“Never mind what is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.” – Abraham Hicks
The "Bagua" - Feng Shui Map
Use the Color Bagua map below as a refrence guide; for Crystal placements, using Feng Shui principles. Ba means 8 and gua meaning ‘area’ or section. It is now recognized that there are nine (9) sections, including the central yin-yang area.
(Learn about the Meaning of Feng Shui here)
In Feng Shui, crystals are believed to amplify and radiate positive energy. They can be used strategically to address specific areas of your life, such as love, wealth, or health. By harnessing the unique energetic properties of crystals and aligning them with the principles of Feng Shui, you can create a more balanced and harmonious living environment.

White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals
White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals & Gemstones emit the highest and most powerful energy vibrations. These crystals are used for purifying, cleansing and clearing of energetic stagnation and amplifying the energy of other crystals. They have a calming effect and benefit mental clarity, meditation, and spiritual growth. These crystals are known as the best healers and are the best crystals for manifestating desires. White and clear crystals are also among the easiest stones to program. These crystals imbue you with spiritual enlightenment, truth, purification, and aura healing.
White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals attract the energies of :
- focus, clarity, clear thinking and organization
- joy, happiness, creativity, inspiration
- spiritual enlightenment, high vibration
- healing, purification, clearing, cleansing
- amplifies intention, amplifies other crystals
- concentration, meditation, transmitter, physical energy
- connection to source, expanding consciousness, healing,
- psychic, intuition, tranquillity, peace, calm
In Feng Shui, White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- West - Creativity & Children
- North West - Friends, Helpful People & Travel
White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals are connected to the Element of:
- Metal - is a structured element that can help bring creative energy and a sense of discipline and control to your space.
In Feng Shui, White, Clear, Gray, Silver, and Metallic crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Add Metal element crystals at work for protection, respect, critical thinking skills, good fortune, abundance, confidence, and wisdom.
- Pyrite, also known as “Fool’s Gold,” its high metallic luster is thought to attract wealth and success..
- Use metal element crystals to bring more structure and clarity to creative pursuits and those that deal with children..
- Clear Quartz is a great crystal to bring in clarity and highlight all the good energy around you. It will also keep the energy clean and balanced.
Here's a closer look at how White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals are used:
1. Purity and Clarity:
- White and clear crystals, such as Quartz, Selenite, and Clear Calcite, are often linked to purity, clarity, and the ability to see things with greater objectivity.
- Helps to create a space that feels clean, focused, and conducive to clear thinking.
2. Spiritual Enlightenment:
- White, Clear, Gray, Silver, and Metallic crystals are connected to higher consciousness, spirituality, and the transcendence of the physical realm.
- These crystals support individuals in their spiritual growth and connection to the divine or higher realms.
3. Organization and Precision:
- White, Clear, Gray, Silver, and Metallic crystals are associated with structure, order, and precision.
- They help promote organization, focus, and the efficient completion of tasks.
4. Detachment and Letting Go:
- White, Clear, Gray, Silver, and Metallic crystals are linked to the ability to let go, detach, and release what no longer serves.
- These crystals support individuals in cultivating a sense of detachment and objectivity, allowing for the release of emotional or mental baggage.
5. Expansion and Amplification:
- The reflective, amplifying nature of White, Clear, Gray, Silver, and Metallic crystals can help enhance the energy and effects of other crystals or Feng Shui elements.
- They can be used to "boost" the influence of other Feng Shui remedies.
6. Neutrality and Balance:
- White, Clear, Gray, Silver, and Metallic crystals are often associated with neutrality, balance, and the ability to find a harmonious middle ground.
- They help to create a sense of equilibrium and balance within a space.
White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic Crystals and their meanings:
- Clear or White Quartz Crystal - “The Master Healer” attracts: Manifestation, Clarity, Healing, New Horizons, New Capabilities, New Prospects, Transformation. Clear Quartz crystals are considered the ultimate offering from Mother Earth. Even the tiniest crystal possesses the qualities of a master healer and teacher. Clear Quartz is known to enhance any energy or intention placed into it, continuously emitting that energy across the globe and into the etheric planes. This can hasten the realization of one's prayers or intentions, amplify healing or spiritual development, or enable the crystal to maintain an energy pattern sufficiently long and robust for the achievement of a desired outcome.
- Moonstone - creates a shielding force throughout the aura and acts as a prism, diffusing energy throughout the aura, psychic perception, vision, dream work, magnifier, kundalini, emotional balance, tranquility, sensuality, healing -Moonstone is especially protective of those who travel by night or upon the water when the moon is shining. Frequent travelers should keep one in the glove compartment for safe night driving and as protection against road rage.
- Opalite - clear thinking, new beginnings, child like glee, vigor, self esteem, emotional uplift, creativity, intuition, personal power, calm, clear your mind and give you a boost in energy, reducing fatigue,
- Howlite - protection, safety, guardian, intelligence, healing, creativity, memory, knowledge, growth, calm, soothing, wisdom, awareness, clear vision, channeling, cleanse negativity, detox, respite, stillness, perspective, understanding, serenity, knowledge, insomnia, dreams
- Silver or Rainbow Hematite - absorb & dissolve negative energy, protective, transforms negative energies to positive, balance, centering, calm, harmonious relationships, boost self-esteem, enhance willpower & confidence, concentration, focus, grounding, anxiety, stress, addictions, healing, manifestation, material abundance
- Selenite- Selenite can help to cleanse your office to get rid of any stagnant energy at the end of the day. Either place this crystal above the doorway to act as an energetic reset as you enter the office, or beneath your desk to clear away the electro smog and brain fog.
- Pyrite - Pyrite is a protective, shielding stone and is excellent to wear or carry as an amulet to deflect harm and danger. Pyrite attracts wealth, success and good luck when worn. It is also said to bring victory, energy, insight and intelligence. Pyrite in the home or workplace energizes the area around it and imparts an immediate increase in vitality. It overcomes intellectual fatigue due to overwork and tiredness, increasing mental clarity, focus and recall.
- Hematite - Hematite is a powerful stone that provides grounding and protection as it creates a protective shield around the aura, deflecting negative energies and promoting safety.
- Labradorite - Raises your vibration & invites in new levels of endless possibilities. Stimulates intuition, psychic gifts & ignites spiritual expansion. Banishes fears & insecurities & strengthens faith in the self & trust in the universe. A highly protective stone, a bringer of light.
Additional crystals that are White, Clear, Gray, Silver and Metallic include:
- Angel Aura Quartz
- Rainbow Titanium Crystal
- Agate
- White Jade
- White Onyx
- Mother of Pearl
- Pearl
- Rutile Quartz

Purple Crystals
Purple helps us connect with our mystical side by strengthening our intuition, psychic abilities and higher sense of self. Purple Crystals are ustilized as a powerful aid in accessing the ethereal world of dreams to spark imaginative ideas and spiritual direction.
