Selenite: The Ultimate Guide to Its Meaning, Metaphysical Uses and Purposes
Posted by Cyndi Carlton-Henson on
(Selenite bracelet above, in just your size! Click on link here) Selenite (Satin Spar, Desert Rose) cleansing, purification, high vibration/frequency, meditation, spiritual work, ancient wisdom/knowledge spirit guides, angelic realm, higher mental power, telepathy, clears negativity, strength, spiritual enlightenment, self illumination, cosmic doorway, scrying, intelligence, contraction, healing, creativity, reconciliation Selenite is celebrated for the transparency and ethereal radiance its crystals provide. Like the moon, it reflects a pure beam of white light into any environment in which it rests and is believed to contain the liquid Light of Spirit inhabiting the place between light and matter. Selenite inspires a profound peace and carries...
Crystal Meaning by Color and Feng Shui Placement
Posted by Cyndi Carlton-Henson on
“Never mind what is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.” – Abraham Hicks The "Bagua" - Feng Shui Map Use the Color Bagua map below as a refrence guide; for Crystal placements, using Feng Shui principles. Ba means 8 and gua meaning ‘area’ or section. It is now recognized that there are nine (9) sections, including the central yin-yang area. (Learn about the Meaning of Feng Shui here) In Feng Shui,...
7 Chakra Energy Center - The Seven Chakras Explained - How to Keep them Balanced-
Posted by Cyndi Carlton-Henson on
C H A K R A E N E R G Y C E N T E R The human body is comprised of three intricate layers, including the physical, astral, and spiritual bodies, commonly known as the soul. Within the astral body lies a sophisticated network of energy centers known as The 7 Chakras. . Click Symbols below to go to each Chakra What Are Chakras? Thousands of years ago, the ancient "Rishis" (sages) in India identified a secondary, subtler nervous system coexisting with our physical nervous system according to the Upanishads, a subcategory of The Vedas. It...
The Power of Our Intentions And Why We Need Crystals
Posted by Cyndi Carlton-Henson on
Gemstone Meaning Guide by Color
Posted by Cyndi Carlton-Henson on
The Vibrational Power of Color Energy When choosing your Crystals & Gemstones, use this simple way to understand the underlying meanings of the different color spectrums, in case you are not already aware of it. Color; in a nutshell, is energy vibrating at certain speeds. Lower vibrations produce warmer colors like reds and oranges, while higher vibrations produce cooler colors like blues and indigo. At the highest vibration, the two ends of the color spectrum meet together and produce violet. Crystals & Gemstones produce the different colors we see according to the frequency of the vibrations they are emitting when...