories you can own. Let us now discover the hidden meaning of different colors.

Black and White - is the Yin/Yang expression of color. Black absorbs and draws in all light, emitting no vibrations or frequencies outward… making it one of the most powerful tools for grounding and absorbing negative energies. White arises when (all colors) vibrations and frequencies are combined making it one of the most powerful tools for manifesting and “intention directed” releasing of positive energies. Think of Black and White as a filter. The Black absorbs and removes all the negative, toxic elements and then the white releases only the positive, purified and cleansed.
Black is associated with connecting to earth by Grounding. It helps Purify Negative Emotions & Energy because it has a very strong ability to:
- Absorbs & purifies all Negative Energy,
- Deflect from harm,
- Detoxify & Cleanse,
- Purge Negative Emotions & Thoughts,
- Protects the aura from negativity
- Grounding
- Security & Safety
- Strength & Courage
Black Crystals and Gemstones are used when you need protection and mental fortitude. They are the crystals to use when you need to feel safe and secure. It is also an excellent color for a Barrier crystal. Barrier crystals have incredible abilities to help you focus and amplify your efforts to keep undesirable elements out of your life.
Wearing Black Crystals & Gemstones help us face what we fear and protect us while we pass through dark times in our lives.

White and Clear (High Vibration) resonates with the Crown Chakra. It signifies clearing, a fresh beginning and these stones are desirable for raising one’s energy levels & expanding consciousness. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Clearing & Cleansing
- Healing
- Holds positive energy
- Amplifies Intentions & other Crystals
- New beginnings
- Heightened Intuition & Psychic abilities
- Purify & Purity
- Clarity & Truth
White Crystals and Gemstones are used for cleansing and clearing of energetic stagnation, amplifying the energy of other crystals. They give physical, emotional, and mental balance. Wearing White or Clear Crystals & Gemstones will help restore tranquility in your life by connecting you to spiritual source.
Wearing Clear and White Crystals and Gemstones: The crystals attracted into one’s life are stones that will in some way help facilitate personal growth and awareness. They may work subliminally in unawakened minds, but for those spiritually attuned to the universe Clear and White crystals are like beacons of light and positive energy.
Feng Shui: Fire & Metal, place this crystal in the North/Northwest areas of your space.
Red Crystals and Gemstones are associated with the Root Chakra, which is situated at the base of the spine. The color red enhances the spirit to work when you lack enthusiasm. It breaks down blockages and stagnant energies. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Action & Motivation
- Determination & Drive
- Love & Passion
- Rejuvenation
- Emotional Healing
- Vitality & Energy
- Willpower
- Bravery & Courage
Red Crystals and Gemstones are used to help us become more actively involved when energetic action is required. Red Crystals have the ability to uplift and empower. They will cure your apathy and help you get things done.
Wearing Red Crystals & Gemstones emits the energetic vibration of Boldness and can give you the sense of Confidence, Bravery & Courage and a Boost of energy.
Feng Shui: Fire, the most powerful color in feng shui, place this crystal in the South area of a room or use these colors of crystals to enhance any space that you use for high-energy activities. Use the red hues of crystals to bring the sun’s power and the fire element’s energy to your life and home. Charge up a space with these crystals. Spring into action with their energy.
Pink Crystals and Gemstones are associated with your Heart Chakra, Rose Quartz inspires love in self and others. Rose Quartz heals our internal wounds, it reprograms the heart to accept the infinite source of love that comes from within. Only after learning to love ourselves…is it possible to love others truly. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include
- Love & Romance
- Self Love, Self Esteem
- Self Confidence
- Bonding
- Inner Nourishment & Comfort
Pink Crystals and Gemstones are used to bring self-love, love, new romance, and new relationships into your life. It is a powerful Seeker crystal.
Wearing Pink Crystals and Gemstones brings the energy of determination, commitment, and caring. Its soothing color calms feelings of anger or resentment, filling our emotions with love.
Feng Shui: Fire energy, place this crystal near the South area of a room, but specifically your bedroom.
Orange is associated with your Sacral Chakra, which is situated in the lower abdomen. Any blockages in your Chakras that prevent you from indulging in your passions are removed by orange, which balances the creativity in you and stimulates new ideas. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Inspiration & Creativity
- Inner Power & Guidance
- Sexuality & Desire
- Awakening passions
- Joy in difficult times
- Self Expression
- Energetic Energy
Orange Crystals and Gemstones can be used when an emotional & intellectual stimulate is needed, which alleviates feelings of self pity, lack of self worth, and an unwillingness to forgive.
Wearing Orange Crystals & Gemstones emits vibrations of joy and pleasure, bringing smiles and optimism into our lives. Like that glass of “orange” juice in the morning, it will start your day off right!
Feng Shui: Fire energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. Place this crystal in the South area of your space.
Yellow is associated with your Solar Plexus Chakra which is located between the ribcage and navel. It stimulates positive use of the powers that lie within, opening the way for new ideas. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Wealth & Prosperity
- Hope & Confidence
- Focus & Logic
- Clarity & Awareness
- Organization
- Decisiveness & Persuasion
Yellow Crystals and Gemstones can be used for mental clarity of thought, which is why this is a powerful manifestation tool. It is called the “Merchant Stone” and is sometimes placed in cash registers and wallets, where money is kept, to bring prosperity.
Wearing Yellow Crystals & Gemstones emits vibrational energies of Confidence, Happiness and Wise Decision Making.