Purple is a comfort stone, beneficial in overcoming depression, and gives strength during the grieving process. It helps alleviate obsessive thoughts or habits and is highly used for stress and anxiety relief. Purple raises awareness and links into the collective consciousness. It encourages contemplation of one’s life experiences that lead to spiritual growth and inner stability
Purple is highly valued among metaphysical crystals for spiritual exploration, as it integrates all facets of communication and psychic abilities. Its elevated vibrational energy fosters protection and safety when connecting with higher planes, facilitating deep and profound meditation.
It is especially beneficial for harmonizing the mind and heart, guiding individuals to live with a compassionate heart and an enlightened mind. For those new to psychic exploration, purple is an ideal crystal due to its protective nature, allowing the clairvoyant Third Eye - Brow Chakra to open progressively, thus preventing psychic impressions from becoming too intense.
Purple crystals attract the energies of :
- wealth, abundance,
- protection and safety
- calm, inner balance and peace
- elegance and royalty
- enlightenment, spirituality and wisdom
- deep meditation, psychic powers, very protective, empaths,
- overcoming communication difficulties, focus, career change,
- higher state consciousness, illumination, intuition,
- dreams, relives anxiety/stress,
- detox, compassion
In Feng Shui, Purple Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- South East - Wealth & Prosperity, Abundance & Luck
- South - Fame & Reputation
Purple is connected to the Elements of:
- Wood - Purple is associated with the wood element because it contains blue, which is also associated with wood. Wood represents growth, vitality, compassion, kindness, healing, and flexibility.
- Fire - Purple also contains red, which is associated with the fire element. Purple can have fiery energy, and is often associated with spirituality and has a relaxing effect.
In Feng Shui, Purple crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- You can place purple in areas like your desk, bedroom, or the abundance area of your home to activate abundance. You can also use purple in rooms like the kitchen, dining room, living room, study, or children's room
- To invite prosperity in your career or business, place a Purple crystal in the abundance area or your desk or wear Purple jewelry. This is a good way to keep this energy very close to you all day!
- For overall prosperity, place Amethyst in the abundance area of your home.
- Purple gemstones are also often used in feng shui to clear negative energy and protect a space from harm.
- Amethyst has a calming effect and so it’s perfect placed in the bedroom to help create a tranquil space for you to relax into.
- Amethyst is a catch-all healing stone, and if you wanted to choose just one crystal for the central area of the home, this would be an excellent choice.
- Lepidolite helps to release old patterns to ease stress. Interestingly, it contains lithium, which is used to relieve anxiety and promote peace.
- In Feng Shui, Purple crystals are often used to create an environment that supports spiritual development, creativity, and transformation.
Here's a closer look at how Purple Crystals are used:
1. Spirituality and Intuition:
- Purple crystals, such as Amethyst and Lepidolite, are often linked to spiritual awareness, intuition, and connection to higher realms.
- They can help individuals deepen their spiritual practice and enhance their intuitive abilities.
2. Transformation and Transcendence:
- The Fire element represented by Purple crystals is associated with transformation, transmutation, and the ability to transcend limitations.
- These crystals can support individuals in going through periods of personal growth and change.
3. Creativity and Imagination:
- The vibrant, creative energy of the Fire element is embodied by Purple crystals.
- They can help stimulate the imagination, inspire new ideas, and facilitate the manifestation of creative pursuits.
4. Relaxation and Stress Relief:
- Purple crystals are believed to have a calming, soothing energy that can promote relaxation and stress relief.
- They can be used to create a serene, meditative environment that fosters inner peace and balance.
5. Nobility and Royalty:
- In some cultures, the color Purple is associated with nobility, royalty, and high-quality leadership.
- Purple crystals can be used to cultivate a sense of dignity, authority, and a regal presence within a space.
6. Intuition and Psychic Abilities:
- The connection between the Purple color and the third eye chakra makes Purple crystals associated with intuition, psychic awareness, and the ability to access higher states of consciousness.
- They can support individuals in developing and honing their intuitive and psychic gifts.
Purple Crystals and their meanings:
- Amethyst - a royal purple gemstone attracts prosperity, generosity, abundance, spiritual psychic protector, inner peace, purifies the aura, all healer, shield, stress, anxiety, depression, dreams, insomnia. Amethyst is one of the most powerful and popular crystals out there today!
- Purple Agate - promotes self-acceptance, spiritual awakening, spiritual fulfillment, stimulates creativity, inspiration, harmony, balance, emotional stability
- Purple Fluorite - focus, mental clarity, clear decision-making, concentration, energetic "vacuum cleaner", removes negativity in aura, calms a chaotic mind, promotes freethinking, flexibility, organization, spiritual enlightenment, healing, addictions
- Purple Phantom Super 7 Quartz Crystal - intuition, protects our aura, spiritual awakening, spiritual purification, emotional healing, chronic stress, guardian, detox, cleansing, illumination, Super Seven is one of the few crystals that never requires cleansing, recharging, or revitalizing because it continuously purifies itself and the space around it. Purple Phantom Super 7 Quartz naturally contains seven minerals known as “Super 7” - amethyst, cacoxenite, clear quartz, geolithe, lepidocrocite, rutile, and smoky quartz. Combined, these minerals are believed to have strong metaphysical properties.
- Purple Sugilite - nurturing, relieve stress, promote positive emotions, peace of mind, spiritual awakening, self-awareness, psychic gifts. protects against negative emotions like anger, fear, and stress
- Lepidolite - is extremely useful in the reduction of stress and depression. It halts obsessive thoughts, relieves despondency, and overcomes insomnia. Lepidolite contains lithium and is helpful in stabilizing mood swings and bipolar disorders. It is an excellent crystal to help overcome any kind of emotional or mental dependency, supportive in releasing from addictions and complaints of all kinds, including anorexia. As a "stone of transition", it releases and reorganizes old psychological and behavioral patterns, inducing change.
- Kunzite - is an extremely spiritual stone with a high vibration. It awakens the heart center producing loving thoughts, radiates peace and connects you to universal love. A protective stone, Kunzite dispels negativity, it shields the aura, encourages self expression and promotes tolerance and trust. Kunzite is often called "the woman stone". This healing crystal is recommended for reducing depression, mood swings and stress. It is a soothing stone that can help you adjust to the pressures of life.
- Purple Tiger Eye - ignites vision and spiritual awareness, increase awareness & heightens psychic ability & intuition. It helps you drop unhelpful/unhealthy habits and shift into higher states of consciousness. These habits might be physical or mental, including negative thoughts. The end result is spiritual wisdom grounded in a felt sense of wellbeing.
Purple Angelite - helps us connect with our mystical side by strengthening our intuition, psychic abilities and higher sense of self.
Utilize Purple Angelite as a powerful aid in accessing the ethereal world of dreams to spark imaginative ideas and spiritual direction. -
Purple Dragon Vein Agate -
Purple Dragon Vein Agate is one of the most valuable of all metaphysical crystals for spiritual exploration, bringing together all aspects of communication and psychic power. Its high vibrational energy invites protection and safety in linking with higher realms, and allows for deep profound meditation. It is particularly helpful in uniting the mind and heart, teaching one to live from a compassionate heart with an illumined mind.
Additional Purple crystals include: Ametrine, Purple Garnet, Purple Spinel and Purple Topaz, as well as:
- Chariote
- Iolite
- Tanzanite
- Purple Tourmaline
- Purple Mystic Aura Quartz - Mermaid
- Alexandrite
Bi-color Tourmaline,
Pink Crystals
Pink crystals and gemstones are believed to radiate the energy of love, warmth, and tenderness. They symbolize romance, intimacy, thoughtfulness, and care. Pink evokes empathy and sensitivity, embodying compassion, nurturing, and love. Feng Shui experts often suggest pink as the primary color for those seeking to attract abundant love. By integrating these crystals into your environment, you can foster self-love, gentleness, and invite romantic relationships. The hues of pink are linked with femininity, sensitivity, and romance, harmonizing with the essence of romantic love.
Pink crystals support the emotional body during life's transitions, evoking feelings of love, forgiveness, acceptance, and release. This beautiful crystal calms the heart and harmonizes it with the mind, mending past hurts and fostering empathy for others. It aids in cultivating the bravery to open oneself to new relationships and to rediscover the pleasure in social interactions.
Pink crystals attract the energies of :
- self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence,
- compassion, empathy, unconditional love,
- relationships, romance, imagination, emotion,
- logic, commitment, bonding, trust,
- stimulates the heart, love, inspiration, harmony,
- balance, positive thoughts, strengthens emotional stability, protection
In Feng Shui, Pink Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- South West - Love, Relationships & Marriage
- South - Fame & Reputation
Pink is connected to the Elements of:
- Earth - Pale Pinks can also be used to stimulate positive energy in rooms that are associated with the Earth Element, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, or kitchens. These colors can promote health, relaxation, and stable relationships
- Fire - The Fire element in its brilliant Pink hues such as Fuchsia, represents unconditional love and understanding as well as giving and receiving.
In Feng Shui, Pink crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Pink Crystals have the ability to transform your living and work space into a powerful magnet for positive energy and improved well-being. By placing these natural gemstones with purpose and intent, one can draw in love, harmony, and even increased confidence.
- Pink Crystals & Gemstones promote a harmonious and cooperative atmosphere among employees. It is used to improve teamwork, collaboration, morale, and motivation. With its calming properties, it can alleviate anxiety, stress, and tension, bringing a sense of peace and tranquility to the workplace.
- Rose Quartz will bring those loving vibes to the bedroom, whether it’s for yourself or for your relationship.
- Always have a pair of Rose Quartz crystals in the bedroom if you are calling in love or for support with your relationship.
- In Feng Shui, pink crystals are often used to create a nurturing, harmonious, and uplifting environment.
Here's a closer look at how Pink Crystals are used:
1. Love and Relationships:
- Pink crystals, such as Rose Quartz and Rhodonite, are often linked to matters of the heart, love, and emotional well-being.
- They can help create an environment that fosters loving, harmonious, and nurturing relationships.
2. Self-Love and Compassion:
- The Fire element represented by PInk crystals is related to self-love, self-acceptance, and compassion.
- These crystals can help individuals cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and kindness towards themselves.
3. Emotional Healing and Nurturing:
- Pink crystals are believed to have a soothing, comforting, and nurturing energy that can support emotional healing and processing.
- They can help create a space that feels safe, supportive, and conducive to emotional expression and growth.
4. Creativity and Inspiration:
- The vibrant, passionate energy of the Fire element is embodied by Pink crystals.
- They can help stimulate creativity, inspiration, and the expression of one's unique talents and abilities.
5. Joy and Happiness
- Pink crystals are often associated with feelings of joy, happiness, and a positive, uplifting energy.
- They can help cultivate a sense of optimism, lightheartedness, and enthusiasm within a space.
6. Fertility and Abundance:
- In some Feng Shui traditions, Pink crystals are connected to themes of fertility, abundance, and the ability to manifest one's desires.
- They can be used to support and enhance these areas of life.
Pink Crystals and their meanings:
- Rose Quartz - love, self-love, self-confidence, self-esteem, nurturing, tenderness, sexuality, beautiful dreams, understanding, relationships, dissolves worry, fear, resentment, sorrow, brings understanding, healthy relationships
- Pink Jasper - nurturing, contentment, peace, joy, faith, compassion, understanding, soothes the soul, calms insecurities, grounding, stability, protective, embrace uncertainty with ease, tune into your true destiny, overcome and heal trauma
Rhodonite - emotional healer, centering, self-love, self-esteem, strengthens bonds, relationships, suppress anxiety, nurturing, strengthens heart, strong psychic enhancement,
supports success, recognition by inspiring tact, social skills, and charisma, self-confidence, clarity of thought, understanding, dreams, heals grief, mourning - Rose Rhodochrosite - the “Inner Child Stone”buoyant, cheerful, dynamic, active, enhanced spirituality, higher self, love, romance, nurtures inner-child, heal old wounds, emotional trauma release pain, destructive behavior, forgiveness, frees blockages, wholeness, confidence, willpower
- Pink Ruby - aphrodisiac, love, sensuality, relationships, commitment, vitality, passion, zest for life, self-confidence, protection, wards off negativity and psychic attacks, safety, trust, endurance. It deepens a couple’s relationship and encourages closeness and commitment.
- Peach Moonstone - abundant positivity, good luck, career opportunities, enhances confidence, leadership abilities & strength, helps those who have trouble saying no, promotes creativity, energy, joy and vitality
Additional Pink crystals include: Pink Tourmaline, Pink Sapphire, Kunzite, Morganite, Lepidolite, Pink Calcite, Pink Amethyst, Pink Spinel, and Pink Danburite.
- Mango Calcite
- Pink Agate
- Pink Amethyst
- Pink Opal
- Pink Topaz

Green Crystals
Green crystals are commonly associated with renewal, growth, nurturing, and prosperity. They possess potent healing energies and are utilized in practices such as Reiki healing, as talismans to promote fertility, for chakra balancing, and for comprehensive healing on all levels. They are believed to help balance emotions and foster courage and inner strength. Many people trust that these stones' soothing qualities can diminish anxiety and enhance mental clarity.
Green crystals symbolize the wisdom of loyalty and integrity, celebrating trust and faithfulness. It activates the Heart Chakra, fostering compassion and insight into others' weaknesses and distinct traits. It cultivates tolerance and esteem for diverse beliefs. Known for its calming effect on the eyes, Green crystals are regarded as a tranquil crystal promoting clear dream recollection and augmenting spiritual insight. It bolsters psychic talents, initiates clairvoyance, and encourages the acquisition of knowledge from the intellectual realms.
Green and Green-Blue (Teal) crystals attract the energies of :
- growth, regeneration, life energy
- strong healing, release
- good luck, wealth, abundance, success, prosperity
- balance, harmony, inner stability,
- positive energy, positivity, vitality
- happiness, relationships, acceptance, compassion
- self-care, self assurance, self-confidence,
- creativity, fertility, birth, new beginnings
In Feng Shui, Green Crystals are associated with the Life experience area of:
- East - Family & Community/Health/New Beginnings & Ancestors
Green is connected to the Element of:
- Wood - The wood element is related to green and teal. If you have living green plants, that’s the wood element! You can also use shapes like tall columns and vertical stripes, and materials like wood, plant-based textiles, and pictures of plants.