Feng Shui: Fire energy, generally used in the center of a home or room to bring cheerfulness, light, and energy to the entire space. Place this Crystal in the SOUTH part of your space for Wealth and Prosperity.
Brown is also associated with our Root Chakra and Earth. They are excellent aids for grounding and connecting with Mother Earth and meditation. They are about the growth that happens underground, where it is not visible but still makes a difference in supporting the self. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Grounding & Connection
- Meditation tool
- Comfort, Relaxation & Rest
- Centering & Soul Searching
- Fighting Chaos & Negativity
Brown Crystals and Gemstones are used to reconnect with Mother Earth as they are a potent talisman for becoming attuned to the natural world. It is also used in meditation as a transition aid and a thought transmitter. Use these stones in your home to dispel a negative energy environment.
Wearing Brown Crystals & Gemstones help us to settle down, regroup, and revitalize. They give us Emotional Balance, Stability, Safety and Protection.
Feng Shui: Earth & Wood energy, used to enhance any space that is a resting place, where you need to be firmly in control, safe, and protected. Place this crystal in the East and Southeast areas of a space.
Green is associated with your Heart Chakra, which is near the heart. These Crystals and Gemstones are known as “The Good Luck Stone”. They are also recognized to be excellent soul and mood balancers, as well as strengthening the heart-mind contact The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Healing & Growth
- Wealth & Prosperity
- Luck & Happiness
- Love & Success
- Acceptance & Balance
- Harmony & Care
Green Crystals and Gemstones are popularly utilized to draw riches and generate more revenue and happiness into your life. Also used to assist you in letting go of your old routine so that you may embrace new exciting options and progress confidently.
Wear Green Crystals & Gemstones as good luck charms and talismans. Also to motivate and showcase your most vital qualities.
Feng Shui: Earth & Wood energy, the energy of growth, expansion, new beginnings, nourishment, and health. It enhances vitality, brings abundance, and keeps us growing physically. Place this Crystal in the East and Southeast areas of your space.
Blue is associated with your Throat Chakra, which is situated in the throat. Blue crystals can help deal with balance issues and/or blockages. These crystals can help make us more mellow, calm, and thoughtful, they can also help us face reality, deal with guilt and betrayal, and help us overcome insecurity. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include
- Intuition & Inspiration
- Loyalty & Trust
- Communication
- Spiritual Cleansing
- Calming, Tranquility & Soothing.
- Overcoming Insecurity
Blue Crystals and Gemstones are used as a stone of learning, mental acuity and psychic activation, a seeker after spiritual truth. Its pure Blue Ray brings order and healing to the mind, lending strength and focus, and an ability to see beneath surface appearances to underlying truths and to utilize that knowledge.
Wearing Blue Crystals & Gemstones helps to improve communication and tap into boundless potential and opportunities.
Feng Shui: Water energy, the energy of stillness, quiet strength, and purification. Place this crystal in the North area of a space or to enhance any space that you use for repose, calm reflection, or prayer.
Violet/Purple is associated with your Crown Chakra, which is situated at the top of the head. This Chakra is the center of energy and where all the positive source energies flow in to our being. It is our gateway to the expanded universe beyond our bodies. It controls how we think, and how we respond to the world around us. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Power, Authority
- Psychic Strength, Intuition & Dreams
- Spiritual Guidance & Insight
- Wisdom & Inner Strength.
- Rejuvenation & Renewal
- Anxiety & Stress Relief
Violet/Purple Crystals and Gemstones are used to strengthen psychic powers, Gain Inner Strength and for Stress Relief. These highly spiritual and attuned gems truly come into their own when it comes to clearing crown chakra blockages and making sure that our inner light is shining.
Wearing Violet/Purple Crystals & Gemstones as a talisman brings focus and success, used in meditation, to enhance creativity and refine thinking skills. It helps relieve anxiety and stress through out the day. It is also good to place on your workspace area.
Feng Shui: Fire energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. Place this crystal in e South area of your space or by your bed to help with Dreams and Relaxation.
Indigo is associated with Ajna Chakra, called the Third Eye Chakra, which is situated in the middle of the forehead. Indigo crystals can help deal with balance issues and/or blockages of the Third Eye Chakra, the sixth of the seven Chakras. It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here. Indigo promotes the inner voice and thus helps you come to a better understanding of self, enhancing your intuitive and psychic abilities, allowing clearer communication and connection with the higher spiritual realm. The vibrational color energy in these Crystals and Gemstones include:
- Spiritual Awakening & Awareness
- Intuition & Imagination
- Lucid Dreaming & Problem Solving
- Inner Transformation
- Access Hidden knowledge
- Meditation
Indigo Crystals and Gemstones are used when we want to develop mastery of spiritual understandings and practices. They also open doors or break down barriers and see the truth that only your soul can fathom.
Wearing Indigo Crystals & Gemstones strengthens our natural psychic vibrational energies such as ESP, telepathy and clairvoyance. It inspires artistic and musical impulses increasing creativity in these areas. It helps us obtain spiritual mastery, spiritual direction, and spiritual prosperity.
Feng Shui: Fire Energy, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. Place this Crystal in the South area of a space, or by your bed to help with Dream work.
While choosing your Crystals and Gemstones, you will always be amazed at how the “right” ones will always attract your attention and their color explanation addresses your specific needs. Colors and the Chakras are interconnected and can have a great impact on our physical and mental wellbeing. Making wise choices and utilizing these tools can improve the quality of your life, health and happiness.
-Gypsy Gems Jewelry Box