In Feng Shui, Green crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Crystals like Jade and Aventurine are widely used to bring good luck, wealth and to promote physical and emotional well-being.
- Green crystals can be placed in areas where you want to encourage growth, such as in your career, personal life, wallet, relationships or garden. It's a great crystal for shared living spaces and can even be placed around plants and in the planter itself, on the earth.
- Place Aventurine and Green Calcite on the soil to ignite its growth. Green crystals, especially ones like Aventurine and Green Calcite bring in growth, health, and abundance.
- Labradorite eases an overloaded mind and helps manage thought processes. It is also used to help with colds and chest and respiratory problems.
- In Feng Shui, green crystals can be used to cultivate a sense of vitality, growth, and abundance within a space.
Here's a closer look at how Green Crystals are used:
1. Growth and Renewal:
- Green crystals, such as Emerald, Jade, and Malachite, are linked to concepts of growth, vitality, and renewal.
- They can help foster an environment that supports new beginnings, expansion, and the flourishing of ideas and projects.
2. Balance and Harmony:
- The Wood element represented by Green crystals is associated with balance, equilibrium, and the harmonious flow of energy.
- These crystals can help create a sense of balance and alignment within a space.
3. Prosperity and Abundance:
- Green crystals are often connected to themes of abundance, prosperity, and financial well-being.
- They can be used to attract and support the manifestation of wealth and material resources.
4. Healing and Rejuvenation:
- The Green color and the Wood element's association with nature are believed to have a restorative and rejuvenating effect.
- Green crystals can help promote physical, emotional, and mental healing.
5. New Beginnings and Creativity:
- The dynamic, vibrant energy of the Wood element is embodied by Green crystals.
- They can inspire new ideas, creativity, and the courage to embark on new endeavors.
Green Crystals and their meanings:
- Jade - health, wealth, prosperity, abundance, lucky, happiness, remove misunderstandings, restore harmony in family relationships.
- Green Aventurine - success, luck magnet, opportunity, wealth, abundance, balancing in all situations, brings harmony to a household, especially between family members, promote self-esteem. It can also help protect against career pitfalls and is especially beneficial for those looking for new beginnings or adventures.
- Peridot - This bright, lime-green sometimes yellow green stone brings good luck, peace, joy and happiness. It is associated with strong positive energies. This green crystal is considered to be excellent for protection and can help people gain clarity about their life's purpose. In ancient times, it was used to ward off evil spirits. Peridot is the birthstone for August
- Malachite – fidelity, clarity of emotions, release, guardian, travel protection, emf protection, shield, safety, growth, addiction release. This green stone is said to support physical and emotional healing.
- Emerald - This deep green stone is said to connect with the heart chakra and can bring prosperity, goodwill, and kindness into your life. It can also be especially good for success in relationships and family life.
- Moss Agate
- Tree Agate
- Green Quartz
- Indian Agate
- Green Jasper
Blue Crystals
In Feng Shui, Blue crystals are believed to enhance the energy flow within a room, creating a serene, warm, and secure environment. They symbolize authority, particularly in deeper hues, and are associated with feelings of safety. Blue crystals have a calming effect, aiding in contentment and known for their pain-reducing properties. The color blue is frequently utilized in therapeutic environments to aid meditation and promote relaxation.
Blue crystals serve as exceptional talismans for upholding spiritual beliefs, performing spiritual cleansing, and fostering fidelity. They have been utilized to improve clarity, encourage rational decision-making, and support effective communication. Additionally, they are linked with enhancing leadership skills and nurturing creativity. They are beneficial for addressing grief, moving on from the past, and alleviating guilt.
Blue crystals are recognized as a stone of communication, assisting those who struggle to be heard or require confidence and clarity to express their truths. It supports the cultivation of mindfulness and empathy for oneself and others. Known for fostering trust, tranquility, and serenity, Blue Crystals are particularly helpful in enhancing listening abilities and self-expression, especially during times when finding the right words is difficult. It is thought to improve the precision and clarity of speech.
Blue Crystals are renowned for their calming abilities, promoting a serene and peaceful disposition. Their potent energy can foster positive transformations in our lives, enhancing our reliability and joyfulness.
Blue crystals attract the energies of :
- enhances clarity, rational decision-making,
- clear communication, speech, trust, honesty,
- responsibility, reliability, leadership, caring,
- empathy, concern, peace, calm, tranquility,
- serenity, mindfulness, openness, third eye activation,
- spiritual awakening, expanded consciousness
In Feng Shui, Blue Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- North - Career, Opportunity & Life Path
- North East - Knowledge, Wisdom & Spirituality
Blue is connected to the Elements of:
- Water - The Water element is one of the most vital elements because water represents the flow of energy. The flow of energy, or “chi”, “Qi”, Prana, or the Life Force energy is crucial for creating a harmonious and well-balanced environment. Water's domain encompasses spirituality, intuition and emotions
Earth - In Feng Shui, the earth element is also now associated with grayish blue and blue green. These colors can stimulate positive energy for stable relationships, relaxation, and health..
In Feng Shui, Blue crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Blue crystals offer inner support, helping us to concentrate, contemplate, mediate and handle creative endeavors. Blue crystal energy has a low to medium vibration and is associated with calmness, tranquility, and relaxation. It can slow us down, reduce stress, and promote feelings of trust, tranquility and peace.
- Blue crystals aid in tackling challenging situations, such as confronting harsh truths, addressing feelings of guilt or betrayal, and boosting self-confidence. They can also help us be more sensitive and gentle in our thoughts and communication.
- If you feel that you are being disrespected by others, keeping a dark Blue crystal nearby can build respect and loyalty.
- Place Blue crystals in an area where you want to create a sense of calm. In Feng Shui, Blue crystals can be used to create a serene, reflective, and introspective environment.
Here's a closer look at how Blue Crystals are used:
1. Calmness and Serenity:
- Blue crystals, such as Lapis Lazuli, Blue Agate, and Blue Quartz, are known for their ability to promote a sense of tranquility and inner peace.
- They can help create a soothing, calming atmosphere in a space.
2. Introspection and Intuition:
- The Water element represented by Blue crystals is linked to intuition, introspection, and emotional intelligence.
- These crystals can help individuals connect with their inner wisdom and foster a deeper self-awareness.
3. Communication and Expression:
- Blue crystals are often associated with clear communication, self-expression, and the ability to convey ideas effectively.
- They can support individuals in finding their authentic voice and expressing themselves with clarity.
4. Healing and Relaxation:
- The restorative and rejuvenating qualities of the Water element are embodied by Blue crystals.
- They can be used to create a space that promotes physical, emotional, and mental healing, as well as deep relaxation.
5. Flexibility and Adaptability:
- The fluid, adaptable nature of the Water element is represented by Blue crystals.
- They can help individuals and spaces navigate change and transition with greater ease and flexibility.
6. Spirituality and Intuition:
- Blue crystals are often associated with spiritual awareness, intuition, and connection to the divine or higher realms.
- They can support individuals in accessing their innate spiritual gifts and heightening their intuitive abilities.
Blue Crystals and their meanings:
- Lapis Lazuli - This deep blue stone is associated with truth and wisdom, and can help with clarity and deeper understanding.
- Dumortierite (Blue Aventurine) - good luck, prosperity, entrepreneurs, calming, soothing, clarity in stressful situations, peace, intellect, mental skills, communication, memory, intuition, knowledge, lucid dreaming, meditation, mental enhancement, insight, psychic abilities, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
Aquamarine - calming, soothing, cleansing inspires truth, trust & letting go, healing,
creativity, motivation, vocalization, clear & heartfelt communication, clears emotional trauma, empowerment, mediation, guardian angel, awakening, - Blue Quartz - This calming stone is said to help with communication and creativity. It can also balance the throat chakra, which is responsible for communication, listening, and creative energy. Blue quartz is also said to be uplifting and can help with depression, restoring hope, happiness, and peace.
- Blue Sapphire - This luxurious deep blue stone symbolizes wisdom, virtue, and good fortune. It can bring insight, clarity, and spiritual truth, and align physical, mental, and spiritual planes
Other blue crystals and gemstones include: Amazonite, Angelite, Blue Apatite, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Blue Fluorite, Blue Jasper, Blue Kyanite, Larimar, Sodalite, Tanzanite, Blue Tiger Eye, Blue Topaz, and Turquoise.
- Blue Agate
- Blue Calcite
- Blue Cat Eye
Yellow Crystals
Yellow radiates a sunny and spiritual energy, casting a bright ray of sunshine on our aura. It inspires hope, ignites a passion for life, and fosters a sense of self-worth and confidence. Yellow crystals radiate the energy of joy, vitality, and optimism. They are excellent for organizing both your surroundings and your thoughts. Yellow crystals aid in enhancing personal power and increasing alertness and awareness. If you struggle with staying present or being mindful of yourself and your environment, yellow crystals may offer assistance.
Yellow stimulates imagination, sparks creativity, and awakens our inner spirit. It is associated with happiness, energy, and excitement. Yellow fights off feelings of listlessness and apathy, fostering a revitalizing and spirited outlook. It encourages a more extroverted and optimistic approach to life, boosting our motivation to accomplish tasks. Yellow crystals provide the courage to take risks and the clarity to discern which risks are worth taking.
Yellow crystals in Feng Shui attract the energies of:
- wealth, manifestation, success, prosperity, money magnet
- confidence, personal power, positive energy, luck
- enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination
- activity, creativity, vitality,
- hope, focus, logic, clarity, awareness,
- organization, decisiveness, persuasion,
- self-esteem, self-confidence, pleasure, happiness, joy
- willpower, personal responsibility, authority, intellect,
- rejuvenating, new beginnings,
In Feng Shui, Yellow Crystals are associated with the Life experience area of:
- Center - Overall Health, Balance & Core Center
- South - Fame & Reputation
- Northeast - Knowledge & Education, Wisdom & Spirituality
Yellow is connected to the Element of:
- Fire - Bright Yellow - The Fire element is the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, illumination, and activity. It is Yang in nature
- Earth - Dark and deeply muted yellow crystals may have more of an Earth Energy element.
In Feng Shui, Yellow crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Yellow crystals attract wealth and abundance, and is often placed in the money area of a home, which is the farthest left hand corner of your home or space (you can find this by facing inwards at your front door).
- Yellow Crystals such as Citrine are placed in wallets or cash registers at places of business to attract more wealth.
- Yellow crystals are powerful manifestation tools to help our intentions come to fruition.
- In Feng Shui, Yellow crystals are associated with the areas of personal power, resourcefulness, and grounding. They can be used to create a sense of stability, clarity, and abundance within a space.
Here's a closer look at how Yellow Crystals are used:
1. Grounding and Stability:
- Yellow crystals, such as Citrine and Yellow Jasper, are known for their grounding and stabilizing properties.
- They can help anchor and center individuals, promoting a sense of security and balance.
2. Clarity and Focus:
- The Earth element represented by Yellow crystals is linked to clarity, organization, and focus.
- These crystals can help sharpen the mind, improve concentration, and facilitate decision-making.
3. Abundance and Prosperity:
- Yellow crystals are often associated with abundance, wealth, and material prosperity.
- They can be used to create an environment that supports financial well-being and material growth.
4. Nourishment and Nurturing:
- The Earth element's qualities of nourishment and nurturing are embodied by Yellow crystals.
- They can help create a space that feels comforting, supportive, and nurturing.
5. Confidence and Self-Esteem:
- Yellow crystals are believed to boost self-confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of personal power.
- They can help individuals feel more secure and comfortable in their own abilities and worth.
- The Earth element's cyclical nature is represented by Yellow crystals, which can support individuals and spaces during times of change and transition.
- They can help facilitate the integration of new experiences and the adaptation to shifting circumstances.
Yellow Crystals and their meanings:
- Citrine - This stone is known as a stone of abundance, wealth, prosperity, success, called “The Merchant Stone”, personal power, manifestation, prosperity, abundance, happiness achievement, helps you to hold onto your wealth.
- Yellow Calcite: Associated with personal power and self-confidence, it helps with focusing your efforts to achieve a highly desirable goal, helps with emotional healing, Improves memory, Releases blockages, Encourages creative expression, Removes negativity, Deepens one's spiritual awareness.
- Lemon Quartz: improves health, vitality, strengthens the immune system, brings warmth, optimism, positive energy, deep emotions, passion , cleanse and purify energy fields
Yellow Sapphire: attracts wealth, luck, and prosperity, success, wisdom, intellect, increases mental peace and creative ideas, love and commitment, eliminates evil forces.
Additional yellow crystals include: Yellow Peridot, Scapolite, Amber, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Diamond, Yellow Rhodizite, Londonite, Yellow Spinel, Yellow Sphene, Cymophane, Yellow Garnet, Yellow Sphalerite, Yellow Danburite, Yellow Idocrase, Yellow Jade, Yellow Sunstone, Yellow Spodumene, Yellow Labradorite and Andesine, Yellow Orthoclase, Yellow Apatite, Yellow Agate, Yellow Fluorite, and Yellow Jasper.
- Yellow Topaz
- Yellow Tourmaline
- Yellow Opal,
- Beryl
- Yellow Zircon

Orange Crystals
Orange crystals are beneficial for providing emotional and intellectual upliftment, helping to dispel self-pity, low self-esteem, and reluctance to forgive. They are recognized for their connection with abstract thought and creative visualization. The bright and lively hue of Orange crystals channels the Sun's energy into your creative core, offering enduring stamina and strength to utilize throughout your day.
The Fire Element, represented by the color Orange, brings an energizing influence to our environment. It symbolizes renewal, rejuvenation, and the pursuit of new experiences. The vibrant energy of orange is said to produce "positive chi," making it an ideal choice for infusing any space with additional good vibes. Incorporating orange crystal energy can provide the necessary boost to kindle your inner "shining light" confidently.
Orange crystals attract the energies of :
- positive energy, emotional well-being,
- inspire creativity, passion, pleasure, joy,
- self-expression, uplifting, vitality, boldness,
- motivation, drive, ambition, enthusiasm
- combat procrastination, heightened awareness,
- visualization, focus, memory, concentration,
attracts positive energy, emotional well-being, inspire creativity, passion, pleasure, joy, and self-expression, uplifting, vitality, boldness, motivation, drive, ambition, combat procrastination, fertility, heightened awareness, enthusiasm, visualization, focus, memory, concentration
In Feng Shui, Orange Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- South - Fame & Reputation
Orange is connected to the Elements of:
- Fire - Fiery, red-toned oranges can represent the fire element's passion and warmth, and can be used in areas of your home associated with fame, reputation, or love.
- Earth - Yellow-toned oranges can represent the earth element's grounding and stability, and can be used in areas that need extra grounding, like the bedroom. Shades like terracotta or brick can also represent the earth element
In Feng Shui, Orange crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Orange represents enthusiasm, warmth, brightness, and activity. As a Yang element, it is associated with heat, emotion, and passion, often bringing forth new ideas and concepts
- Use its energy to give your life the boost it needs to enhance your standing in the community, work and within your family.
- Use Orange colored crystals to enhance any space that you use for high-energy activities to bring the sun's power into your life and home. Charge up a space with these crystals, spring into action with their energy.
- In Feng Shui, orange crystals can be used to infuse a space with creativity, optimism, and a sense of abundant, vibrant energy.
Here's a closer look at how Orange Crystals are used:
1. Creativity and Inspiration:
- Orange crystals, such as Citrine and Carnelian, are known for their ability to stimulate creativity, imagination, and inspiration.
- They can help individuals and spaces tap into a vibrant, expressive energy.
2. Optimism and Enthusiasm:
- The warm, radiant tones of Orange crystals are linked to a sense of optimism, joy, and enthusiasm.
- They can help uplift mood, foster a positive mindset, and encourage a zest for life.
3. Confidence and Self-Expression:
- Orange crystals are believed to boost confidence, self-esteem, and the ability to express oneself authentically.
- They can support individuals in feeling empowered, comfortable, and comfortable in their own skin.
4. Abundance and Prosperity:
- The Fire element associated with Orange crystals is often linked to wealth, abundance, and financial success.
- Incorporating these crystals can help create an environment that supports material prosperity and abundance.
5. Digestion and Metabolism:
- In Feng Shui, Orange crystals are sometimes associated with the digestive system and metabolic processes.
- They can be used to support overall physical vitality and well-being.
6. Warmth and Sociability:
- The vibrant, outgoing energy of Orange crystals can help foster a warm, inviting, and social atmosphere.
- They can be helpful in creating a space that encourages connection, interaction, and a sense of community.
Orange Crystals and their meanings:
- Carnelian - boost of energy, creativity, vitality, energy, combat fatigue, stress relief, decisiveness, willpower, bravery, courage. Carnelian is said to inspire action, motivation, and perseverance, making it a good stone for people who are serious about achieving their goals.
- Orange Garnet - also known as mandarin garnet, symbolizes creativity, passion, personal power, warmth, radiance, and the flow of positive energy, awakens imagination, enthusiasm, motivation.
- Goldstone - ”Stone of Ambition “, energy, courage, positive attitude, achieve goals, persistence, determination, protection during challenging situations, motivates, success, fuel ambitions, vigor, healing
- Orange Agate - “Emotional Healer”, transforms and eliminates negative energy, attracts positive energy, emotional well-being, inspire creativity, passion, pleasure, joy, self-expression, uplifting, vitality, boldness, motivation, drive, ambition, combat procrastination, fertility, heightened awareness, enthusiasm, visualization, focus, memory, concentration,
- Sunstone - “Stone of Good Fortune & Joy” attracts: enjoyment, inspiration, inner power, success, abundance, kundalini energy, optimism, courage, empowerment, abundant positivity, good luck, career opportunities, enhances confidence, leadership abilities & strength, helps those who have trouble saying no, promotes creativity, energy, joy and vitality, personal power, expanded consciousness, supports those who often feel negative or have self-doubts.
Additional orange crystals include: Aragonite, Orange Chalcedony, Orange tone Citrine, Orange and Peach Moonstone.
- Amber
- Orange Calcite
- Fire Opal
- Tangerine Quartz
- Orange Aventurine
Red Crystal
Red crystals symbolize heat, emotion, and passion, frequently inspiring new ideas and concepts. The color red denotes strength and vitality, capable of generating warmth and capturing attention.
Red crystals are often utilized when a situation calls for passion, involving active and energetic action. Red symbolizes empowerment, upliftment, and envelopment. It remedies apathy and motivates action. Red signifies action and determination. If you're experiencing powerlessness, lethargy, or a low emotional state, you might benefit from more red.
Red crystals are known to enhance self-confidence and courage. They serve as powerful aids for those seeking to conquer fears and insecurities, and to embark on bold new ventures in life. For action that requires no hesitation or self-doubt, a crystal with a bright red, fiery ray is recommended.
Red crystals attract the energies of :
- passion - active, involved, energetic action.
- uplifts, engulfs, cures apathy,
- drive. self-confidence, action without hesitation or self-doubt,
- boldness, confidence, bravery, courage,
- boost of energy, motivation, energizes, revitalizes,
- stimulate creativity, overcome procrastination,
- personal power, empowers, will, grounding, kundalini, vitality,
- endurance, strength, stability, stamina, security, safety
In Feng Shui, Red Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- South - Fame & Reputation
Red is connected to the Element of:
- Fire - The Fire Element brings Fire energy into our lives such as more happiness and warmth. It can also symbolize transformation, regeneration, and life.
In Feng Shui, Red crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Use Red crystals where or when you need more dynamic energy. You can hang a Red crystal to adjust the flow of energy in a space.
- Incorporate Red crystals into your space to boost your energy and productivity, or use them to enliven any area designated for high-energy activities.
- Place red crystals in the master bedroom to promote passion, sexuality, and intimacy.
- Dark entryways: Hang a crystal to attract and disperse positive energy into your home.
- Long hallways: Hang a crystal to disperse rushing energy.
- Place red crystals in a room or office located in the south area of your home. You may also use red in the south corner or wall in your living room or office.
- Place or hang a red crystal between a place you spend a lot of time at sitting or sleeping, if it is in direct alignment with a door. This will protect you from rushing energy and will disperse the energy that comes at you from the door.
Here's a closer look at how Red Crystals are used:
1. Vitality and Energy:
- Red crystals, such as Ruby, Garnet, and Red Jasper, are known for their ability to infuse a space with vibrant, active energy.
- They can help boost vitality, enthusiasm, and a sense of dynamic liveliness.
2. Passion and Creativity:
- The Fire element represented by Red crystals is linked to passion, creativity, and inspiration.
- Incorporating these crystals can help stimulate and nurture the creative spark within individuals and spaces.
3. Courage and Confidence:
- Red crystals are often used to cultivate a sense of courage, confidence, and assertiveness.
- They can help individuals overcome fears, take bold actions, and express themselves more freely.
4. Transformation and Growth:
- The transformative nature of the Fire element is embodied by Red crystals.
- They can support individuals and spaces in going through positive changes, evolution, and personal growth.
5. Power and Leadership:
- Red crystals are sometimes associated with power, authority, and leadership qualities.
- They can help individuals tap into their inner strength and influence.
6. Warmth and Abundance:
- The warmth and radiance of the Fire element are represented by Red crystals.
- They can create a sense of comfort, prosperity, and abundance within a space.
In Feng Shui, red crystals are often placed to infuse a space with vitality, passion, and a sense of dynamic energy.
Red Crystals and their meanings:
- Red Almandine Garnet - described as "living fire”, inspiration, vitality, charisma, passion, sexuality, stimulate desires, uplift attitude, courage, strength, physical love, devotion, relationships, psychic protection, Known to be lucky for love, success, and achieving goals
- Red Jasper - calm, reassuring, stamina, courage, motivation, vitality, passion, endurance, stimulates ‘chi’, kundalini, energy, stamina, focus, determination, passion, useful for restoring the libido, manifest creative ideas, vivid dream recall, self-confidence, speeds up our metabolism
- Ruby - aphrodisiac, love, sensuality, relationships, commitment, vitality, passion, zest for life, self-confidence, protection, wards off negativity, psychic attacks, safety, trust, endurance, banishes nightmares. Ruby signifies light to the darkness of one’s life. It encourages “following your bliss”.
- Red Calcite - increases energy, vitality, grounding, protects emotional boundaries, increase and amplify energy, spiritual cleanser, human relations, helps to receive love,
Additional Red crystals include: Red Beryl, Red Diamond, Red Agate, Red Andesine-Labradorite, Red Apatite, Red Fire Opal, Red Malaya Garnet, Red Pezzottaite, Red Pyrope Garnet, Red Rhodolite Garnet, Red Spessartite Garnet, Red Spinel, Red Star Garnet, Red Star Ruby, Red Sunstone, Red Topaz & Imperial Topaz, Red Tourmaline & Rubellite, and Red Zircon.
- Red Carnelian
- Cinnabar
- Red Coral
- Rhodonite
- Red Fire Quartz
- Red Bloodstone

Brown Crystals
Brown crystals are believed to ground and stabilize a space's energy, foster feelings of nourishment and plenty, and aid in pragmatic, well-founded decision-making. In Feng Shui, brown may symbolize the Earth or Wood element, varying with its hue.
Brown tones are grounding and are perfect for those seeking more stability and warmth. They are beneficial when one needs to come down from excitement, indecision, or restlessness. Employ them when it's time to settle, regroup, recharge, and revitalize, as they provide emotional balance, dependability, stability, safety, humility, and protection.
Brown emanates steady vibrations that can dispel negative thought patterns and assist in maintaining calmness during challenging situations. Brown Crystals are linked to the material aspects of existence and are utilized for managing grief, as well as enhancing endurance and stamina.
Brown crystals attract the energies of :
- nourishment and abundance
- protection, safety, stability, grounding, foundation,
- balance, anxiety and stress relief, fertility, growth,
- healing, humility, reliability, dependability,
- comforting, nurturing, calm
In Feng Shui, Brown Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- East - Family & Community, Health, New Beginnings & Ancestors
- South East - Purple-Wealth & Prosperity, Abundance, Luck & Blessings
- South West -Love, Relationships & Marriage
Brown is connected to the Elements of:
- Earth: Light brown, sandy, and warm browns are associated with the earth element, which can promote feelings of security, grounding, and self-care. These colors are often found in nature and can help you feel cozy and nurtured.
- Wood: Dark and rich browns are associated with the wood element.
In Feng Shui, Brown crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Below are a few tips:
- Holding a Brown crystal can help you feel grounded and promote emotional balance.
- Brown crystals like Tigers Eye, can bring security and stability to relationships, (place in family room) and leadership in business, (keep one on your desk).
- Place Smokey Quartz at the front door or in other areas of the home or office that need protection from negative energies.
- Put Smokey Quartz on an office desk or in shared spaces like the dining room or family room, to promote a sense of calm and grounded emotions. Smokey Quartz can help neutralize negative vibes and enhance feng shui energy. It resonates with the earth element and can provide a stabilizing energy.
- Place Smokey Quartz in the bathroom to absorb negative vibes released during showers
- Use light Brown crystals to enhance any space that is a resting place, where you need to be firmly in control, safe, and protected.
Here's a closer look at how Brown Crystals are used:
1. Grounding and Stability:
- Brown crystals, such as Smokey Quartz and Tiger's Eye, are known for their grounding and stabilizing effects.
- They help anchor and center individuals, promoting a sense of stability and security.
2. Nourishment and Abundance:
- The Earth element, represented by Brown crystals, is associated with nourishment, abundance, and prosperity.
- Incorporating these crystals can help create an environment that supports material and financial well-being.
3. Patience and Perseverance:
- Brown crystals are believed to cultivate qualities like patience, persistence, and the ability to see things through to completion.
- They can be helpful in situations that require endurance and resilience.
4. Practical Problem-Solving:
- The Earth element represented by brown crystals is linked to practical, grounded, and pragmatic approaches to problem-solving.
- These crystals can support decision-making and the implementation of concrete solutions.
5. Emotional Balancing:
- Brown crystals are often used to help soothe emotions, reduce stress, and promote a sense of inner peace and calm.
- They can be beneficial for individuals who tend to be overly anxious or agitated.
6. Connection to Nature:
- The earthy tones and natural qualities of brown crystals can help strengthen the connection to the natural world and the cycles of nature.
- This can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a deeper sense of rootedness and belonging.
Brown Crystals and their meanings:
- Bronzite - dispels negative energy, powerful magical protection, restores harmony deep within, happiness, luck, positivity, strength, grounding, a balanced Yin/Yang conduit
- Smokey Quartz- Often placed in the Center area of a space, which symbolizes heaven and the people who support us on Earth, smoky quartz is powerful protection from negativity. Called the “Stone of Power”, it enhances survival instincts, personal/business goals, manifest dreams/ideas into reality, absorbs, stores, amplifies, balances, focus, transmutes energy, centers, anchors, shields, protects, corrects, stabilizes, grounding, dissipating emotional and environmental negativity
Tigers Eye -
The Shapeshifter” attracts: protection, reflects negativity, strength, courage, self-confidence, personal power, enthusiasm, motivation, unblocking creative energy, ideas into action, wealth, prosperity, entrepreneur, manifesting, meditation, uplifting, fear, health, success, leadership, strong protection, determination, energy, abundance - Bronzite - Bronzite is known as the Stone of Courtesy. Many sources report it's energy to be calming, upright, friendly, outgoing, good-karma, a balanced Yin/Yang conduit. Bronzite is used mainly to ground us, it promotes clarity and certainty of thinking and actions. Bronzite jewelry has been worn to help alleviate nervous energy that is generated when we are placed in new situations. Those who use stones for metaphysical practices have been known to use bronzite for increasing self-esteem, promoting decision making, dispelling negativity and enhancing creativity.
- Elephant Skin Jasper (Calligraphy Stone) - is strongly connected to the Earth, promoting a profound ecological consciousness. Its calming properties bring about a sense of stability, balance, and alleviates sudden feelings of fear, anger, or panic. It aids in achieving deep meditation and also provides access to past lives for karmic healing.
Additional Brown crystals include: Chocolate Boulder Opal, Brown Jasper (many), Brown Agate, Brown Zircon, and Brown Tourmaline.
- Pietersite
- Hawk Eye
- Mahogany Obsidian
- Mookaite
- Rutilated Quartz
- Septarian
Black Crystals
Black emanates consistent vibrations and can dispel negative thought patterns, aiding in maintaining calmness during challenging circumstances. It is a perfect selection for individuals seeking greater stability and warmth in their lives. It serves as an outstanding resource when one needs to descend from a state of excitement, or when feeling aloof, indecisive, or restless, and requires settling down, regrouping, recharging, and revitalizing.
Black crystals are considered a reliable support for overcoming stagnant phases in life. They are known to boost stamina, foster honesty, and provide emotional energy and strength to their users. These stones are also thought to assist in averting natural disasters and accidents.
Black crystals are believed to instill the wisdom of confidence in one's own intuition. They provide grounding in chaotic situations and shield those with mediumistic or clairvoyant abilities. Excellent for dispelling doubt and alleviating anxiety and sorrow, they are also stones of protection and centering for both the body and inherent energy forces. Black crystals deflect negativity from others and offer calm strength in high-stress situations. They are also reputed to be effective talismans for seeking and maintaining employment.
Black Crystals are known to offer protection from bullying and undue anger from others, safeguarding against fear and intimidation. They provide a serene strength for setting boundaries and the necessary courage to walk away when needed.
Black crystals attract the energies of :
- protection and safety, absorbs and deflects negativity,
- shields, grounding, strength, courage,
- survival, security, alertness
- reflection, grief, trauma,
- harmony, detox,
- intuition, wisdom, knowledge,
In Feng Shui, Black Crystals are associated with the Life experience areas of:
- North - Career, Opportunity & Life Path
Black is connected to the Elements of:
- Water - Black is associated with the water element
In Feng Shui, Black crystals are utilized in various ways to enhance energy flow and balance within a space. Here are some helpful tips:
- Place black crystals in the corners of a room or in the north sector of a space, as these areas a with grounding and stabilizing energies.
- Avoid placing black crystals in the center of a room, as this can create an overly heavy or oppressive energy.
- Use black crystals sparingly, as they can have a strong, grounding effect. One or two pieces are usually sufficient, unless the space requires more intense purification or grounding.
- Different types of black crystals have slightly different properties, so consider your specific needs: Black tourmaline is excellent for protection and cleansing. Obsidian is great for releasing negative energy and promoting emotional balance. Onyx is helpful for stabilizing and centering the energy.
- One of the most grounding crystals, Black Tourmaline protects against all forms for negative energy, geopathic stress and EMFs. Place by computers, cell phones and by your bed while you sleep. It is an excellent crystal for protection and cleansing.
Here's a closer look at how Black Crystals are used:
1. Grounding and Stability:
- Black crystals, such as Obsidian and Black Tourmaline, are known for their grounding and stabilizing properties.
- Black crystals can help anchor and center individuals, promoting a sense of security and solidity.
2. Protection and Shielding:
- Black crystals are often used for their protective and shielding properties, helping to ward off negative energies and influences.
- They are believed to create a barrier against harmful or disruptive vibrations.
3. Releasing and Letting Go:
- Black crystals are associated with the ability to release, let go, and cleanse.
- These crystals can be used to help individuals and spaces release old patterns, emotions, or stuck energy.
4. Intuition and Psychic Abilities:
- Black crystals are sometimes linked to the development of intuition, psychic awareness, and inner wisdom, especially Obsidian.
- They can be helpful in enhancing one's connection to the subconscious and the unseen realm.
5. Transformation and Regeneration:
- The Water element's qualities of fluidity and change are represented by black crystals.
- They can support personal transformation, growth, and the metamorphosis of energy and circumstances.
6. Grounding and Connection to the Earth:
- The dark, earthy tones of black crystals can help deepen one's connection to the Earth and the natural world.
- This can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking a stronger sense of rootedness and belonging.
Black Crystals and their meanings:
- Black Obsidian - A protective stone, forming a shield against negativity. It has no boundaries or limitations, and works rapidly with great power. This shamanic stone can be brutal and direct, yet it carries the wonderful power of catharsis and deep soul healing. It reveals the reasons behind one’s imperfections and causes of dis-ease, and provides a clear picture of the changes needed to ameliorate them. It Impels us to grow and lend solid support while we do so. Eliminates energy blockages and relieves tension.
Shungite - is a powerful ancient healing stone known as "the stone of life". It is believed to be a miracle stone that can help in the treatment of physical health ailments, boost mental health & induce positive energy.
Shungite offers protection against negative people and bad luck, acting as a barrier against harmful energies. Its natural properties act as a shield, preventing negative vibes from affecting you. It can also help alleviate negative energies associated with illnesses and improve one's overall mood.
- Black Tourmaline - is often used to absorb and neutralize negative energies, making it an excellent choice for areas that feel stagnant or oppressive. It is highly useful in purifying and neutralizing one’s own negative thoughts and internal conflicts, and turning them into positive, usable energy.
- Apache Tears - Are believed to have a strong ability to lend support during times of sorrow. Read about the Legend here. Hold this stone whenever you feel the need for support. Place under your pillow while you sleep.
- Black Labradorite (Larvakite) - Larvikite, also known as Black Moonstone or Black Labradorite, displays a striking Blue flash similar to Rainbow Labradorite. This gemstone is known to create a protective barrier around the aura. Larvikite is a protective and grounding stone that repels negative energy. Anything that's harmful or no longer needed will be dispelled by this stone. It stimulates inner vision and helps us to see ourselves in the eyes of our Higher Self.
- Hypersthene - Hypersthene also has a velvety look combined with its holographic shimmer, leading to the nickname "Velvet Labradorite." Hypersthene possesses the ability to boost self-esteem and self-respect while overcoming shyness and reducing irritability. Experience a world of boundless opportunities with this powerful crystal. Hypersthene is an enchanting black crystal with a reputation as a stone of magic. Hypersthene has been associated with aiding clairvoyance and developing psychic abilities.
Additional Black crystals include: Black Agate, Jet, Magnetite, Hematite and Black Onyx.
- Arfvedsonite
- Nuummite
- Black Kyanite
- Black Jade
Remember that if something doesn’t feel quite right to you, move your crystals around. It’s your space and only you know how you want to feel. Every home, space and person are unique